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abe純米吟醸 2022-2023 仕込ロットvol.3純米吟醸
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尾崎商店 中央店
As it happens, I'm on my 100th brewery review and caught up with the sake I'm drinking now! I took a few months off so it was hard to catch up lol. Now, the abe. I want to drink Abe soon. My mouth, body, and brain want me to drink Abe. Today, too, I am on my knees to my liver, painfully aware of my weakness in not being able to resist my instincts... and I will have it! I'm going to have it! Yum, yum! To tell the truth, I have not been able to distinguish the aroma very well lately... If I were to say "ginjo aroma" in one word, that would be the end of it.... If I had to say, I would say it has a floral, fruity, acidic, and slightly botanical image. The key point of this sake is its gentle mouthfeel and mild sweetness. In fact, it is not very sweet, but the reason it gives the illusion of being so is because it has a strong umami flavor, which makes it a perfect food sake. It has a slight bran-like taste, which is sometimes found in Honkinen, so some people may find it difficult to drink on the first day. It goes well with anything, but I think it goes better with salads, carpaccio, and other appetizers that do not use fire. By the way, the third day...no peculiarity. A delicious flavor with a hint of sweetness. Fruity acidity. Lightness. Transparency with no mundane taste...too delicious. I thought Hi-iri was Junmai, but Jungin is just as good..!
川鶴OLIVE LIGHT 純米吟醸生原酒 さぬきオリーブ酵母仕込み純米吟醸原酒生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Review 98 of the warehouse Kawatsuru is known for "Sanuki Uraudei". I never thought I would experience Kawatsuru before drinking it. I was intrigued by the manager's words that it was interesting that such a sake could be made with rice, and bought it~. The sake is made with mizu-hashiroshi and white malted rice, which goes beyond the boundaries of ordinary sake. Speaking of mizu-hashiroshi, Hanaboe is a sake with a sweet and sour taste. From the moment you taste it, there is sourness, sourness, sweetness, slight bitterness, and sourness. It is a raging sourness. It gives the impression of a lemon that is not too sour with a touch of sweetness. It is what is called a sweet and sour sake, but I think the sourness prevails. LOL. The sourness is also lemon and somewhat plum-like. I wonder if it is derived from mizu-hashiro (water yeast), or if it is a slight peculiarity, but I think it is unique and tasty. It is a very light and easy to drink sake with an alcohol content of 11%. It is an interesting sake that is Japanese sake but does not look like sake! It is highly recommended for those who want to know, feel, and enjoy the elements of mizu-hashiroshi and shiro-koji.
Zarusohorai辛口純米 緑ラベル 槽場直詰生原酒純米原酒生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Warehouse Review 95 This is the first Oyataka sake brewery in a year. I couldn't drink Shoryu Horai's Omachi this year, so I wanted to drink something instead. This one is probably a standard sake according to the manager's overall story. It is brewed with 100% sake musashi. It is rare to use sake rice from Saitama in other prefectures. The aroma is alcohol without any ginjo aroma. The aroma is unbearable. When you drink it, you will be surprised by its clearness and lack of impurities. The clear and refreshing expression of this sake, which is a model of what a dry sake should be like, even makes you feel at ease. The strong umami of the rice that spreads along with the firm acidity is irresistible! The strong acidity is not sweet, but it is deliciously sour! The alcohol is not too harsh, and the spiciness appears at the end along with the bitterness." It's labeled "dry," but it's surprisingly(?) easy to drink. It is easy to drink, so if you are not careful, the sake cup will be empty in no time. It is easy to match with strong food, such as fried food, and it also goes well with meat dishes, so I think it is a sake that is especially useful in the middle or later stages of a meal! If it were a restaurant, it would be very useful for yakitori and grilled pork. I am impressed!
Kazenomori未来予想酒Ⅰ - 5種の微生物 -純米原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Warehouse Review 90 I got a rare one. It's been a little while since I bought it. It is an experimental and ambitious work that uses five kinds of microorganisms instead of the three that are normally used to brew it. It is labeled as Junmai-shu, not Junmai-daiginjo, even though it is 50% polished rice. The standing aroma is weak, with a hint of white peach. As the temperature rises, it becomes more peachy. The bubbles are reasonably strong. The mouthfeel is pleasant, with a slight sizzling or juwiness! The sweetness is actually dry, with a little bit of sweetness at the beginning. Instead, the umami is quite present. Perhaps it is because of the low alcohol content, but it is amazing how light it feels even though it has a strong umami! It is somewhat fruity, perhaps because of the acidity. I could also sense a certain "strength of production" that would make it recognizable as Kaze no Mori without being told that it was made by Kaze no Mori. The impression began to change on the third day, and by the fourth day, it was like a different sake. It had become a sake in which the strength of the umami flavor was clearly noticeable, and the taste had changed to the point where I wanted to pair it with a strong-flavored meal rather than just on its own.
