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尾崎商店 中央店

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abe楽風舞 純米吟醸 タンクロット1純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
This is the latest review, not a warehouse release! This sake was delicious last year, but this year there is a different lot. The manager asked us to compare the two, so we decided to try them...! The aroma is banana as usual. If I had to say more, I would say it has an alcoholic aroma. The aroma is mellow and full-bodied, similar to that of bananas, and sweet and juicy like melon sherbet. It's quintessential Abbey-like, with a well-balanced acidity that feels gentle but also tightens things up. The bitterness in the aftertaste is not strong, so you feel the sweetness until the end, but that's Abe. It is more umami than sweetness. However, it is sweeter than Tank Lot 2. The sweetness comes out again at the end of the aftertaste and remains as a lingering aftertaste. However, the acidity also makes it crisp and refreshing, making it a great sake! We were very satisfied with this sake last year, and this year's version is also one of the most enjoyable! It has both the mellowness that is typical of a 14% sake and a lightness that does not seem like a 14% sake, which is really surprising!
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尾崎商店 中央店
It's Hachibei, the sake shop where the food is always delicious. I have wanted to drink this Jugoya for many years, but the timing was not quite right and I could not drink it, but finally I had a chance! The aroma is very mild, but there is a good smell of sake. Anyone know what this sensation is? It's like a very unique sake that tastes sober and delicious. When you drink it... it is still very plain. The umami spreads slowly, the pleasant bitterness gives it depth, and the acidity tightens it up in a dry, crisp manner, making it a "typical" sake. The second day is more cohesive and the umami is beautiful and firm. This is a humble sake, but I think the reason it has a moderately light and poppy taste is because it is not fire-aged, but freshly bottled. This product is sometimes compared to "chestnuts," and if you imagine Amatsu ama chestnuts or marrons, you will be wrong, but you will agree that it has the simplicity and warmth of so-called roasted chestnuts (this is just a nuance). It is delicious with food that makes the most of the flavors of the ingredients, such as grilled shiitake mushrooms.
YamashiroyaStandard Class 直汲み 純米大吟醸 超辛口純米大吟醸生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
The aroma is not strong, but there is something about it that reminds me of the freshness of direct pumping. It may be felt even more so when it is contained. After the aroma, the umami flavor expands a little, and then it suddenly sharpens, leaving behind only a slight bitterness... It is quite dramatic... and even moving, as if it were giving us a taste of impermanence. As usual, the sweetness is quite low, but the aroma makes it unusually easy to drink. It has a pop flavor, which is typical of Yamashiroya. However, this is Yamashiroya. It is originally a clean, crisp sake with no sweetness. It is a beautiful sake with a cheerful aroma and a gorgeous light sake, which makes it quite an atmospheric product. It is delicious even when drunk quickly and without thinking, and is a sake that many people would like to drink. It is a sake that many people would like to drink, and yet the more you drink it, the more intrigued you become. I am a big supporter of this sake!
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尾崎商店 中央店
Forgot to post (2) This is the first summer sake I've had after drinking only the Star series, becoming a sucker for the standard Junmai, and preferring the Abe series. The title is also "Summer Sake". What in the world does it taste like? The first thing that comes to mind when you take a sip is the acidity. The acidity gives the sake a lightness in the mouthfeel. It is light when served cold, and as the temperature approaches room temperature, it becomes more and more refreshing and medium-bodied. The sweetness is only a little at the beginning and switches to umami and a little bitterness in the middle. It is a typical summer sake when it is quite cold, but after 5 minutes it shows its face as a dining sake with a lot of umami in its lightness, just like Abe. Of course, it has the potential to be enjoyed on its own as well. Even if it is not my favorite standard junmai, it is still delicious. It made me realize how much I like Abe. To be honest, I like it so much that I can't find anything in particular to say about it, so on the contrary, I'm running out of words! There are so many things I want to say that I can't express them in words... Next up is the standard Jungin~!
