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尾崎商店 中央店

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Sawanoi木桶仕込 生原酒 生酛純米純米生酛原酒生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
I've been wanting to drink Sawanoi once in a while, but I haven't been able to get my hands on it, so I bought it this time for the first time in a while. This time, I bought it for the first time in a long time! The aroma is like a less acidic version of Shinmasa, and you can tell that it's made from wood. I drank it with a meal without thinking about it, but it tastes so good! I thought it might be sweet for a moment, but it soon merged with umami, and the umami, astringency, and bitterness were all well felt. If you think the umami and astringency are long, you can taste the bitterness at the end for quite a long time. I can feel melon somewhere. It is a quiet and calm food wine. It is completely classical. However, there is a slight aroma of wooden vats, which gives it a Shinsei feel, and there is a firm acidity that is typical of the sake brewing process, which gives it a sense of newness and modernity. It was an interesting sake that could be said to be Sawanoi-like in a good way and unlike Sawanoi in a good way, as it was easy to drink and not too harsh for its 17% alcohol content! On the fourth day, the melon flavor was stronger...! It is also very tasty! It went well with the Yamanashi's specialty, chicken stew!
Wakagoma五百万石 80 無加圧採り原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
It has been a while since I have had Wakakoma, but I have a relatively high drinking rate of Ihyakumangoku. I like this one the best. I noticed that the color of the package has changed from brown (chestnut) to yellow. I wonder if they changed the color of the package to yellow because of the banana aroma. It is very juicy on the first day! I don't remember the fizz, sake, alcohol, and pungency being this strong. The aroma is quite stimulating, and the sake is messy and fun in a good way. The bitterness is characteristic of this sake, and it starts to appear in the middle of the first half of the bottle. Combined with the acidity, it is like grapefruit. The taste is similar to that of a dry nigorizumi with a strong flavor. It is like the active muddiness of the moon after the rain... The second day, it becomes a little milder... After the third day, the goodness of the flirting disappears and the harshness of the alcohol becomes more noticeable... The banana aroma this time did not remind me of fruit, but was similar to the so-called "magic ink" aroma with a strong alcohol taste. It was good until the second day, but after that, I felt the taste was a bit harsh, as if I had failed in every food I matched it with - but it was really delicious!
Seiko武の井 STAR GAIZER純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
I was so impressed with the obvious taste of STAR GAIZER last year that I got carried away and bought two bottles this year! The clarity is amazing! So clear that you can feel the stars and the starry void in the night sky. There is a unique richness from it and the first day it was ...... honestly not very tasty! LOL! But from the second day, STAR GAIZER is in its element and very tasty! The sweetness is moderate, but there is a sourness and a delicious flavor, and it is delicious without any cloying taste! I remember that it was very tasty on its own last year, but this time it is also good on its own! But I thought it was clearly better with a meal! Maybe it's because this year's sake is stronger than last year's. If you ask me what it goes well with, I can't think of anything, but I think it would go well with Western food, light Italian food, and snacks that don't contain much oil. If it is Japanese, it went well with nabe (hot pot)!
Mutsuotokoyama裏男山 超辛 純米 生純米生酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
I have had a little Mutsu Hassen, but Mutsu Otokoyama is completely new to me! A while ago, I had the impression that Mutsu Hassen lost all its flavor after the second day, but recently it has been able to keep its flavor quite well. What do you think of Mutsu Otokoyama? The aroma is a botanical scent similar to that of grass or earth, but only slightly. But when you take a sip, you will be surprised! It has a gorgeous capsule-like aroma similar to that of Mutsu Hassen! I don't think I've ever experienced such an aroma with such a strong standing aroma! The taste is definitely less sweet, but has a good umami. The taste is certainly not too sweet, but it has a good umami flavor, and yet it has a gorgeous overtone. It is dry, but popular, like a "Sanjyo," "EXILE," or "Ishihara Gundan"? Something like that. I don't know if the aroma has calmed down or if the taste has mellowed, but it is easier to drink and tastes even better from the second day! It's definitely dry, this one! It has a gorgeous ginjo aroma and a sharp dry taste! This is the kind of delicious sake that goes down so smoothly that you find yourself drinking it all up.
