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Miyoshikiku Check-in 1
Miyoshikiku Check-in 2Miyoshikiku Check-in 3
The aroma is the usual Sanphochrysanthemum-like fresh scent of pineapple mixed with a heavy aroma typical of Omachi. In one sip, a mild sweetness like a banana (the male town element here) comes along with a sweetness like pineapple. The alcohol flavor is quite present, but it's not stimulating, just a strong alcoholic smell. When you let the air in, it changes to a hazelnut-like flavor. After swallowing, the distinctive taste and aroma of Yomachi exits the nose and the taste of roasted hazelnuts (i.e., about half Yomachi bitterness and half hazelnut) lingers on the tongue for a while. It's a very clean combination of flavors that naturally dissipates over time. This is a very unusual aftertaste for a Mihochiku. The usual*. It's 60% milled from Omachi rice, so the Omachi is a riot in your mouth. But it's very interesting because the base is the usual Sanphochiku-like pineapple flavor. Normally, there should be almost no pineapple in Omachi... I don't know how they do it...