Kazenomori愛山 807 真中採り純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
It's been a while since I've been to Kaze no Mori. It's been on Sake-no-wa's recommendations for a long time, but I bought and drank it before. It was a few years ago. I heard that "80% polished rice + No.7 yeast = 807". Who doesn't like this sake? It's not soft, but it simply has a delicious flavor and lightness. I guess it can be drunk lightly because the acidity can be tasted refreshingly all the way through from the time it is contained. As for the sweetness, it should have a certain amount, but it is well controlled by the acidity. The bitterness is a little bit at the end in a moderate way. As the temperature rises, the acidity is slightly reduced and the sweetness and bitterness become stronger, but it is still refreshing. Overall, the sake has a pleasant umami, spiciness, and aroma. The aroma and umami will appeal to everyone, and the spiciness will probably appeal to sake lovers as well. Kaze no Mori has already been a very popular brand for many years, but as others have improved, Kaze no Mori has also improved its balance and level. I felt that Kaze no Mori has become a sake that is simply delicious to drink, not something to be desired.
Mr. flos_lingua_est Good evening. Well, I was drawn in by reading your repo! I can feel how good Kaze no Mori is! I've never seen Kaze no Mori before, so I'd like to taste it someday.
Hi, little boy. Hello! I've been in a writing slump for a long time, so I'm honored to hear you say that! ✨ I'm sure you'll enjoy the fruitiness and the slight fizziness of Kaze no Mori in general ☺️.
Tamagawa祝 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
I couldn't drink this sake last year. The year before last it was my favorite sake, so much so that I bought it twice. This year I bought it so fast that it was already in our refrigerator the moment it went on sale. It has a strong flavor with 17-18% alcohol by volume, which is a good thing in these days when elegant unfiltered sake is on the rise. Delicious, sweet, and acidic! "In that sense," I think it's a very pop and tasty sake for a certain segment of the population! However, don't drink it with other liquors because it is too strong. It is better to drink this drink last at least, because it makes it hard to taste. You can float one ice on it if you like! The moment you drink it, you will feel the acidity rushing in. The sweetness also comes in a big rush from the beginning. It is sweet, but there is a pungency that may be derived from the alcohol, and the fact that it goes well with food is amazing! And it is delicious all the way through. As the label says, it tastes more like a mix of various tastes in one flavor, rather than a succession of tastes coming together. It is also interesting that the bitterness that comes at the end lingers a little, but basically disappears in a flash.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est. After reading your review of Tamagawa's celebratory rice, I could feel your love for Tamagawa ^^ I personally regret that I haven't made my Tamagawa debut yet. I'll have to do it soon!
Ms. Day-Peco Hello! I've had some Tamagawa, but I think this celebratory rice is the most delicious. I have the impression that there are many strong and robust sake. If you drink it, please review it.
Matsumidori純米大吟醸 夏純大純米大吟醸
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尾崎商店 中央店
Matsu Midori is a summer jun-dai that I drank last year. As usual, I like it if it has a modest ginjo aroma. This one has a classy aroma, just as I expected. After a series of light sakes such as Natsu no Hijiri (Sacred) and Mutsu Hachisen Wine Yeast, I enjoy a medium saké with a strong umami flavor. Easy to drink, yet very drinkable! Regardless of my personal situation, this sake suddenly has a bitter taste. It is such a nice accent that even those who don't like bitterness may become okay with bitterness after this (really?). I'm so glad you like it! Although it is a food sake, the sweetness, flavor, acidity, and bitterness come all at once, making it a very enjoyable sake that can also be drunk on its own. The acidity is not strong, but it balances out the overall flavor! It is crisp and refreshing like a summer sake, but it is not lacking in any way! So it's good on a hot day, or even on a day when it's raining and the heat has calmed down, it's an all-around warrior that will satisfy you! Personally, when I opened it up, it was the best tasting saké I've had all summer!
MutsuhassenV1116 ワイン酵母仕込み生詰酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Now, for my 50th memorable check-in at Ozaki Shoten, I was recommended Mutsu Hachisen, a sake I have never been very fond of! The last time I drank Red Label, it was much easier to drink and much tastier than the previous one, so I tried it again to get rid of the image of being bad at it! LOL! The color is a pale yellowish silver. I thought it would have less color, but it seems to have a moderate flavor. The aroma is somewhat like that of white wine, perhaps due to the alcohol content, or perhaps due to the yeast. When cold, it is a crisp, smart, sweet and sour sake. As the temperature rises, the sweetness and umami are surprisingly robust, giving it more of a sake-like flavor than a wine-like flavor. But is it the acidity or the aroma that supports the overall balance that makes it seem like wine somewhere... The smoothness of the mouthfeel makes it easy to drink. The lack of sticking points is a good sign of Hakusen's ability. This wine sold out in no time last year. Using wine yeast, it is a round sake with a strong acidity, but with a sweetness and umami of rice. The fact that it does not feel like 13% in a good way also makes this sake special.
