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This year, too, the season of doburoku has come! Twelve Roku Sweet and Sour Awaraku This is a doburoku that is sold only from October to March every year, and is one that we always repeat! It is a doburoku that retains its sludgy taste and the shape of the rice when poured into a glass. When you take a sip, the "amasan awaraku" (sweet, sour, and sweet sake) is a real treat! The rich sweetness of the rice, the bubbling sensation that pops when you crush the rice grains with your tongue, and the refreshing acidity are exquisite! I have had many doburoku, but it is hard to find a flavor I like better than this one, I'm looking forward to seeing how many times I can repeat this year! Rice polishing ratio: undisclosed Alcohol content: 5%.
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I couldn't forget the delicious Nanaken sparkling wine I had on a previous trip to Yamanashi. I bought a half-bottle on repeat! With an alcohol content of 11%, it was a bottle with a light, refreshing sweetness and sharpness. Rice polishing ratio: undisclosed Alcohol content: 11%.
Kawanakajima Genbu金紋錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The hard work that began in September has continued unabated, and exhaustion has set in, I wanted a little healing, so I opened a bottle of this one when I got off work early. Kawanakajima Genmai Kinmonishiki Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Kawanakajima Genmai is one of my top 3 favorite sake in Nagano Prefecture, but it is getting harder and harder to buy, It's a delicious sake, but I'm thankful that I can drink it even a little bit! Kinmon-nishiki is Nagano Prefecture's rice suitable for sake brewing, and I love the balance between fruity and crisp, with a bitter aftertaste! Kawanakajima Genmai was also an exceptionally tasty sake! Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16%.
Good morning, Kumakichi 😃. Thank you for your daily hard work 😌Please have a good drink 🍶 and rest well at least on the days you can go home early: ☺️ I hope your workload settles down soon.
Hi Jay & Nobby! Every year this time of the year is very hard work, but I can relax by drinking sake in the gaps......., I'd like to have a good drink when things are settled down!
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 橙海純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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It is the autumnal equinox, and the weather in Tokyo is finally autumn-like, While the summer sakes and hiyaoroshi (sake with a rich flavor) are being released, we opened a bottle of Kangiku's Kangiku from our stock! OCEAN99 Toukai Unfiltered, Once-filtered, Unmixed Junmai Ginjo This is a limited edition autumnal sake from Kangiku, but this one is a fire-irrigated junmai ginjo spec! We have always loved the sweet flavor and freshness of Shangiku's raw sake, but what about the fire-aged version? What? It was delicious, but the usual freshness was gone, and the aftertaste was more bitter. However, I enjoyed it a little bit! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% sake brewing rice) Alcohol content: 15%.
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We managed to get through the extremely hot August and wanted to open a bottle of sweet sake for the big day! KURORYU KIJOZAKE This is a very popular light and dry sake from Kuroryu. Most kijoshu is thick and sweet, too sweet for my liking, but the kijoshu from Kuroryu and Shinmasa are delicious! From the aroma, it has a sweetness like grapes or flower honey, but once you take a sip, the elegant sweetness like wasanbon, elegant acidity and umami were delicious! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Fukui Prefecture) Alcohol content: 12%.
Hatomasamune純米吟醸 Shiroi-Hato うすにごり生酒
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We are working to protect 🕊 in Tokyo. I would be offended if I said it was expensive for 🕊san, but was it expensive because it is made from Hyogo Yamada-Nishiki polished to 50%? I wonder if Hanafuki is not good enough? Well, the top aroma is gentle but sweet with a sourness like yogurt. In the mouth, it has an elegant sweetness, but the slight sourness and bitterness make it finish cleanly. It is quite dry. I read on the bottle to be careful not to blow it out, but I guess it settles down after 3 months of production? (Tsumaranai) I bought it at Masushin Shohten in Ikebukuro at the end of June, and they had about a dozen in stock at that time, and according to their website, they still have some in stock 🕊.
DenshuMicro Bubble生生酒発泡
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The rainy season has begun in Tokyo, and every day is close to a heat wave, It makes me want to drink a refreshing beer, and at such times, I open a bottle of this beer that I can drink every year at this time of the year! Tasake Micro Bubble Nama Micro Bubble is a mellow sake, but its effervescence makes it as light and refreshing as cider! It has a familiarity with the land of its origin, but its high alcohol content makes it a very drinkable sake, so be careful not to drink too much! If you let it sit in the glass for a while, the carbonation weakens and it becomes sweet and tasty like rice wine, but it was still best to enjoy the shwash! Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15%.