Good evening, flos_lingua_est 😃. I've never had Mutsu Otokoyama 🥲, but I'm intrigued by the popular dry third generation 😁, the sharp and dry 😍I'll bring it to you when I see it 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby! This was a strange sake, it was gorgeous but dry at the same time! If you like both elements, you might like it, by all means ✨.
Senkinオーガニックナチュール 2024 (0.0:ドブロク)生酛原酒生酒にごり酒発泡
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尾崎商店 中央店
I was surprised to hear that Sentori is releasing a dobrokku. It is a cloudy sake named "dobrokku", right? Natur nigori was available until last year, and this sake is the successor to it. It is quite effervescent. The stimulation is very pleasant on the palate and makes it feel fresh. It is sweet and sour, but it has a nice sharpness, and the sweetness quickly turns into a delicious flavor, which disappears rather quickly. And because it has little bitterness, it is easy to drink for everyone. From the moment you drink it to the end, it develops very quickly. Various tastes come and go at once. It's like Splash Mountain starting a little before the waterfall. In a sense, this is the culmination of the past few years of Senkou, isn't it?
Hi flos_lingua_est 😃 It is indeed more like a nigori sake than a dobrok 😊 I see, a culmination! I look forward to seeing the evolution of this one 🤗
Hi flos_lingua_est 😃 Since it's labeled as seishu, it's a muddy sake because it's made from unrefined sake 🤔. I don't think there's any legal problem with sake calling itself "doburoku", but it's confusing 😅.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I honestly was quite surprised because I couldn't even imagine what it tasted like! Really! I hope it tastes even better in the future 😊✨
Good evening, Aladdin! It is written as Seishu (clear sake) and also Nigori (nigori sake), so I am sure it is correct! It's a little confusing, but I love nigori-zake, so it was no problem for me lol ☺️
Senkinさくら OHANAMI生酒無濾過おりがらみにごり酒
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尾崎商店 中央店
I had missed out on buying Senkori Sakura, but found it at Ozaki Shoten! There was also a Sakura Blizzard, but I chose this one. The cherry blossoms are reported to be in full bloom, but it is still too early to tell. It seemed like it was just the beginning around Lake Tama and the Beruna Dome. The feeling of the drink is ahhh definitely 🍶. It's so spicy ✨. It's already spring!
abe純米吟醸 仕込ロットvol.6純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Abeno's new sake season is upon us, and following on from the Junmai we had the other day, this time it's Junmai Ginjo! Following the Junmai we had the other day, this time it is Junmai Ginjo, born in October 2023 and shipped in November...so vol. 6, they have been making raw sake for quite a while now, lol! The aroma reminds me of lactic acid and ama-amai acid, which I like. And the fact that it is not excessive is wonderful! Immediately after taking a sip, it has a lactic acidity, then a juicy sourness, and a hint of banana. The flavor is full, the umami expands at once, then the citrus-like bitterness fades away, and finally the sweetness gently peeks out and disappears. Abeno Jungin Nama is really high quality! Because it is so easy to drink, one might think it was sweet, but as usual, the sweetness is kept in check by the acidity, giving it a mid-palate feel. So it goes well with meals. This time I paired it with kimchi nabe, and the acidity went great with the kimchi. The fire-brewed version has a more subdued flavor and is more suitable for eating, but the draft version has the potential to be drunk on its own, making it the most versatile wine for any occasion.
