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692 Kamada, Kashiba, Nara
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It has a strong acidity from the Yamahai, but it expands to a nice mellow level when heated. 3.8
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3.9 ★★★☆☆☆ It was tasted as a hot sake, and it was delicious with just the right amount of yamahai flavor. Best as a hot sake.
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Purchased at a liquor store in Akabane. It has a great raw feel! If I let it sit rather long after I bought it, the lid flew off when I opened it. The bulb was dangerous... It has a good raw feeling and a clear, easy-to-drink sweetness. I like it because it is easy to drink.
Kinko15BY 山廃本醸造 火入原酒本醸造山廃原酒
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Yum! It was so sweet that it was no longer sugar or caramel. Old wine in terms of mouthfeel. The taste is very strong.
Kinko濁酒 水酛仕込み 生
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. Rice polishing ratio: 70 Sake degree: -29 Acidity: 3.2 Sake by Okura Honke, brewer of Okura This label is a spring shipping version. The bottle is heavy because it is packed with a lot of grains! It says it's more of an eating sake than a drinking sake, and that's exactly what it is: more solids than liquids! The schwash was also the most amazing ever! I found that if I didn't open the cork slowly, the contents would spew out, so take your time! It has a very strong sweet taste (although I knew that from the specs), like porridge? It's like porridge? Yucky deliciousness! ✩4.0
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The one with a hole in the stopper. The bottle was opened easily. The rice is still in the bottle. When you put it in your mouth, it is very sweet and thick, just like Calpis undiluted solution mixed with amazake (Japanese sweet sake). When mixed with soda, the sweetness is just right, and the sourness is also very tasty. I am sure I will repeat this. 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
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Kinzumi Light Nigori Junmai Unfiltered Nama-shu 1430 (4-Gou bottle) Second day of my business trip. I found a new liquor store and was introduced to two delicious sakes priced around 1,500 yen, one of which was this one. The bottle was introduced to me as one of the two delicious sake bottles for about 1,500 yen. It has a slightly harsh ginjo aroma, but the initial attack is sweet and juicy with a spicy aftertaste, and it has a complex flavor that can be refreshing or cloying. If there is no snow on the ground tomorrow, I will buy a repeat and bring it home as a souvenir for my wife!
Kinko伝承水もと仕込み 濁酒(秋・冬バージョン)にごり酒水酛
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<Weird, rice grains, shwashuwa, strong lactic acid>. Yes, it was a metamorphosis. You can tell even before you drink it. Even when pouring it out, the solid content was just like a big dribble. The white color is beautiful, but it is very thick. The aroma is that of a rich rice flavor yogurt. It has a very lactic acidic taste. The mouth feel is like rice grains with a strong lactic acidity. The sizzling carbonation, lactic acidity of plain yogurt, and plenty of rice sweetness & bitterness are gobsmacked! These rice grains are also large. They are bigger than those of Shozora the other day. It remains on the wall of the glass. It's thick! Only the sweet and bitter aftertaste lingers. It's still the most perverse of all. And it was delicious! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say Moro from "Princess Mononoke. He is a wild dog god with strength far beyond that of humans. He talks tough, but he also has a gentle side. And his eyes are sexy. Degree of liking: ★★★★ *I will post the full version of the blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
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熟成古酒 Élevage
The three-drink comparison continues with Kintsuko. The color is amber, as shown in the photo. The aroma is subdued. It has a matured, smoky, whiskey-like flavor, and is high in alcohol content, but the taste is relatively sharp and clean.
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🙂 This is the Kinko's muddy sake I've been wanting to try. This one is full of rice grains, just like it says on the label, the second half makes you feel like you are eating rice lol. The taste is sweet like a kijoshu, but it also has a gassy acidity, making it very easy to drink and a bad finish lol. Personally, I like it very much.
Kinko伝承水もと仕込み 濁酒水酛
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It's like eating a grain of sweet rice, just like it says on the back label. I thought I mixed it well, but after half, it was already sludgy! Sweetness comes first, but there is also acidity, so the aftertaste is clean. The alcohol content is low, so you can drink as much as you want. I want to drink it again next year!
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cloth dyed in a dappled pattern Sweet. Like syrup. No aroma. Rice mash. Slightly effervescent. Sake level -46 Sweet! Mizu-hashiroshi. The brewer's yeast of the Okura family led to the restoration of Bodai Hashiro. In other words, it is a Bodai yeast. Purchased at Ekimaenomise in front of Kintetsu Gojido Station, a drinking establishment of the Okura Honke's antenna store.
Kinko濁酒 伝承 水酛仕込み 
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. Rice polishing ratio: 70 Sake degree: -46 Acidity: 3.9 Sake by Okura Honke, the brewer of Okura At "Yamato Sake Bar Hinomaruya" in Toyohashi's West Station Yamato Sake Shop Hinomaruya Doburoku! It's so sweet! The rice has a lot of mash left in it! ✩4.5
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This year's muddy sake is just sweet. I got the impression that I was eating a sweet made from rice rather than eating rice.
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It has been a long time since I have had Okura Honke's sake. I had a strong impression of "DOLCE" before, but I was personally curious about "Nigorizake," which is a mizu-hashiroshi brewed sake, so I got it! When I opened the bottle and poured it, it had a soft and sweet rice aroma like amazake. The aroma is more subdued than that of "DOLCE", but it has a calming scent👍. The palate is dense and sweet like honey and caramel. There are interesting pear and peach flavors on the palate! It's perfect for drinking in a relaxed, dessert-like atmosphere. And the grainy texture of the rice makes me feel like I've had a peach... a gem that's both soft and impactful! 🍑 You are still producing interesting and unique sake. As a history buff, I'm looking forward to more of your fascinating sakes ✨.

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