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天覧山 Check-in 1
天覧山 Check-in 2天覧山 Check-in 3
Like DOVE, which I posted about a while ago, I had known about this sake for many years but had never found the right time to buy it, nor did I know how to go about purchasing it. I was finally able to buy it at the brewery if it was not in season, so this year I made a reservation and bought it at the same time as DOVE. My wish was fulfilled. The specs were as follows: 8% alcohol by volume, 65% polished rice, junmai (pure rice)! It is a muddy sake with a rice polishing ratio of 65%, which is the standard for junmai. It is bright pink in color! There are so many moromi, I can't even imagine what it tastes like. The aroma is like a low-alcohol wine with sweetness, acidity, and a fruity aroma. Combined with the image of the aroma, it seems to be a very light and easy-to-drink liquor, like a fruit wine, rosé, fruit wine, or cocktail. There is no fizziness, whether it is because it has been a month since I bought it or because it was originally so, and it is quite fine and smooth without being cloudy or thick. It is very suitable for drinking as a dessert sake before or after a meal. It is so juicy that one wonders if it is really made by the Igarashi Sake Brewery.
flos_lingua- san konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~ This alcohol looks delicious(´,,-﹃-,,Translated by ✨ I'm wondering if I should go on an expedition since it doesn't seem to be available near me 🤔.
Erin Good evening 🌙🙌 It's delicious! It's more like a cocktail than a drink, though. I'm in the southernmost and westernmost part of Saitama, so if you happen to be passing through, be sure to stop by!
天覧山手造り本醸造 本生本醸造生酒
天覧山 Check-in 1天覧山 Check-in 2
crunch The aroma is subdued, maybe in the pear category. Clean mouthfeel. The taste comes gradually after the first sip. Delicious. Purchased at a sake brewery. The sake brewery is located in a residential area in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture. A sake brewery in such a place. The store is open on Sundays. They did not have Igarashi Naokumi, but they had Tenranzan Naokumi in a different tank. There is a field to select a location when submitting a post, but Igarashi Sake Brewery does not come up as a candidate unless you are in the area. I have to bring the search results back with me when I go on an expedition.
天覧山 Check-in 1
天覧山 Check-in 2天覧山 Check-in 3
It is a low-alcoholic active muddy sake that reproduces the flavor of doburoku. Look at this cloudy state, with no clear spots. The sake is so active that it is sold in 1,000 ml bottles, and depending on how it is stored, the bottles may explode. I bought one that was a few days old after production, so fortunately I did not get such a strong fizzy sensation. However, when I poured it into a glass, it did have a shrieking sensation. When I sipped it, it was not a pungent fizz, but rather gentle on the palate. The texture was like yogurt, and some people call it adult yogurt, which is understandable. The fact that it was so cloudy yet so smooth and refreshing was probably due to the low alcohol content. It has the flavor of doburoku, but the peculiarity is controlled, so it is much easier to drink than real doburoku... Isn't this extremely delicious? The refreshing acidity and cloudy flavor are very pleasant. The sweetness is surprisingly low, and I think it can be drunk on its own or as a mealtime sake. I have been drinking so many good sake that I am rarely impressed, but this one impressed me...!
天覧山 Check-in 1
天覧山 Check-in 2天覧山 Check-in 3
Slightly flavored 50% polished Daiginjo. 180ml bottle. Today I went to Hanno City with my family. We hiked up Mt. Tenran, visited Nouninji Temple, and Moomin Valley Park. We also passed by Seibo Gakuen High School. I forced them to stop by the Igarashi Sake Brewery if possible. We arrived at the Igarashi Sake Brewery. First, we went to the brewery's nearby location to check out the exterior. At the direct sales place, we bought five bottles. The Daiginjo is not a "brewery exclusive," but I was thankful to find a 180 ml bottle. Igarashi Shuzo has recently become more prominent, and I have more opportunities to drink it as an expected sake, but I would like to keep the original brand "Tenranzan" as a standard type of sake. To be sure of tasting the standard brands, it is worth visiting the local sake brewery. Now that we have a better feel for the scenery and atmosphere of Hanno and have confirmed the location of the brewery, we will be able to enjoy Tenranzan and Igarashi even more when we drink them in the future.
Hiraccio-san Good evening. I would like to visit the sake brewery that makes my favorite sake in the future.
Good morning, Sashu 😊. That's right. The taste of sake has a lot to do with the local food culture and climate, and it's good to be able to picture the brewery and the local scenery when you go there👍.
I have more feelings for Tenranzan and Igarashi👍.
