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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥

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Emishiki620 INTENCE生酒
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
It is a combination of mutant 620 yeast of No.6 yeast from Laughing Season and Shiga Watershed No.2. The aroma and taste are sweet like grape but Kyoho. It is very easy to drink.
Tamagawa手つけず原酒 祝純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
Tamagawa's Untouched Original Sake is released every year from around April. As the label says, it has an amazing freshness and freshness. It is lighter than the regular Tamagawa and very good. I've been looking for it every year, but it's hard to find, either because there aren't enough bottles or it's too popular. This year, this celebration is the only...
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
It's like a vacuum-packaged liquor in an unusual package. Not much of an aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it has an amazing clarity and a gentle fresh sweetness. It is a white wine. I think it's a white wine. Rice wine. The taste of the rice is strong. When the temperature rises, the sweetness and the allure of the wine come out, so it is like muscat juice on the rocks. It is a winner when it is chilled. 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
Four more prefectures in Kore. I was looking for Hokkaido because I decided to make it here. When I was thinking that I would have to make a pilgrimage to the holy land to buy it, I went to a liquor store that I hadn't been to in a while for business and they were featuring it. I was lucky and bought it immediately. The first day of opening the bottle. It was hard.... It was watery. I was a little disappointed. It's not undrinkable, but I thought it might take me a while to finish 4 pots, but it was the second day. The taste opened up. It is not flashy, and the impression that it can be drunk easily has not changed, but the balance of the sweetness and acidity with a little fruitiness and the flavor of the rice is good. I drank it smoothly without getting tired and before I knew it, I had about half a cup left. I got the impression that it is suitable for drinking during meals. After opening the bottle, my impression of this delicious sake changed completely. I would love to drink it with seafood from the north of Japan in Hokkaido next.
Senkin仙禽一聲 純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
I bought it because it was a senkou I'd never seen before and it was 2019by 😂. When I drank it fearlessly, the entrance was clear, and the sour bitterness from the sweetness followed later with a buzz and stayed with me forever. I'm not sure what to think. I think it's matured. I can't feel the freshness of Senkou. I thought it might be a bit stubborn, but it becomes addictive as the cup progresses.
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
I saw him again. After I finished my last bottle, I went to buy a Classic Male Town and he was staring at me on the shelf. I had to buy it. Muscat, apple. Refreshingly sweet and gently acidic. The edge of drinkability. A variety of flavors wrapped in a circle. I didn't think I'd drink it twice in one season, but I'm glad I bought it. I hope to see you again next year.
Senkinクラシック 雄町生酛原酒無濾過
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
I was supposed to go home and hold a sake festival with my dad this weekend, but I got tonsillitis for the third time this year in the middle of last week, so I had to go home. I'm also going to have a drink with an old friend that I had planned to have next week. The summer vacation I had left in October was also used up reluctantly and I'm not happy about it. Here's what I had to do on the weekend when I was forced to abstain from alcohol on Friday and Saturday. Senko. This is my first classic. It was my first classic. When you open the bottle, the aroma of white grapes. The attack of Omachi. On the palate, the aroma and sweetness is a little bit creamy and sweet. The lactic acidity that is typical of the sake brewing business is standard. The acidity is like a bird of prey, but it's not overpowering. The gasiness is moderate. The taste is modest with little ups and downs, but it's not. The creamy taste has a complex, three-dimensional taste. Fruitiness like white grapes in the Yahari. It is delicious. As expected of a poultry. It's definitely delicious. But there's so much I want to tell you because I love it, it's hard to express.
Tamagawa自然仕込 雑酒 白ラベル山廃原酒生酒無濾過
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
玉川の蔵つき酵母の力強さを物語るお酒。日本酒の作り方でアルコール22度になり酒税法的には雑酒の扱いになってしまうという。味的には普段の玉川の旨味全開によりアルコール感が加わる。旨味、酸味、アルコール感が全力でタックルしてくる感じ。 色合いもかなり黄色がかっている。 好き嫌いがあるというよりかは耐えられるかどうかの世界。 飲み疲れるがこのくらいのがっつりさもいい感じ。
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
この時期だけの生のにごり酒。この時期って言っても1ヶ月前ですが… 生酒らしいフレッシュ感とシュワシュワ感。にごり酒のまろやかさのバランスが良い。
Tamagawa手つけず原酒 純米吟醸 五百万石純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
雄町に続き五百万石も。 雄町と比べると甘味と酸味はかわらないものの旨味があっさりしている。 玉川にしては少し軽い印象。 こちらも熟成しています。
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
毎年できるお酒が違うことから開けてみてのドキドキ感で名づけられた福袋。 普段の玉川と比べるとだいぶ酸味が強めか。普段は旨味ががっしりの後ろに酸があるが、これは酸と旨味が逆な印象。 様々な味がつくられる玉川。また来年の福袋も楽しみ。
KidShibata's 純米大吟醸 be fresh純米大吟醸
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
香りからフレッシュさを感じる。 生原酒ならではのふくよかな甘味と旨味を第一印象に感じる。キレ、フレッシュさもありバランスがとれている。さすが紀土という印象。
Kid純米大吟醸 山田錦精米歩合四十純米大吟醸
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お酒のアトリエ 吉祥
紀土の純米大吟醸、わずかに発泡を感じる。新年乾杯用に。 しっかりと精米してあることから雑味がない。 しっきりとしたお米の甘味、旨味を感じつつも発泡の苦み、華やかさを感じる。 4合2000円でこの味わい紀土のコスパはさすが。