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尾崎商店 中央店

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尾崎商店 中央店
The manager was very complimentary about this sake, saying it was really good and he really wanted me to try it. At that point, I decided to buy it lol. Take-no-i is where they make Seikou, right? I drink one of them every year, so I guess this year it will be this Stargazer. Even before drinking it, I was expecting the taste to be somewhat muscat-like. The aroma is light, with hints of muscat and melon. First of all, it has a freshness that stimulates the tongue like a twinkling star. There is a certain amount of sweetness to make it easy to drink, but it quickly shifts to umami. It is juicy from start to finish, probably because of the fruitiness of the acidity. Wow, this is seriously delicious! It's so similar that if you can't afford Sogapeur Ephis Ria, just buy this one lol. I can hardly remember what I thought of it because I drank it all up so fast... lol. I'm 100% sure I'll buy it again next year - and more than one bottle! LOL! I was so impressed!
Good evening, flos_lingua_est. I've never had Take-no-i sake, and I've never had Stargazer. I wonder where I can find it?
Hi, Hirupeko! It seems to be unusually tasty depending on the year, and last year it was very subtle. If you can find it, I hope you will drink it 😂✨.
abeTHE SAZANAMI生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
50 reviews from the warehouse Continuing from last year, this is SAZANAMI for a year when rice is easy to dissolve (ARANAMI when it is hard to dissolve). In case you're wondering, this is where Abeno's new sake is supposed to start, right? I always review the aroma in a cursory manner, so I'll try to smell it a little properly once in a while. At first, there is a hint of citrus, lychee and other sour fruits, some earthy and grassy natural aroma (so-called minerals), and lactic acidity as the temperature rises. The aroma is gentle, and at this point, it's already enjoyable! The second half of the flavor, when swallowed, seems a bit rough at first, but after a while, it settles down at once, which is strange. From there on, I drink it with gusto. It has the typical Abe flavor and sweetness, but it is smooth and light. I can't help but drink too much of Abe Shuzo's sake. It disappeared into my body in no time at all without my thoughts. ...... Liver thief!
Hi, flos_lingua_est. I have never had abe yet, and now that I read about ARANAMI and SAZANAMI, I am very curious 🤩I would like to secure it when I see it!
Good evening, Hirupeko! I hope you will drink it! There is a slight experimental element, but both are delicious! The last two years it's been SAZANAMI...now I'm looking forward to the new sake season to see which one is next ✨.
Yamashiroya煉 -ren-生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 49 This is the first time I have had Yamashiroya's nama-shu in a row since the last time I drank the nama-kumi-nama. The nao kumi had a pop taste for a Yamashiroya sake. I would be happy if they make it one of their regular offerings. Now, is this one really...? When I tried to drink it...wow! Is this really a Yamashiroya? It's so thick! It has a magic ink feeling that makes you feel like a banana. The mouthfeel is also very lively, and the umami comes forward with a bang right from the start. You would think that such a strong umami would be sweet, but this is Yamashiroya, and it is not sweet at all. There is no lactic acidity, but the acidity gives it a freshness that makes it surprisingly easy to drink. After the third day, the vigor of the first day is reduced and the sake takes on a calm, umami flavor, and you can drink it without thinking. I have heard that Koshi Meizou's locally distributed sake "Ichisou" is gorgeous and rich, so perhaps it has a similar taste. I would like to try Ichinozo someday. I was surprised that Yamashiroya was so different from what I expected, but I was very satisfied with the taste as a different sake!
abe純米吟醸 一本〆タンクロット2号純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 47 This is a yellow label Abe. I love this sake brewed in one bottle...because it is so delicious. I was recommended to drink it because it is completely different from tank lot to tank lot and I gladly bought it immediately. When poured into a glass, it is yellow silver and similar in color to the label. Tank lot No. 1 was an oddball sake, a fruity food wine with a lot of lactic acidity, but No. 2 is, as it turns out, a more balanced sake with a more subdued flavor. It has a very nice pop of freshness and juiciness, like a Japanese pear, with a crisp mouthfeel! And yet, the sweetness is not overpowering. It is a wonderful sake with sweetness, flavor, and acidity. It is not sharply balanced in taste, but well-balanced in every way. It has a gorgeous flavor that can be enjoyed on its own, but it can also be enjoyed as a food sake! The lactic acidity is present, but much less than in No. 1. Or perhaps No. 1 tasted too much of lactic acidity. I love the taste that is so toasty, but I also love the taste that I can't even think of what I think of it, and when I notice it's empty, I love it too. Both of them have a very Abé-like taste, and they are the best.
