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Ryuban Flavor Chart

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Brands from Suzuki Shuzoten

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Ryuban秋田酒こまち 純米吟醸原酒
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Plum-like aroma. Smooth texture. Mellow, ripe sweetness like prunes and plums. Condensed and voluptuous. No acidity comes forward, but sweetness and a hint of bitterness. My friend and I also compared Yamadanishiki, This one is denser and has a ripe, fruity aroma. Preference ☆ 3.5/5
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I participated in the Tohoku Future Art Fireworks held last weekend. We invited our niece to join us and let her wear a yukata for the first time, and above all, the high school students who accompanied us were so nice to us! This was the third time for this event, and this time the weather was perfect, with a moderate sea breeze blowing the smoke away. Music and fireworks together. You can watch it on YouTube, but you can only experience the power of the 50 minutes of nonstop fireworks only there. As a souvenir, we pick up some fireworks fragments, which are said to be good luck charms, and offer them to the altar of the gods. After pondering what to drink on Sake Day, I decided to go with an orthodox junmai sake, Akita's Ryu-bojing. I did not feel much of the fragrance of the sake. The mouthfeel was as rich and umami as if it had a thicker flavor. It is as rich and delicious as the first sip, and has a satisfying strength. It is not cloying, but the sharpness is also quite sharp, and you can't help but want another glass! It was a delicious sake that you should be careful not to drink too much of. My niece's yukata, fireworks, and sake It was the best! Thank you for the feast!
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山長 梅田店
Transparent with a slight haze. Fruity nose with hints of apple, pineapple and grapes. The aroma is strong. The mouthfeel is sweet and sour and juicy. The mouthfeel is slightly rich. The astringent and umami flavors linger on the palate with a slightly long aftertaste. Aromatic and mellow sake.
Ryuban純米酒 原酒
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Akita sake. Yamadanishiki Polished rice 60 Alcohol 17%. Nice to meet you, too. The label is so cool that I couldn't help but pick it up. The aroma is peachy and has an Akita-like atmosphere. The mouthfeel is soft and mild, with a firm sweetness. The aftertaste is refreshing, so you can drink as much as you want.
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It's a deep and delicious sake! My first impression is that it is delicious! It's not spicy or sweet, but slightly fruity and delicious 😋.
Ryuban純米酒 原酒
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Memorandum (for record of drinking) At the standing bar of Yamacho Sake Shop We happened to be standing next to each other and we were drinking a regular's recommended sake 🍶. (We became friends at the new sake event at the end of January) 😄 It's like an easy to drink version of Taishinshu Teuchi. A very tasty and well-balanced sake 🍶. As expected from a regular 👍, delicious sake 🍶. Thank you for sharing 😊😊. Thank you for the food 😋😋.
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山長 梅田店
I have never seen or heard of this sake. I have an image of Tōhoku sake as being very floral, but this Ryūboin is not floral at the moment it enters the mouth, but rather sweet. But this Ryuban is sweet, not glamorous, and when you put it in your mouth, you start to smell the subtle Tohoku aroma. I don't know what it is that I want to drink, and if you ask me whether I like it or not, I don't like it.

Brands from Suzuki Shuzoten

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