Eikun純米吟醸 夏の白菊純米吟醸
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尾崎商店 中央店
It appears that it secretly passed the 200 check without my knowledge 🤭 lol This is the third year for me to drink this summer white chrysanthemum. So far, it has been sweet and sour, and just like the package design, it has been a very English sweet and sour wine, but what do you think this year? The aroma is...what? Not at all! No harshness, no sweetness, no junmai ginjo ginjo aroma! I can't compare it to the summer Shirakiku I had until last year because I didn't pay attention to the top-drawer aroma, but anyway, it's interesting that there is no aroma. When you drink it...it is literally really like water. From there, a citrus-like acidity emerges, and the sweet-amami flavor expands a bit and gets sharp. As the temperature approaches room temperature, the last bitterness and then the sweetness is felt from the beginning, but this too does not feel sticky and quickly disappears. The low alcohol content of 13 degrees does not give it an alcoholic taste, and the bitterness is not felt to any great extent. This may be the reason why the overall feeling of the wine is less sticky and flows smoothly, just like water. It has a sweet and sour taste, but this year it is more elegant than usual, and anyway, it is smooth. If you wonder what it resembles, it's Senkou Kabutomushi! Especially the second day, they look exactly alike!
Hello, flos_lingua_est. I know a store that sells Eikun, but I haven't been able to go there recently. This looks like a good drink for summer 😁. You have already checked in over 200 times. Congratulations 🎉🎉!
Hi TOMO 😊 I've only had two kinds of Eikun, but they were both a big hit, so I hope you'll try them too! I've been updating slowly lately, but I'm happy to finally hit the 200 mark! Thank you ✨☺️
Matsunokotobuki純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
There are so many delicious sake from Tochigi. Senkori, Hououmida, Ona, Wakakoma, Sagata... I've given Matsunotoshi as a gift, but never drank it, so I was looking forward to it! It has a pale yellowish color. The standing aroma is a slight ginjo aroma with alcohol. When you drink it, you can smell the ginjo aroma gently with alcohol as well. The spreading umami flavor is quite firm. The acidity is also strong, which is probably why the sweetness is not felt very much. The acidity is just right for a well-balanced food sake. It is not very plain. It is not the kind of sake that will make everyone say, "Matsunotoshi is the best," but if sake lovers drink it, they will say, "Oh, it's a good sake! There is nothing sharp about it, but it is a sake that has a flavor and a modern, sophisticated image, and I would like to drink it again. It was just as the manager said. It is similar to Shoryu Hourai's Kimoto Jungin, but smarter. Personally, I can't help but feel that it is a bit similar to Abeno Junmai.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😃. Thank you for your love of Tochigi sake 🥰. You really have a lot of good sake 😊. I think you're at 201 check-ins 😳 200 check-ins ㊗️㊗️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I love Tochigi sake so much! I'll be following your Tochigi sake from now on! 😋 Ah! I didn't realize it, but it's true! LOL! Thanks for the congrats 😊✨
Yamashiroya濁 生酛 純米大吟醸 にごり酒純米大吟醸生酛にごり酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
I thought the alcohol was pink, but it's a pink bottle. lol Kawaii lol. The aroma is mild and refreshing with a hint of grain. I think this is the kind of aroma I like the most after all! Slightly bubbly, slightly energetic sensation. It is a little sweet when you take a sip. But then the sweetness suddenly disappears and the delicious rice flavor comes through! I think the citrus-like acidity contributes to the dryness, but I think it is the freshness that contributes more. The variety of tastes and acidity in a single cup is delicious, but like Yamashiroya, there are no unnecessary flavors, so it is a delicious sake that you will never get tired of drinking. It is a combination of the best of both mellow and fresh sake... Why is the rice flavor so robust and yet not clingy? Why is it so crisp, yet you can feel the sake's deliciousness and drinkability? This is delicious! Oh, it's good! Even better than last year! Next year's will be even better! It goes well with anything, but I personally feel like eating fried food when I drink a sake with a citrusy flavor. And when I actually try to pair it with something...both the sake and the fried food are delicious! And personally, I think muddy sake goes well with mapo tofu as well... also delicious!
