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692 Kamada, Kashiba, Nara
map of Ookura Honke
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Kinko水もと仕込み 濁酒生酒にごり酒水酛
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I heard that my favorite liquor store had just received a new shipment of mizu-hashiro sake, so I bought some 🍶Kinzumi is a brand I've never had before, but I see that they are the brewery that makes Okura. The supernatant has a unique syrupy sweetness that is exactly what you would expect from a mizu-hashiroshi sake. The sweetness is so strong that the umami of the rice is not so pronounced. The second half of the bottle is like muddy sake, with the rice remaining as it is, and it is as thick as yogurt. At this point, the taste is more like eating sweetened fermented rice than sake. From halfway through the bottle, it was more like "eating" than "drinking" as the label stated 🌾In fact, I drank it while chewing 😂I was so full! ... This is a muddy sake, which is good, but I wanted to drink a purely mizu-hashimoto sake from Kinzumi 😄.
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It is slightly carbonated, but it does not interfere with the sake flavor, nor does it fill the palate with a full load of freshness. It is a sake that quickly approaches the bottom.
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Ai Matsuda
I received this as a wedding gift. Happy mood ♩ Recommended drinking room temperature / lukewarm to highly heated
Kinko水酛仕込み 濁酒(春)にごり酒水酛
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I was wondering if I should post this as it was given to me at a tasting, but as a record. Not knowing the date the bottle was opened, it is difficult to judge, but the characteristics are a texture that you can feel the core of the rice, dryness, and an acidity that is assertive throughout. It said it was mizu-hashiroshi brewed, but I wonder if this acidity is a feature. The best thing was that I met a sake with a strong impact and that the proprietress remembered my name ✌️.
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The rice texture is about the size of a firm porridge. And the taste and sweetness that comes with a bang.
Kinko純米生原酒 うすにごり純米原酒生酒にごり酒
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I'm late to the party, but I'll be there❣️. This is a lightly nigorized version of another brand of Nara Kashiba's famous sake "Okura", Kinko❗️. I'm not sure what to make of it. I love the sizzling, crisp, refreshing taste of the active nigori 😆. I like both Okura and Kintsugi because they have their own unique 🥰 I'd like to enjoy it again soon ( ˊ̱˂˂ˋ̱ )
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Name of the brewer:Okura-Honke (Nara) Raw material rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku from Toyama Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 70 Sake degree: -8 Acidity: 2.1 Alcohol content: 15 degrees Yeast used: Association 701 Storage: Requires refrigeration This is a new R3BY sake brewed by Okura Honke in Nara Prefecture. The brewer wanted to make a good drinking sake, so he decided to brew this new sake. It has a clean and clear sweetness that masks the alcohol taste, and a fresh flavor that progresses smoothly without stress, making it a bottle that will keep you drinking. This is the perfect sake to drink all the way to the end.

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