SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
日本酒はたま〜に気が向いたら店で飲んだり、酒屋で買う程度。 ハマるか飽きるかをジャッジしてみたく、一定ペースで色々飲んで日本酒のド素人が1年後にどうなってるか、そんな極秘プロジェクトをスタートさせました🍶 備忘録と勉強用として「さけのわ」もスタート👍🏻

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Gangi純米酒 ひやおろし
Gangi Check-in 1Gangi Check-in 2
Of course, this is my first goose. The red label and the less assertive brand name stand out in a liquor store's refrigerator, on the contrary. It's less fruity than the ginjo and above, but maybe that's about as good as it gets for a food sipper. Basically, it's delicious.
自然酒生酛 にごり
自然酒 Check-in 1自然酒 Check-in 2
This is my first nigori since I got into sake. I've only had it a few times in my life, but I remember that it's something like makkoli. Compared to the Junmai Ginjo, the texture and the atmosphere in my mouth is completely different. I guess it's good for an occasional drink. I don't dislike it, but that doesn't mean I like it either.
Kid純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
Kid Check-in 1Kid Check-in 2
Fruity. Pleasant balance of bitterness and acidity. The aroma is weak, but it has a sweet taste. It is the first time for me to drink Kido, so I don't know what is unique to hiyaoroshi. Yummy ♫
Yamamotoピュアブラック 純米吟醸純米吟醸
Yamamoto Check-in 1Yamamoto Check-in 2
Yummy ♫ As the back cover says, it has a citrusy sourness, but also just the right amount of spiciness, without being overly sweet. The jacket is cooler than anything else. It looks like it has a green or blue label, and I'd like to feel the difference in taste, but by the time I taste it, I won't remember the taste of this pure black 😥.
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
The first time I've had the rumored new regime in my body 🤗 In addition, it's my first time to try the traditional sake making process 😳. Respect for studying the books and still following the process of producing lactobacilli by human power! 😍 It's fruity but with a sweet citrus taste in a fruit flavored way. It's like a watery brew that your mouth and body crave more and more without the need for nibbles 😎👍🏻
Oze no Yukidoke純米大吟醸 秋吟(秋)
Oze no Yukidoke Check-in 1Oze no Yukidoke Check-in 2
I was a snowboarder when I was young, so I went to Oze Togura ski area several times, so I am familiar with Oze. This is the bottle I saw, but I didn't expect to pay 1,380 yen for the Junmai Daiginjo. The gradation of the label, which looks like a tamamushi, is striking, but it's kind of creepy... It has a strong sense of fruit and sweetness, so you can't help but go for it. Well, it's cheap, so it's okay. I'm a candidate for a subscription 👍🏻.
Sharaku純米吟醸 一回火入れ純米吟醸
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
The jackets (labels) are cool 👍🏻 There is a troupe from Tokyo that participates in the Awa Odori dance festival in Koenji, called Sharaku, and he has a very cool name. Now, if the taste loses it, then it's super lame, but it's good 😋 The yoghurt-like aroma, yoghurt-like sourness and sweetness make this one of the most impactful sake I've ever had. Yes, everything is a cool drink. I fell in love with it 😘
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸純米吟醸
Yuki no Bosha Check-in 1Yuki no Bosha Check-in 2
The jacket (label) is beautiful and it tasted great. It's like a fluffy, sweet and umami feeling in your mouth that leads to an "Oh, that's so good" feeling. I wonder what kind of food it would go with, but I'll have to drink it with my wife's homemade food... I'm happy to say that it's relatively easy to get at the liquor stores within my range of activity. If I'm in trouble, I might buy this sake.
若緑 純米吟醸 五岳 Check-in 1若緑 純米吟醸 五岳 Check-in 2
若緑 純米吟醸 五岳 Check-in 3若緑 純米吟醸 五岳 Check-in 4
I drank this local sake at a bar I visited on a business trip to Nagano. I wanted to drink a whole bunch of sake that I've never had before, but the air conditioning was broken and it was too hot 💦 and the counter was full of regulars, so I only had one cup of sake.... I can't express the difference in taste in words yet.... The training continues... 😞
Hokkomasamune特別純米原酒 ひやおろし生一本特別純米生一本ひやおろし
Hokkomasamune Check-in 1
An antenna shop of Nagano in Ginza. It's becoming a typical antenna shop in Tokyo, but foreign tourists are happy to eat in and enjoy the local gourmet food and drink sake. The same goes for Ginza Nagano, where you can get a glass of champagne with the best sake in season. As it happened last autumn, I don't recall the taste of the food...
Dassai純米大吟醸 45純米大吟醸
Dassai Check-in 1
Dassai dassai, a word that stays in your head even if you don't drink sake. Of course we had drunk it at a place where everyone was gathered. I found a small bottle of Junmai Daiginjo at the liquor store, so I bought a bottle to try. I only had to lick it. I couldn't really tell the difference between it and the others, so I'd like to try it again after I've tried various other sakes.
Taka Check-in 1Taka Check-in 2
I bought it at a local liquor store when I heard it was perfect as a so-called foodie drink. I like the impact of the label. It's a very good quality sake, not sour or fruity, but spicy and bitter. I can't describe it in detail😭. I've got four #4 bottles in the fridge and I think I'm the slowest person to drink them... I'm still learning...
Daishinshu超辛口 純米吟醸 生詰め純米吟醸生酛
Daishinshu Check-in 1Daishinshu Check-in 2
I found a bottle of sake that Kazuhiko Ota said he loved at a local liquor store, so I bought it. Honestly, I thought, "What? Is this good? It's like this. As it's super dry, I guess we'll have to drink a different version, but I wonder if the connoisseurs won't appreciate the fruity feeling 😅. It was one that I vowed to find out what I liked first🤔
Senkinクラシック仙禽 亀ノ尾 2020生酛
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
This is another fruity, sweet & sour type of sake that comes to the fore and goes well with summer. It seems to be a popular type of sake. It goes well with a champagne glass 🥂. It is really delicious. I am really into this type of sake.
Shinshu Kirei純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
I drank this sake on the recommendation of a senior colleague of mine. In Tokyo, depending on the timing, you can buy it at an antenna shop in Ginza. This is the third time for me to drink it. It's what is called a fruity sake, and its pleasant spiciness is also delicious. It reigns supreme among all the sake I have ever drunk.
IwashimizuNIWARINGO 生原酒生酒
Iwashimizu Check-in 1Iwashimizu Check-in 2
When I was on a business trip, I passed by the brewery, so I dropped in. When I told the staff, who resembled the comedy duo Warafuji Naruo, that I wanted to drink a seasonal sake, they said, "I'll have a glass of champagne! That's what I thought. The stylish jacket looks popular with the girls, it has a summer feel to it, and I want to drink it! It makes you feel like you're in the right place. The alcohol content is 12%, and every time you drink it, you can feel the carbonation when you open the lid. It's alive. It has a sour and sweet taste and is perfect for this hot summer. Personally, I've never had a sake like this before, so I'm sure I'll be hooked...
Shichida Check-in 1Shichida Check-in 2
The brand I remembered from an old man with whom I do business, who told me it was good. This is the second time for me to drink Shichida itself.