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Okuharima 1Okuharima 2Okuharima 3Okuharima 4Okuharima 5

Brands from Shimomura Shuzoten

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957 Yasutomichō Anji, Himeji, Hyogo
map of Shimomura Shuzoten
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Okuharima Check-in 1
I was going to take a day off from drinking tonight, but my wife told me she had yakitori, so I reluctantly decided to have a drink 🤭. We had #Okubarima Yamahai Junmai 80% Polishing from #Shimomura Sake Brewery in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. The soft lactic acidity spreads in the mouth. The light bitterness accentuates and tightens the taste, and it crisply drains away the dark flavor and fat content of the yakitori. And then another bite of yakitori...the repetition naturally continues.
Okuharima Check-in 1Okuharima Check-in 2
Okuharima Mellow Dry Taste A gift from an acquaintance. It has a robust, mellow taste and is truly unwaveringly dry. It becomes a little mellow when it is at room temperature. I tried heating it up, but the basic taste remained the same. It is an orthodox sake.
Okuharima Check-in 1Okuharima Check-in 2
I was in Hyogo Prefecture. I might have given different impressions if I drank there, but I give thanks to this world where I can drink in the place I came back to. It is spicy. Spiciness is a thing that is pain, but in sake I consider it to be a reduction of sweetness in my opinion. Heavy. I think this is a better description than the hardness I mentioned earlier. If I were to use a unit of measurement, I would say that it is not in grams, but in the throb of a feeling. There is no such unit, but I think you can imagine it. Sake is good, isn't it? There are not many days when I can drink, so I would like to express my gratitude to the person who served me today's wonderful cup of sake and made me feel the emotions. Also, to the days when I don't get drunk. Thank you again tonight with a wish that I will be able to see another wonderful sake next time.
Okuharima Check-in 1Okuharima Check-in 2
Today's Okuharima, bag Shibori. It's been a while since I drank it, but it's nice and refreshing, and the low sweetness is also good for a hard-core taste. It is delicious.

Brands from Shimomura Shuzoten

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.