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 88 After being so impressed with Kamo Nishiki, this was the sake to drink. I opened the bottle thinking that Abe would not lose to the excitement, and it turned out to be a great decision! It has alcohol, and maybe a hint of minerality, which I am sure is just my imagination. Fresh citrus notes of lemon, lime, and a hint of muscat or some other light fruit note. And maybe a hint of melon? I'm not sure if it's melon or something else, but it's a nice touch. The acidity is well balanced and keeps the sweetness in check. It is like a rum with a meal. It is delicious both chilled and at room temperature. Like the standing aroma, the fruitiness is rather strong. Banana, citrus, muscatel, melon, fresh fruit...it may be somewhat like Senkou. I paired it with 1) Japanese salad of molokheiya, ume plum and shiso leaves, 2) fried eggplant with sesame oil, and 3) fried pork and fresh ginger. I paired it with the following. It is quite good with eggplant and pork. It cuts the oil and fat of stir-fry and meat moderately. I added vinegar to (1) and it is not so bad with it. As the label says, it is a sake that you will never get tired of drinking. It is a little more Senkou-like than the standard sake, but it also has an aberrancy and a refreshing fruitiness that I like.
Hi flos_lingua_est😃 Abechan💙 is a drink that will impress 🥹 after all 🤗It's really a great taste of a great answer 👍.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I knew you'd be Abe-chan! It always fills my heart and tongue anytime ❤️‍🔥✨ I hope they don't premier and stay easy to buy...
abe純米 2022 仕込ロットvol.2純米
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 85 I advocate that "Abeno Junmai is good when hi-ire", so I decided to see what would happen if I let it sit for a year, and this time I opened the bottle! The aroma of apples is very calm...it's so delicious. This is just like...Shinshu Kamerei. I don't know now if this flavor is due to the fact that it has been aged for a year, or if it is due to the original construction of this lot (lol). First, there is a lot of fruity sweetness, similar to apricot, without being unpleasant. Then it moves on to brown sugar-like richness and umami with a touch of acidity, and finishes with elegant bitterness, as usual, but while it is cold, the apple is a bit in the foreground, so it is like Shinshu Kamerei. When I opened it, I could still feel the spikiness of alcohol, so I was looking forward to seeing how many days it would take for it to settle down! The result of [the experiment to see what happens if you let Abeno Junmai Hi-iri sit for a year or so] was that it doesn't deteriorate in particular after a year or so! It tastes good all the time. And what is a mystery is why it goes well with meals while it is full of this sweetness... It doesn't seem to go well with low-oil Japanese food or vegetarian food, but it seems to go well with anything in modern people's daily meals!
Abu no Tsuru活性 おりがらみ純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ発泡
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 84 I thought it was interesting to have an active orikara in the summer time, so I asked the manager about it and he said "this is one of the most interesting sakes that have come in recently", so I bought it right away. The cork made a loud popping sound and blew up to the ceiling! You know that white gas that sometimes comes out when you just open a bottle? It has such a strong "fizzing" power that it seems as if it "fizzes" because of that. LOL! The aroma is of fruits and sweet aroma of Abeya and unpolished wind forest. When you drink it, you will find it has a sweet and sour taste! This is easy to understand and delicious! LOL! I think this kind of lactic acid-like sake goes surprisingly well with fermented foods, such as kimchi and natto. The bitterness at the end gives the sake a strong Japanese flavor. It is the kind of sake that educates you, saying, "We made it easy to understand at first, but the taste at the end is sake, so remember it. LOL! In that sense, I think it is the best sake for people who are just starting to drink sake to get more into it. San-do is made with a low alcohol content of about 12 degrees, but if you think of it as a 15-degree version of that, you can get a similar image. It is only 3 degrees, but I like it better because I feel like I am drinking sake.