Kagamiyama純米 おりがらみ純米生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
I don't remember much about Kagamiyama, not even when I drank it before. I tried it this year when I happened to have a chance to buy it at my favorite store. The aroma has a strong alcohol taste. It still feels like "sake" when you taste it. It is a bit like "Sake! However, the acidity and the fruity taste similar to banana and melon make it easy to drink. It is the kind of flavor that you notice more when you taste it properly than when you have a first impression of it. The bitterness that comes out at the end is a little strong, but the sweetness, umami, and acidity are delicious, so I think even sake beginners can enjoy it as long as they have a chaser. At first it was hard to drink because of its harshness, but it tastes better when it is between room temperature and cold after a little time has passed rather than when it is just opened! Sake that has a certain kick to it at first shows its full potential after about the third day. This one is no exception, and that was just right for me. If you wonder what it resembles, I think Matsumidori might be rather close to the image you have.
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尾崎商店 中央店
I had a slight sip of Ona's first Shibori at room temperature a few years ago, but not since then. The aroma is rather alcoholic, but it also has a drinkable atmosphere with hints of gyuhi, vanilla, and some acidity. At the moment of drinking, it is light and refreshing. It even has an impression of clarity. I thought it tasted similar to muscat, but it gradually turned into a rich and robust flavor. There is also a banana-like taste somewhere, and by the third day, the muscat feeling is considerably reduced and an elegant banana feeling emerges. It is hard to tell because I am drinking it with Miyazumi, but it may be quite strong. The sweetness is there, but it is not unpleasant, just enough to support the umami. The fruity acidity is moderate, but the reason it does not taste light is probably because of the alcoholiness and the mellowness that starts to appear in the middle of the bottle. It is a well-balanced sake that falls somewhere between refreshing and robust. It doesn't deteriorate much and tastes great all the time! And to my delight, it is a sake that I never get tired of drinking, so in that sense, it will always be delicious! This is exactly how I felt when I drank it before. I like it so much that I will buy it again next year.
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尾崎商店 中央店
I have come this far without drinking for years because I wondered what is good for me since there are so many different kinds of lomangs available during the year, but I consulted with them at the end of the year because they have them at my favorite store. The manager strongly recommended this Kasumi Romain. There are two types of liquor stores: those that lie to you and make you buy and those that tell the truth, but Mr. Ozaki is the latter, so I can trust him. That's why I made my decision immediately. The aroma has a melon-like sweetness. It's been a while since I've had something like this. The supernatant is not unpleasant, but moderately gorgeous. And yet it is beautiful. Like Senkou with bitterness and strength. The impression changes when nigori is mixed in. It becomes a sake with both strength and pop. No matter who drinks it, it surely tastes good~ lol. If you let it air out a little, the corners are removed and it tastes even better. So it's best to pour a glass full of it and drink it slowly, because it gets tastier and tastier! The aroma gives me a feeling I haven't had in a long time, but it is close to the image I had when I drank Naraman. It is the same Fukushima, and both have "man" attached to them. For some reason, they are similar, but both are wonderfully tasty, which is the quintessential Fukushima sake kingdom!
Hello. Thank you for enjoying our sake from our hometown, Minamiaizu-cho!
Mr. Nobe Hello! Aizu is a city with a lot of traditions, and it is evidence of a well-developed sake culture. I will have another lomang!
abe純米吟醸 一本〆タンクロット1号純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
I'm very much looking forward to it, as I'm sure I've never had a bottle of Abe's Ipponjiki this time of year! I'm running out of words to say about Abé because it's always so delicious. I can't put this deliciousness into words, so all I can say is that I love it. It has a fresh, slightly fizzy, and energetic mouthfeel. This taste of lactic acidity from the moment you taste it...it's so Abe-like and so good! The lactic acidity is present throughout, but the speed with which the sweetness that appears for a moment is quickly pulled back by the acidity and then naturally transforms into umami is breathtaking. On the first day, the aroma is of pears and grapes, and from the third day, it has a banana-like aroma, which is my favorite. The third day or so, the aroma is more like banana, which is my favorite. Many sake deteriorate on the fourth day or so, but Abe can be enjoyed until the end. It is not too sweet, not too sour, but elegant, and has a nice pop to it, making it a well-balanced gem.