Igarashi冬の新酒蔵祭り 限定純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Igarashi Check-in 1
On the occasion of Igarashi Sake Brewery's new sake festival This sake was pumped directly from the tank. It tasted so good I bought it. When I drank it again This is delicious! Slight aroma Not too sweet After that, the delicious taste of rice spreads out in a pungent aroma. You can feel a little bit of alcohol but it is pleasantly stimulating. but it is pleasantly stimulating. There is also a fresh taste It is easy to drink.
天覧山純米酒 十水 八割五分磨き純米生酒
天覧山 Check-in 1天覧山 Check-in 2
天覧山 Check-in 3天覧山 Check-in 4
I tasted and purchased "TENRANZAN Junmai-shu Tomizu 80%5% Polished" at Igarashi Shuzo's direct sales office 🍶. There is a paid tasting machine in the store, so I asked for permission and snapped a picture of the tasting machine just in case 📸. While most of the sake is dry and refreshing, this one had a completely different taste that made me say "I love this! I fell in love with it 💕 At the checkout, I told the store owner, "I tasted 5 kinds of sakes, but this one was my favorite! I told the shopkeeper, "I tasted 5 different kinds and this one was my favorite! No, no, I like the classic look of this one👍. It is a "Kobayashi Touji's Challenge Sake" made with Jusui brewing + 85% polished rice! After the sweetness, sourness, and umami, the bitterness with a touch of alcohol spread quickly down my throat, and at the end, my stomach got hot! It was rich and satisfying to drink, and when it was heated up, the acidity came forward and it was delicious as well.
Hello, Mr. Aaru-Shu! I love the word "love at first sight" ❣️I love the word "love at first sight" 😄I often fall in love at first sight too...oh, I feel like a cheater...lol I'm sure you'll love the pay tasting machine! I would love to drink all kinds 😁.
Hi mamiko ☀☀☀☀. I might well fall in love with a sip ❤(ӦvӦӦ) 😉 I was planning on tasting about 2 different kinds of drinks, but I enjoyed pushing the button and seeing the drinks come out and I drank a lot 😆.
Igarashi Check-in 1Igarashi Check-in 2
One of my favorite items at the New Sake Festival One of my favorites at the New Sake Festival It's crisp and clear It is crisp and refreshing It goes well with food. This time we paired it with I paired it with and it brought out the flavor of the fish. It was great!
天覧山純米酒 無濾過生原酒 直汲み純米原酒生酒無濾過
天覧山 Check-in 1天覧山 Check-in 2
天覧山 Check-in 3天覧山 Check-in 4
Tenranzan Junmai-shu Unfiltered Nama-shu Nao Kumi from Hannou, Saitama 🍶. I read a post by flos_lingua_est and thought "I want to try this sake! So I went to the Igarashi Sake Brewery's direct sales place 🏃. I was nervous when I saw the red tag warning me not to open the bottle, but I opened it safely. I gently took a sip of the sake, which had just been drawn and had a slight orization... With surprise I was surprised and said, "Wow, this is delicious! (I had imagined Tenranzan to be dry) First of all, the acidity, then the sweetness, flavor and bitterness came together and went down my throat with carbon dioxide gas! It's a great sake that gives you the real pleasure of direct pumping! ✨ It has a nice sharpness, so it could be enjoyed on its own or with a meal 😋 (it's a solid 17 degrees 😉). Tenranzan Handmade Narazuke With stir-fried pork and leek balls They are holding a new sake festival on Saturday, December 3! I bought another bottle of sake at the direct sales place, so I will post it later 🤗.
Good evening, Mr. Aaru Sake! You have great energy to go to a direct sales place on the spur of the moment ❗️I love sake 😆♪ I'm so nervous about the warning tag on the bottle 😁 It's 17 degrees Celsius! The pickled rice is also very tasty ❣️.
Good evening, mamiko 🌙. It was late in the evening when I had to go to the direct sales place, so I had to make a short run 🏃😁. mamiko, you too are enjoying delicious snacks & wonderful drinks 🍶✨😉😉.
Good evening, Mr. Aaru Sake! I'm so sorry you had to see my post 🙏✨. It's a really delicious sake, isn't it? Also, the Nara pickles and the stir-fry seem to go well with the Tenranzan! The sake cups are also very nice with the Tenranzan specs ☺️.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est😊. Thank you, too, for posting those delicious drinks! It was very helpful ✨ I'm also looking forward to the Jusui brew I tasted and purchased 😆.
