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Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 HARMONIC EMOTION純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It was a pretty good price, but I was tempted to take them home😇 I'm so glad I bought it! It was so delicious 😋😋. ✍️Quotes Junmai Daiginjo Nakadori with Miyamanishiki polished up to 49% and Blended with 50% Junmai Daiginjo made from Yamadanishiki polished to 35%. Exquisite flavors united by 6 months of low-temperature aging. Kawanakajima Genmai HARMONIC EMOTION Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake Alcohol content: 16%. Rice used: Miyamanishiki, Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: Miyamanishiki 49% / Yamadanishiki 35
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 HARMONIC EMOTION純米大吟醸生酒中取り
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I was able to purchase a bottle of Junmai Daiginjo HARMONIC EMOTION from Kawanakajima Genmai, which is sold once a year, and opened the bottle after I shed tears last year when I had to pass it up. Last year, I saw it once and decided to buy it tomorrow because I didn't have enough space in my refrigerator, but the next day it was sold out. It is only released once a year, and after waiting for a long time, it was finally available again, so this time I decided to buy it immediately... The next week, the Shizukutori was also on sale, so I collected it to avoid any regrets, and opened a bottle of HARMONIC EMOTION first, because I wanted to compare the tastes! This one is a blend of Miyamanishiki (49%) and Yamadanishiki (35%) brewed in Junmai Daiginjo and laid down for half a year, I am looking forward to see how it tastes! The top aroma is a rich amai ginjo aroma like aged brown sugar, and the first sip has a refreshing sweetness and acidity, followed by a gradual umami and lingering aftertaste that has a big impact! When chilled, this characteristic is soft, but as the temperature rises, the taste becomes even more distinctive. It was an exquisite bottle! Rice polishing ratio: 49% (Miyamanishiki Nakadori) and 35% (Yamadanishiki) in a 50/50 assemblage Alcohol content: 16%.
Hi kumakichi 😃 I knew it's important to have a once in a lifetime encounter with sake 😌 I'm a little hesitant to spend 4,400 yen though 😆 but it's important not to regret it👍.
Hello Jay & Nobby! When I was a sake rookie, I didn't know what to expect and had a lot of frustrations, prices, fridge conditions, etc., but I want to cherish each and every encounter,...
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These days, I am so busy that I can no longer go to the liquor store on my lunch break. I found Sake Mirai when I visited there after a long time. I had passed it up at other stores, but I was so happy that I bought it immediately. I almost shouted, "Sharaku's Sake Mirai is not what I expected last year! I almost shouted, "It's not what I expected last year! The aroma is wonderful. Aromatic melon and banana aroma (isoamyl acetate, right?). No gassiness. The sweetness is mild and the acidity is a bit strong. I remember drinking a Jyushiyo Omachi last year that was like this. The finish is very sharp, and it finishes before any alcohol or bitterness is felt. I was impressed by the magical power of this sake, which I could not stop drinking. The fruity and dryness coexisted perfectly, and I thought it was a masterpiece.
Glorious Mt.Fuji酒未来純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It seems that today is Sake Love Day! It is the birthday of Wakayama Makisui, a poet who loved sake very much. Makisui is said to have drank a bottle of sake every day😅. I started to drink after thinking about it. Two cups of sake in summer by Makisui Shall I drink sake or not today? The song is about a summer evening when you start to drink and the sake bottle is empty for the first time and then the second. It is said that the song is about such a summer dusk. Now for today's main guest😊. Eiko Fuji's most popular sake, Mirai Jun Daigin Unfiltered Nama Sake❣️ The fruity and fruity taste, the rich sweetness, and the acidity...yummy! The rich sweetness is followed by acidity, yummy! I served it with simple edamame and cucumber 🥒. One, two, the night goes on and on 😊. Home Drinking 283
Harry Sakeboy, congrats on your decision. You opened a good one 😁. ...three or four cups... It's empty in no time 😆.
Good evening, Harry Sakeboy 🌙. I didn't know it was a love sake day! I didn't even know about Makisui's song 💦 I learned a lot 🙏 The season fits perfectly too 😊.
