LukeKoshinokanbaiIshimoto ShuzoNiigata12/11/2023, 11:26:20 AM12LukeCrisp and dry. Perfect for those who like dry wine.Japanese>English
LukeTengumaiShata ShuzoIshikawa12/11/2023, 11:20:23 AM15LukeThe slightly peculiar and dry taste makes it a favorite of different tastes. It is characterized by its chocolate-like aroma.Japanese>English
Luke真澄 あらばしりMiyasaka JozoNagano12/6/2023, 9:26:22 AM14LukeFreshly pressed, unpasteurized sake available only during the winter season. Easy to drink and fruity.Japanese>English
LukeKagamiyamaKoedokagamiyama ShuzoSaitama12/1/2023, 9:32:20 AM12LukeCrisp and dry. Rich aroma after drinking.Japanese>English
Lukeええやんかkawabu jozoMie10/4/2023, 9:27:48 AM11LukeIt has a clean and refreshing taste. It has no peculiarities and can be drunk in large gulps.Japanese>English
LukeTenjomugenNakayu ShuzotenMiyagi9/30/2023, 8:57:42 AM10LukeNigori sake. Aromatic and mild. Slightly sweet taste.Japanese>English
LukeKenshinIkedaya ShuzoNiigata9/16/2023, 9:29:44 AM12LukeDry crisp finish. Very tasty.Japanese>English
LukeMasumiゴールドMiyasaka JozoNagano9/9/2023, 9:46:11 AM11LukeMy favorite sake. Easy to drink, crisp and dry.Japanese>English
LukeEisenEisen ShuzoFukushima8/15/2023, 9:37:56 AM12LukeCrisp and dry with no cloying taste.Japanese>English
Luke俺の出番Kokken ShuzoFukushima8/11/2023, 10:43:48 AM12LukeIt is like a simple dry taste. No characteristic richness or flavor, It gives the impression of a cheap dry wine.Japanese>English
Luke磐梯しぼりEisen ShuzoFukushima8/5/2023, 10:09:28 AM8LukeDry. Good flavor and clean aftertaste. Recommended for those who like dry taste!Japanese>English
LukeEihoyaTsurunoe ShuzoFukushima7/18/2023, 9:41:49 AM13LukeStronger mouthfeel than previous dry wines Rich aromaJapanese>English
LukeAkagisanKondo ShuzoGunma6/30/2023, 10:21:59 AM12LukeIt is like The Japanese Sake.Japanese>English
LukeOosakazukiMakino ShuzoGunma6/30/2023, 10:21:05 AM11LukeFruity and dry for all tastes.Japanese>English
LukeTanigawadakeNagai ShuzoGunma6/30/2023, 10:19:58 AM11LukeOverwhelmingly delicious. Dry, but with a hint of apple juice after swallowing.Japanese>English
LukeSakayahachibeeGensaka ShuzoMie6/26/2023, 11:15:14 AM6/26/20233LukeDistinctive flavor and mouthfeel. Sake that is dry and may differ in taste.Japanese>English
Luke高嶺錦Kikusui ShuzoNagano6/10/2023, 9:56:54 AM13LukeEasy to drink with no peculiarities.Japanese>English