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 83 For some reason, Wakakoma's summer sake has a playful name and package, and this one is no exception. I am very much looking forward to drinking this Kani-maru, since Kirekoma is synonymous with unpasteurized sake. From the aroma, it is no longer sweet and has a slight alcohol taste. However, it is not a harsh aroma, but rather a light and dry aroma with a delicious taste. When you drink it...bingo! From a sake lover's point of view, this is irresistibly horsey...no, it's delicious! The slight effervescence, combined with the acidity, stimulates the palate and makes it enjoyable and delicious! It is an overwhelmingly good food sake. It is not only powerful, but also has a slightly higher alcohol content than usual at 16.5%, but it is much easier to drink than its unpasteurized taste would suggest due to its softness. The taste is similar to that of Shoryu Horai's Kimoto Jungin Omachi directly from the tank. For some reason, it was not in stock this year and I was not able to drink it, so I am very happy to be able to taste a similar sake! It can be drunk like a beer and goes very well with fatty foods...for example, Kentucky, spare ribs, and ribs!
Taiheizan艸月 別誂 夏にごり 純米酒純米にごり酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Review 82 of the warehouse This is my second visit to Taiheizan. I was very curious about the packaging, which tickled my geek heart, but I didn't know what to drink, so I tended to avoid it. But the store staff recommended it to me, so it was easy for me to buy it. I like nigori sake, and nigori sake is not released that often in summer and fall, so it was really good timing. The aroma is lactic acid, vanilla, and minty sweet and refreshing. On the palate, banana and melon are also present. The aroma is sweet at first, but the acidity pulls it back and the main taste turns into a delicious flavor. The end result is a slight bitterness. It is not sweet and sour, but sweet and umami. It is a sake where you can lightly taste the umami from the nigori. This is a nice summery sake. It is not too thick and is very drinkable. It is a bit more angular than it would be if it were draft, but it has a really cohesive taste, and the reason it is drinkable from the first day must be because it is fire-aged. In fact, it was probably the best tasting sake on the first day, which is unusual for a fire-aged sake like this.
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尾崎商店 中央店
Sparkler: I found it! The description from the liquor store Sengoku is a blend of modern and classic sake brewed in limited quantities with Yamada-Nishiki, and released after a summer of aging. This bottle makes you feel the end of summer, with a sweet, sour, and sad feeling. When you finish the bottle, you may think that summer is over. No, it's still hot this year, so I'll still drink summer sake.
Senkinクラシック仙禽 雄町生酛原酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 81 Now, I will drink the classic Sentori Omachi that I drink every year again this year. Aside from the fact that there is really no difference, I think the year before last was the most delicious. But I often hear people say, "This year's XXX is delicious," and I think so from my own experience, so maybe the same is true for the classic sake. In conclusion, from the moment I drank it, I fell in love with it. I guess you could call it a special version of everyday sake. I might be offended if I said that it is an everyday sake because it is made from a traditional sake yeast yeast. It has a fresh aroma like pear or muscat. It has a soft, clear, and fresh mouthfeel. I really like the freshness of sake because it gives a sense of expansiveness and three-dimensionality, as if there is a blank space between tastes. It also contains the umami and wildness of Omachi, and although it is crisp, I never get tired of drinking it. I personally prefer it chilled because the acidity, umami, and wildness become too strong at room temperature. I didn't have high expectations for this year's wine since last year's was honestly more ...... than I expected, but I feel that this year's is one of the best of the classics so far.
Senkinオーガニック・ナチュール W 2023 kijoshu生酛原酒貴醸酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 79 There were two stores where I always buy Sentori, but since my favorite store started carrying it, I started buying it here as well. The manager said he was impressed with how sweet yet refreshing it was. The aroma on the nose is sweet and elegant, reminiscent of melon. However, I can taste a little alcohol, so I wonder if it is actually iso-type. I had a strong impression of Senkyoku as muscatel, so this was quite surprising! When you drink it, there is a sweet Yubari melon-like aroma. Or rather, it is actually sweet, so it really is like a Yubari melon. However, if you ask me if it doesn't go well with food because of its sweetness, it does, which is great! The sweetness is quite appropriate! It has a sweet and sour taste, but also has a "not too much" shuishy outline. It has the impression of a refined version of the old Naturals, and should be very appealing to those who tend to shy away from kijoshu, fans of the old Sengoku, and those who seek quality in a pop sake. I made a stir-fried dish of fresh ginger and pork with salt, and whether it goes well or not, it is by no means a bad match lol! This is probably the sake that impressed me the most this year. I think I'll repeat...