Good morning, Erin 😃 I try to stop around two cups at a time 😅 It's getting a bit cooler and the fall drinks are coming in bang on 😊.
Good morning, Pon 😃 I happened to find it myself 😅Makisui died of cirrhosis of the liver at the age of 43 and I want to be careful not to just drink too much 😊.
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My first flax cat today. I came across it by chance while walking around bla😅. They used high acidity shochu malted rice He said it's a sour dry sake. It is indeed a tasty sake with obvious tangy sourness It's a delicious sake with a clear tangy acidity 🍶. It is more like a white wine than a sake. Freshly picked Yamagata edamame, izakaya grilled chicken Shrimp and Pakuchi spring rolls, cucumber and tomatoes 🍅. house drinking 282
Good evening, Harry Sakeboy 😀 😀 Walking around, 👍, Ikebukuro West Exit, Masushin, I guess. I think the fridge at the back right side of the entrance is remarkable 👍. I see you got the flax cat👍.
Yes, when passing through Ikebukuro, I force myself to walk briskly and check the back right 😅 There's another oops❗️ 😊 I regret that Seibu is no longer available.
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As a reward for a week of hard work, we opened a bottle of Koshiro-Nishiki 100%, our most repeated rice wine. This is a limited edition sake from Tasake's Junmai Ginjo series that is sold every August. Kojonishiki is Aomori's rice suitable for sake brewing and is made by Nishida Sake Brewery. However, since I like this sake so much, I was able to get two bottles last year and the first this year! I love "Hanasoui" used in the "Hyakushoku" series of Tasake because of its elegant and mildly sweet flavor, but Kojonishiki is perfect for summer sake because of its elegant sweet flavor with a refreshing crispness! I've only had the chance to try it once this year, so if I see it again, I'm looking forward to drinking it! Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Kojo-nishiki used for the trial) Alcohol content: 16%.
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 金紋錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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After the last business day of July, which was quite hard, I rewarded myself with a bottle of my favorite Kawanakajima Genmai's Kinmon Nishiki. I have a connection with Kawanakajima Genmai and enjoy it regularly, but Kinmonniki is my personal favorite, and not to mention the unfiltered, unpasteurized sake is delicious! The top aroma is clean and reserved, but when you take a sip, it has an intense melon-like sweetness and a bitter astringency. The acidity that spreads with fullness is also pleasant and permeates the body. I wonder if they will come to Seibu Department Store in Ikebukuro after the remodeling of the sake department... It is hard to buy sake that I like... Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Kanamonishiki from Nagano Prefecture) Alcohol content: 16%.
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Kagawa's Kinryo, olive 🫒 yeast liquor, has been on my mind for a while 😊. The owner says it doesn't taste like olives. It has a good acidity, tastes like muscat and is delicious 🫒. What is olive 🫒, simple question 😅. Sake rice: 100% Kagawa Sanuki Yomai Polishing ratio 58 Alcohol content 15-16 degrees Today, we had edamame, vinegared raw seaweed and cucumber, sushi 🍣, grilled yellowtail kamaboko sushi, grilled yellowtail with fish paste grilled yellowtail and potatoes with salted fish. Drinking at home 266
Good evening Harry Sakeboy😄. I was really curious about this❣️. I wonder what olive 🫒 yeast tastes like 😆. But it doesn't taste olive 😅. Hey, olive 🎶🤣.
Good evening Harry Sakeboy 😃. I had this one a few months ago! It was hard to get a good impression of it, but I remember it tasted better with a meal 😊.
Good evening Harry Sakeboy 🌇🌇. I was curious about this one too❗️ but I can't find where to buy it 😅.
Good morning, T.KISO 😀 I'm curious about something, olive 🫒 yeast? Italian sake? I thought so, but it was a rather normal sake 😊 by Popeye
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😀 Yes, I chose it because I thought I could make a more impactful comment, but you have to try it once, 😅.
Haruei Chichi, it was the last one at the liquor store I entered, so I bought it without a second thought 😅 I was also attracted to Jinling Lemonade, but this time it was this one. It was quite hot, so I was dizzy 😵 I carried it home with me 😅.
