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ソガペール エ フィスSogga pere et fils
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Brands from Obuse Winery

Sogga pere et fils

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571 Oshiha, Obuse, Kamitakai-gun, Nagano
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Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 生酛
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The other day, on the way back from a visit to Okazaki Sake Brewery, I went to a liquor store in Saku and bought a bottle of Sogape...I was lucky enough to find a bottle of Sogape at ✌️. I felt like I had used all my sake luck for the year, running into Sogape after buying Kinkame... The taste was different from the last time I drank it. It tastes like a mild, mellow, umami-drizzled sake...isn't this the same as my impression of the previous one? But it is delicious.
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 生酛
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This sake, which is a mixed fermentation of yeast No. 1-6 and natural bacteria, tastes like a delicious white wine! Is this sake? It tasted like a delicious white wine!
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 農薬不使用米 収量制限米 天神原生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 3Sogga pere et fils Check-in 4
We climbed Mt. Kurobegoro in the second half of GW. After a good hike, we had a party to celebrate the end of the day with sake that we had saved for later 😊. Rice:Nagano Miyamanishiki Alcohol percentage: 16 Rice polishing ratio: 70
Satomi, good evening ministry! The starry sky and the tent lights are so beautiful ✨ I envy you for being able to see this scene up close and I respect those who climb mountains! I agree that it's a great feeling to open a bottle of wine! From someone who recently saw a fake 🤣.
Satomi, good evening 🌆That is a very nice picture ‼️ Can you take such a good starry sky with your phone?
Good evening, N.E. 😊Thank you! It's hard to climb, but when you get there and the view is amazing, you want to climb again, and so on and so forth 🤣I'm addicted to the swamp, and sake is also a swamp 😋.
Good evening Manachy, thank you for ☺️! I took the starry sky with my SLR 📷😚 It was heavy but I'm glad I brought it 💪 The Milky Way was beautiful 🌌.
Sogga pere et filsトロワ純米生酛
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Trois. Review is as last year. I didn't get the doe this year and it was ´´huge´´, but Trois is Trois and I like it. Holy crap, dry and nectarous is a supreme word.
Sogga pere et filsRiz à Sake Naturel生酛原酒生酒
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Herman Mok
Not very sweet in general - richer than the types using single yeast and still shows the strength of Yeast 1 which usually gives you sour and umami feel. Frankly a bit too full after all the obuse tasting.
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 生酛 田幸生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
It is no exaggeration to say that the balance between acidity and sweetness is perfect. The flavor blooms from the moment it enters the mouth, and gradually the acidity strengthens and becomes refreshingly sharp. The bitterness that appears in the aftertaste is also nice and astringent. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sogga pere et fils6号酵母 ヌメロシス サケ エロティック ノーマルロット 生酛純米生酛
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
The previous drink was the Ikedalot. This time it is the normal lot. When I drank it, I couldn't tell the difference. It is a sogapale. It comes from the acidity, and the delicious taste of rice comes later. I had it with sea chicken and torakiyo as a snack. It was delicious.
Sogga pere et filsTROIS サケ エロティック純米生酛原酒生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
This is the third bottle of Sogape "Trois" this year and the first time I drink it 🥂 This is the most sake-like type I have ever had, a delicious sake with a good balance of complex lactic acidity, acidity, sweetness, and a slightly sharp alcohol taste with moderate spiciness. ☺️
Sogga pere et filsリアサケナチュレル
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Sogapère Ephis! I saw it for the first time at the liquor store I always go to and bought it immediately! The aroma is discreet and citrusy. It has an acidity like a white wine, but it's not sweet, and it's easy to drink, as expected from a winery! Pairing︰Chicken with Lemon Shio Koji, Cucumber and Tomato with Soy Sauce Koji Mayo, Pork Liver Pate with Bucket

Brands from Obuse Winery

Sogga pere et fils

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.