Kazenomori雄町 807 真中採り純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 75 I have a habit of drinking a lot when I like something recommended by a shopkeeper. Recently, I have started to drink Kaze no Mori, which is delicious, but for some reason I had not tried it that often. It has been seven years since I have had Kaze no Mori Omachi. I am not sure if I remember it correctly, so I think I will be able to drink it with a fresh mind. The moment I opened the cork, there was a popping sound. It is yellowish and fine bubbles are visible. It has a sweet taste but never interferes with food. The banana-centric flavor and the juiciness of the white peaches are superb. The acidity comes and goes from start to finish, repeatedly stimulating the palate. From these sweet and tasty acidity, the final taste is a bitterness that resembles astringency, and the pungency that expresses sharpness is brilliant. This flow is not messy, but beautiful. If you expect a normal Kaze no Mori Yumachi, it may not be enough, but this beautiful taste is of a high level! I had the impression that Kaze no Mori was a bit hard or rough due to its hard water character and complexity, but I don't feel that in this sake. It is soft and beautifully developed. I want to repeat Kaze no Mori...next time I want to drink the regular version or Yamadanishiki.
Hi flos_lingua_est 😃 Kaze no Mori is delicious, isn't it? As you pointed out, the flavors are complex but not cluttered and flowing. I was nodding my head when I saw your review 😊.
Hi Aladdin, ☀️ Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! The flow is beautiful ✨ I've been avoiding drinking Wind Forest for a long time, but I was surprised at the level of quality when I tasted it after drinking a lot 😳.
abe純米吟醸 仕込ロットvol.2 タンク号数2号純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 74 You may be thinking, "Oh no, he's drinking Abe!" You may think, "Oh no, he's drinking Abe," but each lot has a slightly different taste. So please think of them as different liquors of the same brand. This is a pure gin raw of Abe. It is my favorite sake, so much so that I would not hesitate to buy it if it were available in a bottle, but for now it is in a 4-gou bottle (or maybe there was no bottle in the first place). It smells like magic ink covered with bananas. Sake lovers will understand this aroma. The freshness of the freshness, the suppression of sweetness by the acidity, the moderate expansion of umami, the unmistakable fruitiness by the acidity, and the bitterness that seems to appear but surprisingly does not...all this is the magic that happens when you add the cage. It seems to have some complexity while maintaining transparency. It is characterized by an umami that gives the illusion of sweetness, and while it is enjoyable enough on its own, it also has the breadth to be paired with meals. As you can tell from the label, it is made as a food wine, and personally, I think it goes great with appetizers. In terms of genres, I think it goes better with Western food than Japanese. The review is shorter than usual because I always finish it in a blink of an eye, lol.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😃. Abe-chan! I'm addicted to it, so it's a great reference for me, including the differences between the lots 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ Are you into Abe-chan? I know what you mean! It's fun to find a lot that is easily sweetened and a lot that is too dry for a meal ✨.
abe純米 仕込ロットvol.3純米
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 72 I'm going to drink the one that came out last May after a year's sleep. It has a standing aroma of apricot-like sweetness and acidic fruit, and it is the same when you drink it. The sweetness swells from a watery place with "jiwajiwa...juwah" and it is already delicious. The smooth transition from sweetness to a full-bodied brown-sugar-like flavor is magnificent. Finally, the bitterness appears and disappears as if it were suddenly there, and this flow is very easy to understand. The specs are normal junmai sake, yet it has this sense of transparency. The way it changes is smooth and surprising even though it has a clear outline. As one would expect from a sake that has been laid down for too long, there is a slight peculiarity when the temperature rises. On the other hand, it tastes great when drunk chilled without any peculiarities! You can also serve it with a single ice cube. It is not hard to understand why some people make fun of it as a sweet and sour sake for beginners, but if you pay attention to the details, you will realize the high level of this sake. I am more impressed by the hi-iru than by the nama (raw). But from next year, I will try to drink it without letting it sit too long after I buy it. LOL. However, from the second day on, the peculiarities of the sake are quickly removed and it simply becomes a very tasty sake. Sake is really complicated.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😊. Abe, the level is getting higher and tastier 👍. It's not a simple, sweet and sour beginner's sake.
Hi Hilacho, hello ☀️ I'm glad you agree with me as I'd recommend this drink to beginners and experts alike 😂✨. I'm looking forward to it every time because it's getting more and more level...
KazenomoriALPHA6 6号への敬意 真中採り純米原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 68 Manager "Aren't you interested in Kaze no Mori?" I "Not at all. I don't drink much, but I think it's delicious. Manager "I have an interesting one." and purchased this one. What is it about the pear-like light fruity aroma that is so faint but at that moment feels like Kaze no Mori? I'm sorry to say that I can't describe it. It has a pleasantly light taste. The lactic acidic flavor continues for a long time. The acidity is effective, but it does not go away, which is a very elegant feeling. The sweetness is quite restrained, making it a good mid-meal sake. The bitterness appears and disappears gently at the end. It has quite a lot of characteristics, but it is elegantly put together to give the impression of being refreshing. This is the kind of sake that you can drink all the time! Whether it's the quality of Kaze no Mori or the No. 6 yeast, or both, this is amazing! It's both plain and flashy... I hope to drink it again next year. I think I'll follow Kaze no Mori itself a bit from now on... Isn't this tag cute? The one with both Kaze no Mori and Shinsei designed on it!