Good morning 😃 I also have one olive 🫒 yeast liquor in stock, although it's a different brand 🤣. Even the liquor store says they think Olive 🫒 where is it? They say they think 😁.
Hello etorannzyu😃Yes, you don't have to use church yeast to get the same kind of sake, there is also sake with wine yeast🍷, it's a strange world 😀.
Hideyoshiスパークリング ラシャンテ純米発泡
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Sparkling Sake from Hideyoshi It is said to be popular. 100% Akita Komachi Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 8 This is a very light sparkling wine. It has a sweet taste and low alcohol content. It has a sweet taste and low alcohol content, so it is suitable for everyone. It's 330ml, so I guess it's a toast and that's it😅. Today, I'm having it with seafood pancake and prosciutto salad. and prosciutto salad I think it's great to drink at home❣️ 265
Harry Sakeboy, congrats on your decision! I remember this was delicious 😋. I even found a 4-pack of it in Akita the other day 😄
Good evening, Harry Sakeboy 🌇🌇. This is a favorite of my wife's ❗️. She seems to use it as a benchmark for sparkling sake. It's too light for me and I finish it in no time 😁.
Erin, good evening... It's delicious, but it's 8 degrees so you can gobble it up, I didn't find a #4 bottle for sale, but I'm sure it will be soon 😊, these cranes are very noticeable 😀.
Mr. Chichi, if your wife likes it, please find her a bottle 4. Well, it may not be enough for Mr. Chichi😅.
Nito備前雄町四十八 生純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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Two rabbits I've been wanting to drink but kept putting it off. I finally got around to drinking ♫ Nitousagi Junmai Daiginjo Bizen Omachi 48 Nama Alcohol content: 16%. Rice: Bizen Omachi Rice polishing ratio: 48
Nito雄町五十五 うすにごりスパークリング生純米吟醸生酒にごり酒発泡
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I think I bought this bottle probably in April or so. I left it in the fridge at work for a long time. It has a strange aroma when you take a sip. It smells sour, more like amazake than rice. Is it because too much time has passed? The gasiness is quite strong. The strong sweetness is followed by an even stronger sourness. I wonder if the fermentation process has been accelerated. The sourness continues in the second half. It has a strong yogurt taste. It may not be the original taste, but it is somewhat similar to doburoku. This is one thing, but I regretted not consuming it sooner.
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Miyamanishiki from Kawanakajima Genmai, which I saw on my usual stroll around the liquor store. I always buy it immediately because I enjoy the taste. The first glass is served cold. The first sip has a strong sweetness that tickles the nose, but the first sip is very mild, with just the right amount of sweetness and acidity. After swallowing it, the taste is cut off moderately. The second sip was served at room temperature, and the sweetness and the lingering aftertaste after drinking were both pleasant enough to enjoy. Rice polishing ratio: 49% (100% Miyamanishiki) Alcohol content: 16%.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 星海純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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2022 is quickly turning around. To reward yourself for surviving the harsh month of June and the first six months of the year, you can enjoy OCEAN99's HOSHIKAI from KANGIKU MEIJYO! It is made from 100% Hokkaido comets, so it is refreshing for your body during the unusually hot summer.... It is a bottle with a gorgeous sweet flavor and pleasant acidity that is beyond your imagination from the refreshing top aroma, and a gentle shuffle that tickles the tip of your tongue, but at the same time, it is a bottle that is refreshing and clean. It was the perfect summer sake for me, a lover of sweet and umami! Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Hokkaido comet) Alcohol content: 14%.
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One of my favorite series of bottles opened by a friend during a visit I like fruity tasting sake, but I wanted to have a crisp one in between, so I opened a bottle of Kuroryu Summer Sake. I had an image of a refreshing sake, but the top aroma was more fruity than I expected. Apple? When I drank it while imagining berries, it had an even more gorgeous fruity flavor. The taste is more mellow than sweet, and the flavor spreads gradually and finishes crisply. It was a very elegant, yet deep bottle. Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Fukui Prefecture) Alcohol content: 17%.
