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ソガペール エ フィスSogga pere et fils
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Brands from Obuse Winery

Sogga pere et fils

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571 Oshiha, Obuse, Kamitakai-gun, Nagano
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Sogga pere et filsNUMERO UN純米生酛生酒
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The last sogape of this season was numero un, rich flavor with sweetness, acidity is exquisite, the aroma and lingering taste through the nose is nice, looking forward to next season again 😊.
Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 天神原Ver生酛
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The owner recommended a very rare sake that is not on the menu. We were served a very rare sake that is not on the menu. As you can see from the label on the back As you can see from the label on the back, the sake is made with great care and enthusiasm. and enthusiasm for sake brewing, As a drinker, I was ready to savor the sake. A famous winery in Nagano produces a very small amount of sake in the winter after the wine production is finished. The sake is produced in very small quantities during the winter season after the wine production is finished. You can't imagine it from the bottle and label. The bottle and the label are not what you would expect. From the moment you drink it, you can feel both white wine and sake. The taste and acidity are both white wine and sake. The umami and acidity of the sake was like a hybrid of white wine and sake. It was like a hybrid of white wine and sake.
Sogga pere et filsIL Y A 100 ANS純米生酛生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Soga for the gift you gave me 🥰. Thank you all for everything 😭 Sad that I didn't get a doo unit this year 😢. The aroma is like sour yogurt, sweet and sour all in one, which I personally like! The entry is light but the gradually deepening sweetness is very satisfying. The mild but assertive acidity and richness tighten the sake quality, and the cinnamon-tick lingering finish is complex yet very clean. I am very satisfied with the mellow sake-like taste of the No. 2 yeast I had last year 😋.
Sogga pere et filsトロワ生酛生酒
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Should I drink it right away? Should I give it time? I don't know when to drink it... Then I saw Wakata-san making ajillo, and I wanted to make it right away, and I thought it would go well with it! And I opened the bottle. The aroma is sour...quite sour. Is it quite sour? I thought... When you drink it, you can taste a little bit of chili, less sourness than the aroma, and some sweetness. The flavor comes slowly, and then the sourness quickly fades away. The aftertaste is clean without leaving a strange aftertaste and makes you want to drink the next one. Although it has an alcoholic taste, it is easy to drink and tastes great. If you say it is wine-like, it is wine-like. It was a delicious sake that did not lose its balance after the next day, and could be drunk without any resistance due to the acidity softly wrapped in the modest sweetness of the rice and the crispness at the end of the drink. Of course, it also went perfectly with ahi joggies 🫛.
Sogga pere et filsイリヤソントン純米生酛原酒生酒
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Knock knock knock🎶. Bridgestone! Last time in Washington! Sogapé again✨ Ilya Thornton! This one is non-erotic! But it's an assemblage of male and female liquors, so it's still erotic! 🤔 This year's is solidly sweet 😋. There's a decent amount of acidity, but the sweetness is really showing ✨. It's like a winery brew 🍇.
Good evening, kino.🌇. From the drinking comparison 🥂 of Ero and Ero, I see you also opened a ton of bottles 🎶😄. Sogape is delicious, isn't it? I dare not buy it this year, it's sealed 🫢. There are so many other drinks I haven't drank 😅.
Good evening, Ace! Just saying thonton by Ace makes it very erotic 🤣 As expected👍. I try to only buy 6 and Ilya Thornton when I come across them✨
Sogga pere et filsヌメロシス純米生酛原酒生酒
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Erotic! GET Normal and Ikeda again this year✨ We did it before, I did a proper drink comparison! Tastes exactly the same! Sorry for my stupid tongue: 🙇‍♂️ But they are both delicious 😋😋.
Good evening, kino.😆 Two erotics....that implies you had two shots ⚪︎ at Susukino. ‼️😍
Good evening kino.😃 I see what you mean 😍.
Rigel, good morning to you! Both were delicious in Suskino too 😋.
Good morning, Mr. King of Noodles and Sake! What do you mean? 🤔 Take me back 🤣.
Sogga pere et filsヌメロ アン サケ エロティック生酛
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Sogapère Ephis, which I've been longing for. The picture and the timing of the drink are different, but forgive me 😅. The moment I put it in my mouth. ...wine...? The flavor is so gorgeous that you would think it is a wine. But it is not persistent. You can drink it with just alcohol.
Sogga pere et filsヌメロシス
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
Sake Erotic Magnum Bottle Purchased in February It has been waiting in the fridge for a long time. It's much sweeter. I wonder if it was like this? Probably over-refrigerated💦. But it has a wine-like taste? It definitely has a wine-like taste. Once again, I felt it was the one and only sake 🤔.

Brands from Obuse Winery

Sogga pere et fils

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.