Hi, flos_lingua_est, nice to meet you. ☺️ I feel familiar with flos_lingua_est's review "Kekkokyo" when I search for "Kyokko" hiragana....
flos_lingua_est, this is sake🔰, but the review is very informative and easy to imagine. The brewer recommends a plate of fried tofu from Tochio or something like that 😋 at the sake store that puts Yamashiroya 😋 fried food and mapo tofu 👍🏻
Ms. Kotori Nice to meet you ☺️ Thanks for your comment ✨ I see! I see...you just happened to be in the search...lol! I'm so glad you commented!
Kotori-san I have tried to write this recipe in a way that is as easy to imagine as possible, so thank you for the compliments 😊. Tochio fried tofu and mapo eggplant! That would definitely go well together, wouldn't it? I'm getting hungry just imagining it... lol
abe純米 vol.2純米生詰酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
We compared almost all of the different lots of Abeno's standard junmai sake. According to prior information (according to the manager), vol. 3 has a strong taste (sweetness) and vol. 2 is dry. On the first day, it was almost the same as vol.3 and I laughed. I thought there was no difference. Vol.2 is the same as vol.3, the aroma is mild and there is a hint of alcohol, but you hardly feel it when you drink it. The mouthfeel is the same as vol.3, and it is a combination of the best of both worlds. It has a lot of energy, but it is very cohesive. The sweetness is balanced by a citrus-like acidity, making this a gem that allows you to enjoy the goodness of sake with a focus on umami. ...what's wrong with that, on the second day it's suddenly spicy! I was a little surprised at how it changed like a different sake in one day. But it's also delicious! Apart from the spiciness, it is light and dry like Shoryu Hourai, which I drank recently, but with a strong umami flavor. I couldn't drink it on the third day, but on the fourth day, the sweetness was gusto, and this trend was the same on the fifth day. I have to admit I liked the Abeno classic Junmai series too much! I bought more of both vol.2 and vol.3 since they were still on sale lol.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😊. You have a different lot👍. I was vol.3 last time and was impressed by the wonderfully good work. I continue to look forward to this brewery.
Good evening, Mr. Hiraccio! Of course, many of the parts are the same, even in different lots, but there are different nuances, so it's great to enjoy them! I'm looking forward to seeing more of Abe in the future!
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尾崎商店 中央店
I thought it was a rare opportunity to try a junmai daiginjo, so I bought my favorite abe. It was a bit pricey as it looked luxurious, lol. The color is quite easy to recognize, a pale yellow with silver tints. The top aroma is a refined ginjo aroma. The ginjo aroma has finally become a little more acceptable recently. Of course, it is okay because it is such a good sake. The aroma is a ginjo aroma that reminds me of melon sherbet, and the moment I take a sip... "It's delicious! It's so delicious and easy to understand that you can't help but say, "Delicious! Immediately after drinking it, there is a tangy, puffy, or chili chili sensation. At this point, it is quite gorgeous. The label says it is a food wine. Of course it is, but for me, I think it is also good to drink on its own, as it tends to be sweet rather than savory. I think it would go well with salads with fruit, carpaccio, and antipasto dishes. The bitterness that appears at the end is a very nice accent and adds depth. It is a gorgeous sake that is so drinkable that it is hard to believe that it is 14% alcohol, but it is a good sake that is very easy to drink, just like Abe.