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 雄町純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Here's another one of my favorites, opened by a friend on Sunday during a visit. Nagano's got an abundance of sake that I find delicious, if the water is any match! Among them, Kawanakajima Genmai is one of my Top 3 favorite Nagano sake! This time we will have an unfiltered raw Omachi sake! The aroma and taste are sweet and umami, as if you put thick honey in your mouth, but at the same time, the taste is clean and crisp. It was a bottle that was very drinkable and yet had a gorgeous aroma. Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Omachi) Alcohol content: 16%.
Denshu純米酒70 華想い純米
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Repeat purchase of Tasake's new spec Junmai 70 Hwaso I like many flavors of Hanasou, such as the cherry blossom label, the autumn leaves label, and the zodiac sign label, but to be able to taste Junmai for less than 1,400 yen was an outstanding cost performance! The taste is slightly green apple type? The taste was a little bit green apple-like, and then gradually spreading sweetness and umami, which I liked! Alcohol content: 16%. Rice polishing ratio: 70% (100% Hanasoui rice is used)
Kumakichi Good morning ^ ^ I got this sake yesterday👍 I am looking forward to drinking it😊.
Good morning, Manta! I see you GET it yesterday! I tried it as soon as I got it and liked it so much I had to buy a repeat! Can't wait to open the bottle!
Good morning, kumakichi😊I have not seen this before. It's cosy and I'll look for it❗️
Good morning Harry sakeboy. I bought a bottle of Hana-moi Junmai when I saw it for the first time myself. Please get it!
TRUE RED − 紅菊の愛情 −純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Here it is! Our favorite Kangiku brewery brews a very limited series of unfiltered unpasteurized sake only once a year! Buy two bottles of TRUE White and TRUE RED and compare them! The basic specs are the same, with the same rice polishing ratio and 100% Omachi, but the RED is ogurimi, while the WHITE has no ogurimi. RED tasted similar to WHITE before mixing the ori, but the gasiness was stronger in RED. After mixing with ori, it quickly changed from a gorgeous sweet flavor to one in which you can enjoy the delicious taste of rice. We enjoyed the complex change in flavor. It was a delicious, too delicious bottle. Alcohol content: 15%. Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Omachi)
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I was making the rounds of my favorite liquor store and found Keiraku's Bizen Yumachi, so I immediately decided to take it home! Whenever I find a sake that I know is good, I'm always conflicted about whether to get a Yongo bottle or a Ichimasu bottle... My home refrigerator can only hold one or two bottles of sake, so this time I decided to stick with the shugou bottle....... When I opened the bottle, I regretted that I should have chosen a 1.5 liter bottle. Even before drinking, the fresh and lush aroma of the top shelf, and the fruit aroma with the fullness typical of Omachi. The mild, yet pleasantly sharp sweet flavor is unstoppable, unstoppable! It was one of those bottles that I almost ran out of the four-pack when I noticed it! Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 16%.
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Usual tour of favorite liquor stores I saw a bottle of Tasake Tokusyu, which I hadn't had in a long time, and I wanted to drink it, so I bought it! You can never have too much Tasake, so I bought some right away... A delicious bottle that soaks into your tired body after GW! The top aroma is fresh and fruity with a hint of muscat, and as you take a sip, the sweetness of the rice gently spreads and finishes off. The stable deliciousness was soothing! Alcohol content: 15.5%. Rice polishing ratio: 55
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GW opened an extra bottle of Mansaku no Hana Junmai Tamago-zake But don't be fooled, it's Mansaku-no-Hana! This one is not as a sake, but as a first-class adult sweet treat, highly recommended for those with a sweet tooth! A smooth and rich sweet liqueur that is like drinking custard cream! I've never been a fan of Kahlua or sweet liqueurs because they leave an aftertaste, but this one has a refreshing taste! But this one has a refreshing taste, and yet it has a solid 10% alcohol content, so it is a bottle that can be moderately intoxicating. Alcohol content: 10%. Ingredients: pure rice wine, liquid egg, granulated sugar