Yukinobijin技巧001 一穂積純米吟醸
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We opened the second bottle of the test brew of "Yuki no Bijin" in the hope that drinking more Akita sake will help support the victims of the disaster. Yuki no Bijin Junmai Ginjo Gikkou 001 Ichihozumi The first sip has a fine, fizzy, blended bubbles and a light, refreshing feel. The sweetness of the rice can be enjoyed gradually. Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Ichihozumi rice used) Alcohol content: 15%.
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We will have sake from Akita to make even a small contribution to support the victims of the torrential rains in Akita Prefecture. Yuki no Bijin Junmai Daiginjo PB Gin no Sei This is a private brand sold exclusively at some distributors in the Kanto area, and is a Junmai Daiginjo made by polishing Gin no Sei up to 50%! The aroma on the nose is gorgeous, like green apples, and when you sip it, you will be addicted to the fresh sweetness and delicious taste. Be careful not to drink too much! I love this sake brewery, so if it helps the recovery, I want to support it by drinking it! Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Akita Gin no Sei) Alcohol content: 15%.
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Comparison of spring and summer bottles of Kuroryu that had been sitting in the back of the fridge. The Spring Shibori is a ginjo-shu and the Summer Shibori is a junmai-ginjo-shu, which is different, but both are brewed from the same Gohyakumangoku grape and have a refreshingly light taste. Kuroryu Summer Shibori Junmai Ginjo-shu A dry type with a slight fruity aroma and an impressive sharpness after each sip! It was a summer sake that went well with food, and could also be enjoyed chilled and without a tsumami! But be careful not to drink too much as it has a high alcohol content! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Fukui Prefecture) Alcohol content: 17%.
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Comparison of spring and summer bottles of Kuroryu, which had been sleeping in the back of the fridge. The Spring Shibori is a ginjo-shu and the Summer Shibori is a junmai ginjo-shu, which is different, but both are brewed from the same Gohyakumangoku grape and have a refreshingly light taste. Kuroryu Spring Shibori Ginjo-shu A well-balanced sake with a fresh mouthfeel and a gradually spreading umami flavor and a nice sharpness! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Gohyakumangoku produced in Fukui Prefecture) Alcohol content: 18%.
Maruhi百田 別誂純米大吟醸山廃
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To get through this week's hard work, I wanted to drink a bottle of dark sweetness, so I opened this bottle. Yamahai Junmai Daiginjo Marutobi Limited Edition I love the Marubi series by Hirasen in Akita Prefecture because of its rich sweetness, but I had never had this label before! The normal Marubi is polished up to 60%, but the Betsuatsui is a Junmai Daiginjo class made from "Hyakuda", Akita Prefecture's preferred rice for sake brewing, polished up to 50%! The other day, I received a bottle of Momota and it was so delicious that I wanted to drink it, so my expectations were even higher! The first sip was elegant yet juicy honey apple juice! Not only is it sweet, but it also has a refreshing acidity that makes it easy to drink! It is delicious! Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Momota rice is used) Alcohol content: 15%.
Tsuchidaシン・ツチダ 活性にごり生生酒にごり酒発泡
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Ever since it was featured in dancyu, my meek heart has been itching to try it, and when the active nigori was released, I didn't hesitate to get it. I had the impression that Tsuchida was synonymous with strong and peculiar sake, but this nigori is an extraordinary sake. In a good way, of course. Just by putting your nose close to it, you can smell the fresh lemon-like aroma. When you drink it, you get citrus and muscat aroma, and then you get the aroma of yogurt itself. The gasiness is strong, but not so much that it is sparkling! It has a strong gassy feeling, but not so much that it is sparkling. It has a strong sweetness and acidity, but for some reason, it feels very just right, maybe because I'm having curry and rice as a snack. After the acidity, sweetness is added, and it really ends up like a lactobacillus drink. The acidity, lactic acidity, and gaseousness are all in three flavors, and there's nothing more to say about it for my taste. It ranks in the top 3 of this season!
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 雄町純米吟醸
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Last week was another busy week at work, and I was feeling a bit lazy. As a reward to myself, I finally came across Kawanakajima Genmai for the first time this year! Kawanakajima Genmai Junmai Ginjo Omachi Unfiltered Nama Sake I used to be able to buy Kawanakajima Genmai at the sake shop in the basement of Seibu Ikebukuro, but it has been difficult to find it since the shop was replaced by a new one, The other day, I saw Aizan on sale at my favorite liquor store, and after persisting, I finally found Yumachi this year! The first aroma was gorgeous and fruity, and the pineapple aroma and sweet flavor spread quickly after the first sip, with a refreshing acidity and a firm aftertaste. We were very happy to be able to get a bottle of Kawanakajima Aizan, which we had given up on this week because we couldn't buy it. We are looking forward to opening the bottle! Rice polishing ratio: 55% (100% Omachi) Alcohol content: 16%.
