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Brands from Hayakawa Shuzobu

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829 Takamatsu, Kawagoe, Mie-gun, Mie
map of Hayakawa Shuzobu
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The aroma is not very assertive. It is a refreshing type 😋. The acidity spreads. It's a delicate acid. It is juicy. ☺️ The taste is sweet and bitter. The sweetness is not intense, but it is powerful and stays throughout the mouth 😉. After finishing the drink, it leaves a refreshing feeling in the back of the throat 🤤. The other day I had a chance to try Tenkei at the first tavern I went to and I liked it, but I couldn't find a store that sold it, so I finally found it and was able to drink it 😁.
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Soft mouthfeel Melon-like sweetness Sourness and a little bitterness Short aftertaste This is the first sake with a GI mark! Delicious.
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I bought it today at the warehouse 🍶✨ It's not listed but it's a draft sake 😋. It has a very nice freshness to it ️. The sake you buy at the brewery is outstanding 🍶. It's the main brewery of Tamitsu 😎. Very friendly and a great brewery where you can do tastings 🍶.
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Including a record of a recent visit to the warehouse The brother brewery of Hayakawa Shuzo, which is famous for Tabika Founded in 1873, the brewery was originally brewed by three brothers in Amagasu 1-chome, which is also the origin of the brand name "Tenichi. After the brothers separated from the family, the building was moved to the current location in 1873. It is amazing that the brewery was able to withstand the Isewan Typhoon because it was located in a relatively coastal area. I️ heard that it also withstood a big earthquake after that, and I️ thought the same thing at Tenzan (Saga)... the carpenters who work exclusively for the brewery have strong skills! (Pic 3.4 inside the warehouse) This Tenkei Jungin is a GI MIE 🌾 Yamadanishiki produced in Iga, Mie Prefecture The brewing water is soft water from a well 1m deep 😂😂😂. The surface of the well is right there! Water mirror🪞. I've never seen such a shallow well ✨The Asaaki River, which is like a sand river, flows right next to the brewery as well, which is why the water is so abundant. It is a ginjo-shu, but the aroma is very mild. The light texture has a delicious sweetness, a slight bitterness, and a shallow astringency. No acidity, miscellaneous flavors, or elements that would bring it to modernity, making it unsuitable for Western cuisine. Mimigars and fried greens are also heavy. The ingredients themselves are beautiful vegetables and the boiled hamo with vinegared miso and yuzu kosho (Japanese citrus pepper) 😋.
Good evening, Chidori! You are the brother brewery of Tamitsu 😊. And the company name is Hayakawa Sake Brewing Dept! I've never heard of it before ✨ I would love to try it 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori, I've never had Tamitsu yet, much less its sibling Tenkei, so I'm very curious about it 🤔I see you're touring some great sake breweries 😆I'm in Mie, so I'd like to take a chance and visit one ❗❗
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 🌠. Your report and analysis is very clear 😊I didn't know it was a sibling warehouse, but now I'm interested 👍✨.
Good evening, kioo. I'm not sure what your taste is, but Tenkei was light-bodied with a little sweetness 🥂Tenichi was firm with a good flavor ☺️.
Good evening, sleepy healer! Oh! Even a healer hasn't explored this area yet 😳 I am so grateful that you agreed to tour the brewery in this day and age ✨The brewer also said that it is more interesting to see the brewery after the brewing process has started 😋.
Good evening, mamai mamai! Thank you very much ✨Tamitsu is also delicious 😋. There was also a "Tuna Restaurant" not too far from the warehouse 😃I regret not going there for lunch 😭.
Good evening, Mr. Chidorisaki🌠. Tuna restaurant⁉️😳Wow✨I want to go there👍✨
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All Yamada Nishiki produced in Mie Prefecture was used. Polishing ratio 35%. Tenkei is a Junmai Daiginjo unfiltered sake that we received as a gift. It is fruity and refreshing on the palate. I personally like the taste of this bottle.
I forgot to take a picture this time... The nose is peach and pine with a moderate alcohol smell. The taste is about 4:6, with rice sweetness and flavor. As it gets airborne, the pineappleiness increases and you experience a very refreshing summer feeling. The bitterness comes later, and this disappears quickly without leaving any residue.
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This was the last bottle delivered through the Mie Sake Brewery Support Project. The other two were good in their own right, so I have high hopes for them. The aroma and hints of sweetness are dawning. It lasts until the afterglow. My partner said it's sweet but delicious, but it doesn't go with the grilled chicken either. I'll have to leave it alone for a while. And when I tried it again, the sweetness didn't change all that much, but the whole thing settled down. The back end of the bottle is also refreshing. Still, it was too sweet for me and had a delicate relationship with the sashimi. When I tried it with cream cheese, it was the best match❗️! The elegant sweetness of this sake and the sourness of the cheese went well together, and the sake cup went fast from there. It became one of the top drinks that goes with cheese. I just don't remember what else to drink with it.
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『三重の酒蔵応援プロジェクト』の2蔵目 早川酒造部は初めて。 三重県のお酒はかなり呑んでいるつもりでしたが、失礼ながら存在を知りませんでした。最初「田光」の早川酒造さんと混同しておったくらいで。(遠い親戚らしいですね) それこそ、初めて三重県の土地に踏み入れたのは、この蔵がある川越町だったのも、何かの縁...かな。 さて肝心のお味ですが、うん!スッキリして旨い。 フルーティな甘みを感じる呑み口と、フィニッシュの苦味とのバランスがよく、杯が進みます。華やかさもありますよ。 日にちが経つと、少しドッシリしてきて呑みごたえあるお酒だと感じます。 全体的に落ち着いた旨酒です。 他の2本も楽しみ❗️

Brands from Hayakawa Shuzobu

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.