Good morning, flos_lingua_est 😃 Abesan❗️There are no words because it's too good... I understand 🤗 and you are so good at expressing the taste, it makes me want to drink more and more 😆.
Mr. Jay & Mr. Nobby Hello ☀️ Do you understand? ✨ I have no words to describe the taste yet, and I have no words for that either lol. But thank you for saying so 😊.
Taiheizan別誂 無濾過生白神山水仕込み 生酛純米 無圧採り 蔵人直詰純米生酛生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Nice to meet you, Mr. Taiheizan. I have been curious about the new Taiheizan sake for many years. Every year they release a variety of sake, so I wondered which one I should drink... I wondered whether I should wait a little longer or buy one, but I bought one on the spur of the moment. It was unfiltered, pure rice, direct-filtered, and unpressed...it was like an all-star title. It has a mellowness. It has a fresh, energetic and lively character that is typical of unfiltered raw Aragashiri, but it has a gentle mouthfeel. Sake that is not pressurized, such as unpressurized or drop-pressed, is really soft and delicious... The juiciness of the fruit can be felt from the aroma, and it is very tasty. When the temperature is high, it tastes like pear, and when it gets closer to room temperature, it becomes sweeter and more apricot-like. The acidity, which is typical of a sake yeast yeast yeast, also adds a wonderful accent, and because of this it is not too sweet. It has an elegant pop, or rather, a nice touch of flamboyance added on top of a certain calmness. It has a flavor that can be recommended even to those who do not usually drink alcohol.
abe純米 仕込ロットvol.1 タンク1号 生純米生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
I had a different tank of Abeno junmai namaishu a week ago and would like to drink it while comparing the differences with it. The aroma is quite weak. I mean, it's almost nothing...maybe because I drank it after the Shinshu Kamerei...lol. What is it? Compared to tank #2, isn't it much cleaner? It has the same good balance as the fresh bottles. What is it? This is so good! Last year, the second tank was often more refreshing than the first tank, but this kind of difference can be seen when the tanks are different! Interesting! The flavor, which could be mistaken for sweetness, and the aroma that comes in the latter half of the bottle is very Abé-like. In fact, the sweetness is moderate because of the crisp acidity. It has an exquisite "freshness" that is a little different from the expression "fruity" or "juicy. It is a beautiful sake that combines the best of both mellow and refreshing qualities. You can drink it all the time without getting tired of it, so be careful to know how much you drink, or you may end up in an ambulance.
abe純米 仕込ロットvol.1 タンク2号 生純米生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
This is Abe with a black label. This is a junmai-standard sake. I drank a lot of this sake last year and loved it, but this is the first time I've had it raw, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Compared to the silver label junmai ginjo, this sake is juicy, rich, and wild. The standing aroma and hints of alcohol are stronger than I expected, and I think that is what makes the taste so unexpected. Especially on the second day, it tastes quite similar to my local sake, Igarashi Tenranzan. It tastes a little bit more like a crisp Igarashi Tenranzan. The first and third days are less intense and easy to drink. The nama-zume is a more robust sake in comparison, so I felt that the nama-zume and the nama-zume are two completely different sakes. If you prefer a dark, robust sake, go for the nama, but if you prefer a balance of richness and crispness, go for the nama-zume!
abe純米吟醸 仕込ロット vol.2純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
I had already had Junmai Ginjo vol.1, so I wanted to compare the two. The raw Junmai-Ginjo from Abeno uses the previous year's rice, so I guess this one is called 2021BY? The sake made with last year's rice was very good, so we are quite happy to know that we can still enjoy it. I was going to write a review of the sake, but I drank it all before I could think or write about it, so I honestly don't remember much of the details! LOL! The attack has a crisp texture on the tongue and gives the impression of new sake vigor. The flavor is typical Abe's fruity, umami, lactic-acid-like, and can be enjoyed on its own as a mealtime sake. It has a pop impression, but it is dry, just as it tends to be mistaken for sweet. It is elegant and refined. This is a very tasty wine! As for the difference between vol. 1 and vol. 2, vol. 2 is drier, so it will appeal to those who are more authentic to a certain extent, while vol. 1 can be enjoyed by anyone. I used to drink it in a 4-ounce bottle, but I have high expectations for the evolution of Abeno, which makes me think that I may buy it in a 1-ounce bottle from next year.