Daina特別純米 にごり酒 生酒特別純米生酒にごり酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
Collection Review 65 This is the nigori sake we drank last year and liked it the best. This year, I decided to experiment by letting it sit for about half a year after it was released to see how it would turn out. I took a chance and bought a bottle of nigorizake thinking it would taste good even if I messed it up a little! LOL! The standing aroma is slightly fruity with hints of plums and bananas. First, I drank it without mixing the nigori. Contrary to the initial aroma, there is no fruitiness, and the bitterness, strength of alcohol, and umami come to the fore. It is delicious, but a little spiky and a little heavy without food. If you mix nigori with it, sweetness is added to the flavor. It becomes easier to drink at once. However, the strength of alcohol is still there. I am looking forward to seeing how the taste changes after the next day. After the next day, it gradually becomes more and more rounded day by day, and the 6th day was the best day! This year, the taste is not flashy, but it tastes gradually delicious. I don't think I would have had a good image of it if it were bottled in a No. 4 bottle, so I think I may have been lucky this year with only one bottle.
abeあべ 純米吟醸 仕込ロットvol.2 タンク1号純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Review 59 in the collection. This is the third bottle of this season's Abeno Jungin. Each lot has a slightly different taste, so enjoying that is my favorite pastime these days lol. The aroma is a wonderful combination of my favorite elements, such as banana and greefiness. The sweetness is also moderately restrained, so I can drink it all the time. It tastes delicious from the moment you swallow it! After drinking it down, it may have a slightly stronger sake flavor than usual. The alcohol nuance may be a little stronger. I don't know if it is because it is orikarami or because it is made that way in the first place, but for some reason it has a fruitiness and lactic acidity that is common in nigori sake, and that tickles my taste buds as well. I think Abee is suitable for drinking as a snack sake or as a stand-alone sake, so you can drink it as you like depending on the meal of the day, or with or without food. I usually drink it over 4 days, but with my favorite abe, I emptied it in 3 days 😂 lol.
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尾崎商店 中央店
Review of the Collection 58 This is my first nigorizake in a year, and this year I took the plunge and bought it in a single bottle! My aim was to enjoy my favorite Nigori-shu for a long time, and to buy a dry Nigori-shu so that I can enjoy it with less change. LOL! The top rise is quite pale and weak, with only a hint of grain. Even when you drink it, it is still weak. The mouthfeel is soft and shwashy. It has a graininess and umami from the start. There is some sourness at the end to finish it off. There is no sweetness at all, and for those who are used to drinking ama-ami acid, it is really not very pretty. However, as the label on the back says, Yamashiroya is a sake that is only complete when drunk as a food sake, so enjoy it with a meal! The cloudy color of the sake gives it a strong graininess, and it is like eating rice, if I may use a metaphor. It is a cloudy sake, so the graininess is quite strong. I tried it with wok-fried chicken and yams, hamburger steak, fried eggplant with mapo, and yakitori (with sauce). The strong flavor makes me want to eat rice, but I think this sake will replace that. I think this sake would be a good substitute for rice...after all, it goes well with meals! I think this muddy sake is just right for such a strong meal, while Yamashiroya is my usual sake for a meal with dashi.
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尾崎商店 中央店
Hanaizumi was one of the sakes that Ozaki-san had but somehow I hadn't drank it. I bought it because there was a nigori-gori (cloudy sake). I really wanted to drink Nigori-nagori, not Hanaizumi. LOL! The aroma was acidic, reminding me of a sweet and sour type of sake. The mouthfeel is not as fizzy as I thought it would be or as it looks, but it is slightly tangy. At first, sake-like and alcohol-like flavors come to the fore, but gradually the aroma shifts to a sweet and sour type that does not betray its aroma. The sweetness and richness are characteristic, and they are the most memorable flavors after the drink is over. It is sweet, but the aforementioned acidity transforms it into sweet and sour, so you can continue drinking it until the end without getting tired of it. When I thought about what comes closest to characterizing this richness, I came up with "brown sugar. The unique flavor that supports the sweetness is probably what gives it this richness. It is easy to drink and addictive in spite of its richness!