abe純米 vol.3純米生詰酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Nama-filling of standard Junmai-shu, stocking lot vol.3. Classy, likeable aroma! There is a slight alcohol taste, but it is almost imperceptible when included. The mouthfeel is fresh yet smooth. This is the beauty of the nama-zume, which falls somewhere between nama and hi-iru. It's not a compromise between the two, but both! Delicious from the first impression! As soon as you take a sip, you will notice a slight apple-like aroma. The citrus-like acidity is lightly felt and lasts until the end, which is refreshing. The umami is really delicious! The umami has a strong sweetness, but it is gentle. The bitterness at the end is refreshing when served cold, and can be enjoyed as a depth of flavor at room temperature. Overall, the volume is just right and "not too much" is delicious. On the third day, the sweetness comes forward in exchange for the acidity, but the umami accompanies it just as strongly, so it's really delicious! There are many good junmai and tokubetsu junmai sake, but I still feel like I'm getting something out of it, and that makes me very happy! It lives up to what it says on the label, "Sake that you will never get tired of drinking with its core of rice flavor and acidity"! I'm impressed!
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 🌇. This, abe junmai, is quite good👍.
Hiraccio. This is pretty good ☺️✨ The fact that it's a classic and so high level makes me excited ⤴︎⤴︎⤴︎
Shoryuhoraiきもと純吟 雄町60 槽場直詰 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸生酛原酒生酒無濾過槽しぼり
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尾崎商店 中央店
I had wanted to drink it for a long time, but the timing was never quite right... The manager said it was his favorite drink in the restaurant! It is a pale yellow color with silver tints and a hint of green. It has a spicy top note with a hint of alcohol, but the aroma is very refreshing, perhaps because of the acidity. When you drink it, the slightly carbonated texture on the tongue is pleasant. There is not much noticeable aroma, but the acidity gives it a refreshing mouthfeel. It may not have much sweetness to begin with, but the acidity helps to make it dry. Despite its dryness, it has a strong flavor, which is probably due to the strong umami that can be tasted from start to finish. Dry sake is usually considered "spicy," but perhaps because of the strong umami, it does not feel too spicy. Interestingly, it is a sake that does not have much bitterness, which may be why it is so light and easy to drink despite its 17% alcohol content. This is seriously very, very good! I wouldn't say it's for everyone, but I think it's a must-try for sake drinkers who like umami!
abe楽風舞 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Abe has never had much to drink other than the Star Series, so I wanted to try this one! It has a light yellowish color. I wouldn't say it is fizzy, but you can see a lot of bubbles in the liquid. It smells sweet with a juice-like pop, making it hardly seem like an alcoholic beverage. The attack is soft and soft all the way to the aftertaste. There is almost no hooking point. It has an attack like a sports drink. This is probably the reason why it is so easy to drink. But from the second day, this sensation weakens. But the drinkability remained the same. The sweetness and flavor swells in the middle part of the drink, and somewhere in the middle, there is a slight chocolate banana sensation. I guess this is why it seems to be suitable for after dinner as well, although it can be drunk while eating. There is a sourness at the end of the taste, which leads to a sharp finish. There is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste, but it does not bother me at all. At 13% alcohol by volume, it is quite low for a sake. The impression of only 1% alcohol by volume is quite different from that of this sake and the Akabu AIR I drank recently. Compared to the 16% sake that I usually drink, this sake gives me the feeling that I can drink it with gusto.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😊. I agree 😌. My sister, who is a sake beginner, said that Abe is the easiest to drink. And I gave her a variety to drink and she oversaw it 😂. Sports drink!!! 👍 I can certainly drink in total agreement 😋.
Hello Mr. Chidori! Abbe is just so easy to drink! I guess it really is if you're a beginner 😊. I felt like Abe has that freshness and easy-going feeling of Spodori 😉✨.
Tenmei中取り 伍号純米生酒中取りおりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
This year, I was able to receive the first sake, Corporal, following the second and third sake. With this issue, only No. Zero and No. 4 are left in the Tenmei Nakadori series (and No. 1 as far as Sake-no-Wawa's contribution is concerned). The aroma is everyone's favorite Jyushidai-style ginjo aroma. In addition to that, it has a...what is it...fruitiness to it. The package and the label on the back of the bottle are too much of a pull, but there is a sense of freshness combined with grapes and strawberries. It's hard to describe, but in a good way, it has a kind of "umami" taste in a clear, transparent way, like a sports drink, and it lasts for a long time. It is difficult to describe, but in a good sense, it is like a sports drink with a clear flavor that lasts for a long time. Finally, the bitterness comes out. Although it is a catchy sake, the sweetness enhances the umami and is not too sweet, so surprisingly it does not make you tired of drinking it. Catchy sake tends to be underestimated by the experts, but this is a good sake that shows a lot of ability...! This is a great sake that will fit into the strike zone of many people, even if they buy it on a whim.