Denshu四割五分 百田純米大吟醸
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Today, we opened a bottle of one-cup Junmai Daiginjo "Tasake Shiwari Gobu Hyakuda" released by our favorite Tasake! When I first saw this one-cup bottle at the store, I did not recognize it as Tazake at all! However, the cool-looking can caught my attention, and after reading the description carefully, I realized it was Tasake! The price of 935 yen for a single brew was a little over my budget, but I bought a can to try it out and it tasted great! I was a bit over my budget, but I bought a can to try it out and it was so good! It had to be delicious. The aroma was sweet like melon, and when I took a sip, I could enjoy the gentle sweetness of the rice, the firm acidity, and the lingering aftertaste of the 16% alcohol content. I drink 2 gou of sake every night, but one gou was enough for me to enjoy this one! Rice polishing ratio: 45% (100% Momota rice used) Alcohol content: 16%.
Glorious Mt.Fuji森のくまさん 熊太郎純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Kumamoto Castle Eiko Fuji Mori no Kuma-san Kumataro Kumataro Looking back 7 years ago, the year after my trip to Kumamoto, Kumamoto Castle was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami, I have been drinking this bottle every year in the hope that the castle will be restored as soon as possible. This is a Junmai Daiginjo brewed with "Morinokuma-san" rice, which is a food rice, and it has a sweet and delicious taste that is typical of Eiko-Fuji. It has a fresh sweetness like green apples and a strong acidity, and you can enjoy the lingering aftertaste. Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Morinokuma-san from Kumamoto Prefecture) Alcohol content: 16.3
Ine to Agave稲とブドウ 01おりがらみ
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The previous apples were so good that I bought some grapes as well. The aroma is not unduly grapey, but it is a gentle, faintly fragrant grape. I was surprised that it had the same flavor as when I drank white wine. There is a bit of a gassy feeling. The sweetness is moderate. The acidity is strong. It is quite sharp and strong acidity. The acidity is combined with astringency and umami, and the astringency and umami persist until the aftertaste. As was the case with the apple, this unique astringency is wonderful. The rice and agave saké is not too low in alcohol content, but still retains its umami, bitterness, and astringency, making it a very satisfying saké. I like these craft saké as well.
Silver Lining 2023純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Kangiku has come up with a special sake again this year! Kangiku Silver Lining 2023 The successor to "Beyond C" which was so delicious last year that it was gone in an instant! What is amazing is that the Junmai Daiginjo made from 29% So-no-Mai is now on sale for just over 2,000 yen, a very high spec bottle! The sound of the bottle opening immediately after opening, a sip of the bottle, and the sweet and delicious flavor of thick, creamy apple and pineapple, followed by a pleasant sharpness. This is a bottle that is too delicious! Rice polishing ratio: 29% (100% So-no-Mai is used) Alcohol content: 15%.
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A comparison of Junmai Daiginjos from Tasake as a reward for cheering yourself up after a busy and exhausting day. The second bottle Tasake Junmai Daiginjo Koshiro Nishiki This is a Junmai Daiginjo brewed with "Koshiro Nishiki" that got me hooked on Tasake. Koshiro-Nishiki is Aomori Prefecture's rice suitable for sake production, bred by Nishida Shuzo, the brewer of Tasake. This one is different from Akita Sake Komachi, with a rich sweet flavor that is enchanting! The top aroma is mild and quite subdued, but once you take a sip, it is characterized by a refreshing sweetness, extended umami, and a beautiful acidity. The bitter aftertaste that lingers at the back of the tongue is not persistent, and the taste is pleasant and comfortable. Rice polishing ratio: 45% (100% Kojo-nishiki) Alcohol content: 16%.
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A comparison of Junmai Daiginjos from Tasake as a reward for cheering yourself up after a busy and exhausting day. The first bottle Tasake Junmai Daiginjo Akita Sake Komachi There is no reason why this one can't be delicious, it's the best combination! Brewed with 40% polished Akita Sake Komachi rice, which is suitable for sake production in Akita Prefecture, it has the perfect balance of sweetness, umami, and acidity! With a refined ginjo aroma and a 16% alcohol content, it is a bottle that no one could possibly dislike. Rice polishing ratio: 40% (Akita Sake Komachi) Alcohol content: 16%.