Leo日本盛純米大吟醸NihonsakariHyogo1/17/2025, 11:38:25 AM1/17/2025사월에 보리밥15LeoThe color was a little yellow, taste was a little sweet, and flavor was harmonious
LeoOtokoyama純米大吟醸OtokoyamaHokkaido1/7/2025, 12:30:53 PM1/7/2025봉피양16LeoIt has a velvet texture and would go well with any food.
LeoUnspecified1/7/2025, 12:09:24 PM12/15/202410LeoIt has a whiskey-like taste and, in some ways, a port wine feel, but it’s sweet.
LeoKudokijozuJr. Aiyama33 Junmaidaiginzo純米大吟醸Kamenoi ShuzoYamagata12/1/2024, 1:31:52 AM11/30/2024봉피양6
LeoHorin純米大吟醸GekkeikanKyoto11/5/2024, 11:42:56 AM11/5/2024봉피양16LeoIt's sweet and easy to drink, and it goes well with various foods.
LeoKokuryuJDG Sakahomare純米大吟醸Kokuryu ShuzoFukui10/22/2024, 12:11:23 PM10/22/2024봉피양23LeoFresh, little sweet, clean, want to drink againLeogo with well with any food
LeoWhite Ibi純米吟醸Gifu10/8/2024, 12:02:40 PM10/8/2024봉피양16LeoSweet, the scent of a flower, easy to drink
LeoNabeshimaPassion label純米吟醸Fukuchiyo ShuzoSaga8/20/2024, 10:49:19 AM8/20/2024사월에 보리밥18LeoCool, fresh, feeling like sparkling, non-sterilized sake
LeoYuki no Mayu (Kamosu Mori)Yamada nishiki純米大吟醸苗場酒造Niigata7/2/2024, 10:57:04 AM7/2/2024봉피양19LeoThe color looks a little cloudy and turbid, the taste is a little sweet, and fizzy, easy to drink.