Daina純米吟醸 花摘み 新酒 おりがらみ 一貫造り純米吟醸おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Purchased on the word of the manager that the flower picking was clearly better than last year. It has a light yellow with grayish tints. Good thing I could check before mixing the tailings - lol! The aroma is an apple-like ginjo aroma similar to the Jyushiyo and Mutsu Hachisen I have had recently. Tasted the supernatant first. Contrary to the package, I could taste a bit of bitterness from the beginning, but it intensified until the second half. It is a strange sake with sweetness and bitterness coexisting. The sweetness and bitterness are withdrawn a little while the umami and acidity are also present in the middle of the bottle. It is interesting that the sweetness and bitterness are felt again, and the final taste is more refreshing than expected. When mixed with the tailings, the rough bitterness is slightly suppressed and the overall taste becomes a little more refined. If I were to use a metaphor, it is like an energetic child from the countryside who has tried to dress up to go to the city center to have fun. LOL! I did a lot of swirling to get the glass in contact with the air on the third day, and I liked it a lot. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier...it's too delicious. I regretted that I need to get into the habit of swirling anyway if I think it's too rough.
Mutsuhassen赤ラベル 特別純米 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Mutsu Hachisen has never been my favorite no matter how many times I've had it, but my home liquor store suggested that if I hadn't had it recently, I should definitely try it because it would change my image, so I bought it with all my expectations in mind. It tastes like Jyushidai and is typical of sake from the Tohoku region! I guess I don't like the syrupiness. Why is it that I used to love this but now I'm not that good at it? LOL! No, wait. It feels somewhat milder when it gets airborne. ...Good acidity, good sweetness, good flavor. And it's quite delicious, isn't it? It's wonderful! After one day, on the third day...it calmed down and became softer and tastier on the palate than on the first day! I think I understand why Mutsu Hachisen is so popular. By the fifth day, the goodness of the unpasteurized sake has been somewhat subdued, but for me, I overwhelmingly prefer the flavor that comes out after a few days! I was desperate and drank it with Kumamoto ramen, but it was surprisingly good and interesting, even if it doesn't go well with ramen. It has sweetness, but it also has acidity and umami. It has a white wine-like atmosphere, and the taste is overwhelmingly acceptable to everyone. Between you and me, if you can't drink Jyushiyo, I think this will suffice.
When I was at a local restaurant in Aomori and we compared Mutsu Hachisen label drinkers, I felt that each had its own personality. There were also likes and dislikes. I thought to myself, "I need to learn to take the time to enjoy the wine, not just drink it up after opening the bottle! I thought.
Mr. BacchusNY You are right! I had the impression that the previous Yasen was only good on the first day and then deteriorated, but this time, after spending some time on it, a different quality came out, and I felt that the level has risen!
Daina特別純米 にごり酒 生酒特別純米生酒にごり酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
This is my second Ona nigori of the season, and I couldn't resist buying it in a bottle when I found it because the No. 4 bottle was the best tasting muddy sake I'd had this year! And I couldn't resist and drank it without taking a picture, so this first picture is of the No. 4 bottle. LOL! The aroma is mild, but it has a muddy sake-like rice aroma and a sake or alcohol taste. But I don't know...this alcoholiness is very pleasant. I usually don't like alcoholiness, but this is different. There is a sense of anticipation, as if you can tell how good it tastes just from the aroma! It is refreshing when drunk without stirring, but as soon as it is stirred, the umami of the rice explodes! There is also a sweetness, but it is only around the umami and does not seem so sweet. It is dry but delicious, so it can be enjoyed on its own or with a meal. This is what makes it so great! It has some alcohol and sake taste, so some people who find fruity, light, sweet and sour, or sweetness is what makes it delicious may have a hard time with it. However, it is not as sharp as Shinkame, so I think it is a sake that everyone can enjoy. Anyway, it is too delicious to drink all the time. It is my favorite cloudy sake.