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祖父は高知生まれの漁師。 そりゃ遺伝で酒は強いわな。 なんでも呑みます。弱点はコレが好きって拘りないところ。 京都の松井酒造さんの近所で生まれ、九平次→開運→日本泉と。 転勤と一緒に地酒を楽しんできました。 一番の思い入れある酒は、父と弟と初めて酌み交わした浜千鳥。 お酒の裏側にあるエピソードが一番の肴です。 宜しくお願いします☺︎

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Lucky enough to purchase the bottle, Imi opened it on their anniversary. The entrée was a bouquet of flowers presented to his wife. Fresh flowers smell good. The smell of fresh flowers, and this one has a sweet, gorgeous aroma as well. Fruity sweetness and flavor. For a moment, I wondered if it was too sweet, which is not my favorite type of wine, but the aftertaste disappears quickly leaving a lingering aftertaste. Even when the temperature rises, the sweetness does not sag and the wine is easy to drink. Delicious! I drank it while watching flowers for the first time. Except for cherry blossom viewing. I highly recommend it 💐. #Ibi no Homare # Polishing rice 50%. # Alcohol 16 degrees
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This is my first visit to Hanazumi Brewery. I was curious about this sake brewery that cherishes its hometown and region. We chose this one, which is brewed to be entered in a competition, even though we were not sure between it and Ichiguchiman. That's what I'm talking about! The aroma is gorgeous, the mouthfeel is refreshing, and the flavor spreads gently. The sweetness gradually follows. It was even more elegant among Junmai Daiginjos. Usual conversation, Ichiguchiman was named after the kanji for the first number ☺. It said it could be heated, so I tried a little. I definitely recommend it cold. ♯ Koji rice: 35% Gohyakumangoku (produced in Minamiaizu, Kai district) # Kake rice: 35% Gohyakumangoku (produced in Minamiaizu, Kai district) # Yondan rice / Himenomochi 35% (produced in Tadami-cho) # Utsukushima dream yeast # Famous water Takashimizu, Jizosawa water source #Alcohol 16%.
Hanaabi瓶囲無濾過生原酒 山田錦純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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First time to go to Hanyo. I was thrilled to be in a meek mood for the first time in a long time. When I put it in the glass, it smells sweet. Taste it immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator at 5°C. Smells fruity, sweet and gorgeous. This is a flavor that will be popular. Just...personally, it has a strong sweetness. As the temperature rises, the sweetness becomes all the stronger. I couldn't drink it in a big gulp. #Yamada Nishiki # Polishing rice 40 #Alcohol 16 degrees
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My first time at 寫樂. Delicious! I think it's the 1.2 of the year. Even at 10 degrees Celsius, the umami spreads in the mouth. Yet, the aftertaste is clean and not dry. You can drink it as much as you want. The higher the temperature, the more umami. The sweetness doesn't interfere with the taste, but stays close to it. When the temperature exceeds 15 degrees Celsius, it gives a different flavor including the aftertaste. My favorite temperature is around 10℃. This sake would go well with anything. It would be great if I could buy it anytime. #100% Yamadanishiki # 50% polished rice #Alcohol 16°C
Taka純米大吟醸 赤穂雄町純米大吟醸
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After encountering Yamaguchi's sake at Amami, I was attracted to this one as well and bought it on nomination. As an Omachi lover, I opened the bottle with great anticipation. The sweetness is restrained, but the umami is superb. The umami is more fully appreciated than the roughness of Yumachi. I would have liked to compare it with other rice varieties. I finished it right away. Think Globally, Act Locally. ♯100% Omachi from Akaban City # Polishing rice 50%. # Alcohol 16
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Nippon Izumi, which I often pick up. This time it was nigori sake. The mouthfeel is clean, and the 17-18% alcohol content is not noticeable. The fresh sweetness quickly disappears. The sake is nigorizake, which is made by scooping a little bit of junmai ginjo mash directly from the tank with a ladle and carefully straining it through a colander, sparing no time or effort. I also try it on the rocks. This one is much easier. It took me less than two hours to finish it. #Polishing 60 #Alcohol 17-18 # brewing water is Nagara River subsoil water from our own well