Igarashi無濾過生原酒 純米 直汲み純米原酒生酒無濾過
Igarashi Check-in 1Igarashi Check-in 2
Forgot to post (iii) Dark and powerful! That's the Igarashi brewery style I like! I've only had seasonal Igarashi, and the only regular product I've had was a junmai ginjo with a matcha green or dark green label, so I had an image of a classic sake with a fruity flavor. This one tastes similar to the local brand, Tenranzan, without the extra fruity notes. The sweetness is balanced by the acidity, and the sweetness is balanced by the umami, and finally the bitterness comes in with a bang. Once you get used to it, it becomes incredibly addictive. It is the type of sake that you will find more and more goodness if you drink it on a regular basis. If you drink it once every few years or only once on a trip, it may seem heavy and you may not be able to appreciate it. It has a strong flavor and bitterness, including alcohol, so it is a powerful sake. It tastes even better with dishes that use a lot of meat, or dishes that take advantage of the bitterness of burnt onions and the like! Incidentally, this Junmai and one other special junmai, Fusui, were only available at the brewery during the summer. In winter, but even in late summer, liquor stores don't carry them, so it's nice to be able to buy them at a direct sales outlet.
天覧山純米酒 無濾過生原酒 直汲み純米原酒生酒無濾過
天覧山 Check-in 1天覧山 Check-in 2
Tenranzan is a locally brewed sake from my hometown of Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture, and is famous for Igarashi, which is a brand only sold to exclusive dealers. The basic lineup of Tenranzan is classic in flavor, but I am sure that those who like it will love it...! The aroma is pleasant and muscat-like. The aroma is pleasantly muscat-like, and both the standing and lingering aromas are as elegant as ever. In conclusion, contrary to its appearance and impression (pardon the pun), it is a very tasty sake with a good balance of sweetness, umami, acidity, and bitterness. It is powerful, and the bitterness, combined with the sake's sense of bitterness, is slightly strong. However, from the moment it is contained, the acidity creates a freshness that makes it easy to drink. This power comes not only from the 17% alcohol content, but also from the strength of the umami. It can be a bit harsh at near room temperature, so my recommendation is to drink it cold, a little at a time! This is a product that you probably cannot buy outside of the brewery, but it is a masterpiece that does not shy away from being limited to the brewery. It's my personal favorite, and honestly, without any local favoritism, I'm impressed!
Nice to meet you, flos_lingua_est😊. I went to Igarashi Sake Brewery to try this sake after reading your review! I was impressed by the wonderful taste! I think it's a masterpiece too 🙋.
Good evening, Mr. Aaru Sake! Nice to meet you 😊 I'm so glad you can put the taste into words and convey the goodness. And I'm even happier to share some good sake with you! And I love your energy ✨.
天覧山純米酒 十水 八割五分磨き純米生酒
天覧山 Check-in 1
天覧山 Check-in 2天覧山 Check-in 3
This was a limited edition sake for the Kura Matsuri, but since it could not be held, it was sold in stores. We hope to be able to hold the Kura Matsuri next year. It is said to be a challenging sake for Touji Kobayashi, as it uses the Edo period method of brewing rice and water in equal proportions, or jumizu-shikomi. It is a pale yellow color with greenish tints, giving it a slightly stately appearance. From the attack, one senses powerful umami and acidity. Rather than expanding the umami, it seems to stand strong all the way through. Could it be that this wine is really delicious? The sake and bitterness are typical of Tenranzan in a good sense. The reason why it is easy to drink in spite of this is probably because the acidity comes out in the front at least. Or perhaps it is because the sake-like taste mentioned above is somewhat grape-like (the closer it gets to room temperature), giving it an image similar to wine. This acidity also leads to a sharpness that makes it excellent as a food sake. Nutritious... It has an atmosphere similar to that of Haruka, but this one is considered to be more profound. Like the Junmai Ginjo the other day, it is so delicious that I wish it could be made available every year instead of being limited to the Kura Matsuri.
天覧山純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 直汲み純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
天覧山 Check-in 1天覧山 Check-in 2
I was looking forward to the brewery festival since it is a local brewery, but it was cancelled again this year due to Corona. Last year they sold sake for the brewery festival, so I bought some this year as well. It is a silverish yellow color. It is a bit darker than the sake I have been drinking recently. To begin with, it is an elegant and well-balanced sake with gorgeousness and mellowness. The mouthfeel is a little energetic, as is typical of nao kumi. The elegant ginjo aroma is very distinctive, and even I, who don't like ginjo aroma, like it! While being guided by the elegant aroma, I can certainly sense the elegant sweetness of the sake. The sweetness is well balanced with acidity and umami, and the bitterness that appears at the end is exquisite and slightly less pronounced than in the usual Tenranzan! Personally, I often have a hard time drinking sake with such a strong ginjo aroma and sweetness, but this one is easy to drink. It has a solid drinking experience, but is balanced in a way that it does not focus too much on any one flavor. It has a great sense of balance that is rarely found anywhere else! Even so, there is no shame in comparing this sake to other prestigious sake from other prefectures. To be honest, I was very impressed by the fact that a local brewery is producing sake of this quality.