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尾崎商店 中央店
First time at Sentori, Kabuto! I was going to buy Organic Naturals. But now they have Kabutatsumari in stock! Let's have it! It's called "Adult Lemon Squash". It has a crisp acidity and a citrus-like sweet and sour taste when it rolls around in your mouth. The alcohol content is only 14 degrees, so it's easy to drink and goes down smoothly. It's perfect after taking a bath!
Tenmei中取り 零号 稲穂黄金 2022-2023純米生酒中取りおりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
This is the first new Tenmei sake in 3-4 years. Last year, I finally drank the No. 2, No. 3, and No. 5, so I wanted to drink the No. 0 again after a long time. It has a sweetness that anyone can drink. It has a sweetness that anyone can drink. The citrus-like refreshing acidity is well balanced and if you don't control it, it will be gone from your glass in no time lol. I think the citrusiness depends not only on the acidity but also on the bitterness that appears at the end. It is the rice flavor that makes you want to bite down on it when you drink it by itself. The sweetness that you feel when chewing on it is also like the starch of the rice, then glucose (is that true? lol), and it seems that the sweetness of the rice has been strongly extracted while still being gentle. I think there are times when the border between umami and sweetness is hard to tell, but this sake is rather clear about that. There are parts that are similar to Seisho Seishun and parts that are not, and this sake is "easy to understand and delicious" because it tastes clearer. This Zero in particular is usually sold out early in the year at this store, so it is thought to be a very popular pop flavor. The description on the back label is exactly as it says, but please forgive me because it really is. The explanation on the back label is too good.
Isshoseishun特別純米 新酒おりがらみ本生特別純米生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Akebono Shuzo is famous for Tenmei. I have drank all of their new sake series except for No. 4 (No. 4), and I knew they were all delicious. I was also very interested in this lifetime youth series. And it is a special junmai with many of my favorite sakes...my expectations are high. The aroma is typical of sake from the Tohoku region, with a cappiness that I don't really like (lol). The new Tenmei sake series has a citrusy aroma, but this was different from that. However, the taste is very nice after being sipped! The sweetness is not strong, and the umami slowly and moderately expands, but I really like the way it expands. This is so delicious... The overall freshness of the wine is smooth without being violent. The aroma is less pronounced than Tenmei, perhaps because it is not unfiltered. I think this is the heart of this sake. It is pungent and spicy, perhaps from the alcohol. You can feel that you are drinking sake, and the feeling that it finishes with bitterness is refreshing and highly satisfying. It's nice to be able to drink something that tastes so good while having an aroma that I don't like (generally a very popular aroma)! I wonder what would have happened if this had been unfiltered, or if it had been a ginjo-shu. I would like to ask those who have had the ginjo-shu of a lifetime.
abe純米吟醸 仕込ロットvol.1純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Until last year I was drinking the Star Series, the Plot Series, and other planned products and not the main Abe Series. I started drinking this Abe series in the middle of last year and it has now become my favorite to the point that I feel I should have had it earlier! Naturally, I am quite excited as this is my first time drinking the new Abé sake! The aroma has a nice Abe-like acidity and rice-like flavor! The acidity has a sharpness similar to that of the Shinmasa Blanco that I was drinking with it. It has a very dry impression combined with a sense of gas. On the other hand, if you don't mix the tailings, the gaseous feeling is suppressed and the mild sweet flavor stands out. Both are delicious. Since it is a new sake, it is fresh and very lush, but it is not too violent, so it is very easy to drink! The Junmai Hi-ire, which I usually drink, has a very rich flavor and can be drunk on its own without any problems, but compared to it, this sake is much more smooth and shows its potential when paired with a meal. As the temperature rises, the Abé character comes to the fore, and you can taste the standard Junmai-like sweetness, but from the second day onwards, the melon-like sweetness also comes out, albeit a little more gradually. Abé is always delicious...the best!