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Yamamoto Pure Black, which I have often seen and have been curious about. The aroma is not strong, but it is fruity. The taste in the mouth is umami and sweetness. The acidity is not so strong. When swallowed, it is sharp and clean. It leaves a lingering aftertaste without losing its aftertaste. This is delicious! We had a great time chatting over sake. If Yamamoto-san from all over the country buys it, it will be a sellout. The website also makes me laugh. It was a good bottle. #Akita Sake Komachi Akita Prefecture # 50% koji rice, 55% kake rice #Alcohol 15 degrees
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Purchased at Okage Yokocho when I visited Ise Jingu Shrine. The refrigerator at the inn was strong, and we had to drink it kinkily cold. Gorgeous aroma. Strong fruity sweetness, but the aftertaste is clean and crisp. A well-balanced blend of aromatic junmai ginjo and flavorful junmai ginjo. I found out after finishing the bottle that it is a blend of fragrant junmai ginjo and flavorful junmai ginjo. # Polishing rice 50%. # Alcohol 15 # Fire-roasted
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I had never heard of it before and bought it when I found out it was a local sake from Aomori. Careful small brewing that shows the shape of the brewer. I like the origin of the name Toyobai. The label and taste remind me of cherry blossoms in Hirosaki. The aroma is rich and the aftertaste is clean. It was a refreshing spring saké. #Hanasoui, Aomori Prefecture #Mahoroba Gin # Polishing rice 55 # Alcohol 16 ♯Acidity 1.3-1.4
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At Mr. Doichi. Drank Ina and Koji and bought this one. I put it in my mouth, obliquely wondering what the dobrok is like. This is different. It's delicious! The flavor, sweetness, and hop aroma all come together to push you over the edge. There is no unpleasant aftertaste. I think you can feel the difference if you just drink it as usual. I'd buy this one for 3,000 yen. The following three hops are used. Nelson Sauvignon (white wine, Sauvignon Blanc-like aroma) Calypn (pears, apples and tropical fruits) Idaho 7 (pineapple, orange and peach) #100% Sasanishiki from Akita # Alcohol 13%.
Denshu特別純米酒 山廃仕込特別純米山廃
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Apart from drinking with my father-in-law, I bought this one for myself. There was a comment recommending heating it up. I told him it's good cold too. I tried heating it up. It can be heated hot or lukewarm 🙆♂️. It's full of umami. I guess they don't like it light and dry. First time I've tried heating it up in a tin, and it's damn good! It is totally different from the electric type. #Hana-buki #Polished rice 55 # Alcohol 15
Gangi純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 ふな出あらばしり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The first goose tree. I found and bought it when I visited Ise Jingu Shrine. I also bought a crop. Opened at the inn. 5-15 degrees Celsius. It is very easy to drink. Delicious! No peculiarities, no off-flavors. Moderate acidity. A sake that makes you want to have one more drink at the end, the terminal of deliciousness. I'm thinking that I may buy another one. # Yamada Nishiki, Saito no Shizuku # Polishing rice 50%. # Alcohol 17
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Arabashiri Junmai Ginjo is delicious and I looked for it and bought it. At the first liquor store. At first I drank it at around 10 degrees Celsius, which was a mistake. Yum at 15 degrees Celsius! The Junmai-like character was felt. It can also be served warmed. It was delicious lukewarm. #Yamada Nishiki #Polishing 60 # Alcohol 15
Jikon千本錦無濾過生2021 純米吟醸純米吟醸生詰酒無濾過
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The first Jikin. Luckily purchased. Memory: Not that much. I can't remember. #Senbon Nishiki #Polishing 55 # Alcohol 16
Kure特別純米 手詰直汲み特別純米生酒無濾過
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At my favorite liquor store. I was attracted by the fact that it was brewed with their specialty, Matsuyama Mitsui, so I bought it. It comes in quickly at first, but later on it has a big impact. The taste is one step different from the standard dry sake. #Matsuyama Mitsui #Kochi yeast #60%. #18 degrees #+5
Sogga pere et filsヌメロシス2021生酛原酒生酒
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First soga. I was so excited to find it and bought it. I lifted the rule of drinking only on weekends and went to drink it. Delicious! It has no peculiarities and goes down smoothly. I tried heating it up to see if it would work since it is a sake yeast yeast yeast. Good. It bubbled up because I didn't know what to do with it. I thought it was a good sake. After this, I decided to buy a set of heated sake on impulse. #Miyama Nishiki #Polishing 59 #Alcohol 15°C