abe純米 尾崎商店別注原酒純米原酒生詰酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
This is a special order product of Abe by Ozaki Shoten, who has nurtured the Abe brand since its birth. It seems that this is the once-hiked version of the "Abe x Ozaki (Nama)" that we drank before. I myself prefer once-hiked sake to nama-zake, so I am looking forward to seeing what this one will be like! The first aroma is like a cider, and then you can taste the acidity. Then there is a banana-like alcoholiness. The aroma gives the impression of being both catchy and easy to drink, with a certain deliciousness that will make even the most seasoned drinker swoon. When you taste it, it is as if that impression is directly reflected in the flavor. The juicy, fresh cider-like aroma and acidity make it easy to drink, and the banana-like sweetness and aroma are connected to the umami and give it a solid impression. This is so good...! It has everyone's favorite elements. You can drink it all the time! Personally, I think you can feel the goodness more when it is fire-aged than when it is fresh. Like Abe, it has a sweet, yet slightly darker flavor that goes well with meals. I'll still have it in the store in May 2023, so I'll be back for more...
Wakagoma五百万石 80 無加圧採り原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
(We are continuing to review the warehouse releases, but this one was drunk last fall.) Some years ago, I wanted to buy Wakakoma sake, so I looked for a store called Ozaki Shoten. I remember that I bought their Gohyakumangoku sake for a different year. It has been several years since I last bought and drank the sake that brought people together. The sweetness is really banana-like and extremely delicious! Of course, it also has the deliciousness of sake, which I really like. The "clear acidity" on the back label contributes to the deliciousness. I think the banana-ness is also connected to the alcohol-ness, so if you are not used to drinking it, it may seem harsh. I highly recommend it to those who are used to it. The bitterness that appears a little at the end appears and disappears like falling leaves blown by the autumn wind... If this had been drunk in summer, it might have been a sparkler, lol. My tastes have changed after drinking many different kinds of sake, but even after a long time, it is still right in the middle of my tastes and is as great as ever!
Eikun純米吟醸 紫の英君 無濾過生原酒 山田錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
I remember that this product was very tasty when it was released in winter as a new sake, so I bought it again and drank it again as an experiment to see how it would change after half a year had passed! The grape-like nuance that I felt when I drank it right after its release is still there somewhere. The cemedine-like flavor is stronger and more pleasant on the nose than in the overtones. I think the floral notes that started out are a bit absent. It has a characteristic sweetness similar to syrup. The umami is of course present, but the sweetness is more noticeable now because the acidity is less pronounced than it was during the new sake period. However, it is not without acidity, which may lead to juiciness... It is indeed not as juicy as the release period, but it is still there. It's better after about 5 minutes than right after pouring it in the glass... and more importantly, after the second day, it's more cohesive and far more enjoyable to drink. The acidity is also present, and a banana-like quality comes out...it's so good that you wonder what the first day was all about!
abeあべ 楽風舞 純米吟醸 タンクロット2純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Raku-fu-mai tank lot 1 and 2 were compared, and this is lot 2. The alcohol content is actually different from that of lot 1! It's so nice! The aroma is the same as tank lot 1, banana and magic. You can imagine the taste from the aroma: banana, which is typical of isoamyl acetate, and the sweetness of melon sherbet. The acidity tightens it up, so the sweetness quickly recedes and it's very sharp. The difference from vol. 1 is that this one has a slightly stronger bitter aftertaste, which is its most distinctive feature. While the overall impression is sweet, the fact that this sake actually has a strong umami flavor can be clearly seen when it is drunk after a sweet drink! It's a dry sake to be matched with a meal! It's a dry sake that goes well with food! I didn't really believe in it until now (laugh), but I can understand why it is labeled as a food sake. It is an easy-drinking sake with an excellent balance of sweetness, flavor, and acidity, but there is a slight lightness to it, and the bitterness comes out at once at the end, giving you a sense of the strength of the sake. I love both of them, similar yet different and delicious and fun! LOL!
Good morning, flos_lingua_est: ☀️ I've never been able to experience such a valuable review 👍That's such a difference! I would like to drink the Abe more than anything else, although my preference is 1!
Pon. Hi ☀️ To be honest, it's a minute difference lol. But if I dare to say the difference, this is what I thought of your review... I hope you will drink it even if you buy it on the web if you feel like it lol.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😃 We have a bottle in our fridge 👍I saw on the label that it was lot 2 ❗️ I went to the liquor store on a business trip without lunch and got this bottle 😆 looking forward to drinking it 🤗.
Mr. Jay & Mr. Nobby Hello ☀️ Did you have it? I see you were quite enthusiastic about your purchase lol. I'm sure the taste is worth skipping lunch for, so enjoy!