Tenmei中取り 閏号 山田錦 30% 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸生酒中取り
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尾崎商店 中央店
The middle of the leap issue that I couldn't drink 4 years ago. The hurdle has been raised because the Ara Seme was so good, but how about this one? The nose has a gorgeous pineapple-type ginjo aroma. When you drink it, it has a gorgeous aroma similar to pineapple, peach, or melon, but there is more to it than aroma. ......What is this softness? You will be surprised at the softness of the mouthfeel, which is hard to reconcile with the gorgeousness of the aroma! Many sake with such a gorgeous aroma have a harsh pungent taste or a bad smell behind the good aroma, but there is none of that! It is sweet, but the acidity effectively suppresses it each time. It is sweet, but the acidity effectively suppresses it each time. It also has a juicy acidity that, combined with the aroma, makes it look gorgeous. If you dare to let it roll around in your mouth for a while, you will find bitter and pungent tastes, but even these are good accents. When I first started drinking sake, I could only enjoy sweet and capsicum-type sakes that were not gorgeous, but my tastes have changed a lot since then. But now my tastes have changed a lot. This was a wonderful sake that reminded me of those days and that I could truly enjoy!
abe純米 生 仕込ロットvol.3純米生酒おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
Reached 100 check-ins at one location~! I guess I'm the only one who has done this since you guys don't check in to places very often...? LOL! This record was achieved only because this is a store where I like to drink a lot of alcohol! I will continue to use Ozaki Shoten from now on. So it's "Abe" time! I haven't seen Abe since the end of October. Oh, how I've missed you, Abe-chan! I'm so happy to see you again after so long, I'm about to cry lol. You can enjoy the Abee-ness and the orikarami-style of the new sake with a sense of fizz and lactic acidity along with the acidity. Then comes a quite pungent acidity and a dry mouthfeel. After the sweetness and slight bitterness, the umami comes in as if replacing the sweetness, then the sweetness appears again, and finally the weak bitterness comes and goes. The low alcohol content, the light mouthfeel, the lack of stinginess, the fruity acidity...well...isn't this...like Shinsei right after pouring? LOL! The sweetness has a richness like brown sugar, and the aberrancy starts to appear in the middle, but I was surprised at first by the aroma that says it can do this much!
That means you have purchased at least 100 bottles at one store! That's amazing! Good evening f.l.e. & congratulations on your accomplishment ㊗️✨🎊
Hello Sake Run ~ ☀️ Thank you! A mysterious feat(?) I'm happy though it's an accomplishment: ☺️ I think I'm able to buy 100 bottles at one store because the store treats me well & my taste buds are close to the manager's ✨.
Tenmei荒セメ閏号 山田錦30% 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸原酒生酒荒走り責め無濾過おりがらみ
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尾崎商店 中央店
I remember the last time I bought it because there was only one last bottle left... That was 4 years ago... It is only released in leap years, but it was really good and I had been waiting for it for a long time! The price has gone up since the last time I bought it, but it doesn't matter, I have to buy it! The aroma is a gorgeous pineapple-like one with a lot of ethyl caproate. The aroma is the closest to that of otters among the recent ones I've had, and to be honest, I can't really tell the difference when I'm drunk lol. Among the ones I drank before, Kahayo-yoku is also quite similar, so I am not confident that I would be able to guess the difference if I were offered three blind tasting. However, it is characterized by the freshness that is typical of nama-shu and the richness derived from ogara-mi, which makes it seem even more gorgeous. As one would expect from such a high priced sake. The mouthfeel is quite soft for such an aroma, and it is clear that the level of production and taste is different from those sake with a deceptive aroma. It is too easy to drink! The freshness of the rough-run gives the sake a freshness and juiciness that is typical of this time of year. It is a very high quality sake with a profoundness that is typical of the blamed sake.
Zarusohorai特別純米 出羽燦々60 槽場直詰 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
The previous sake I drank from Oyataka Shuzo was Shoryu Horai Kimoto Jungin Omachi and Zanzou Horai Dry Junmai, which was a ridiculously dry and dry one. I had been curious about this one for a while, so I took the plunge and bought a bottle to try. The aroma was just as the label said, with a refined and juicy fruity aroma like LaFrance. The aroma is very delicious. I had expected it to have a punchier flavor, but in fact it was soft and mellow, not at all to heavy at all. The elegant fruity and lush impression is refreshing all the way through. I think it is more accurate to call it dry than dry. It is a strange sake that does not give the impression of being light because it has a strong umami flavor. What is this humble addictiveness? Frankly speaking, it can be paired with just about any kind of food, and the unusually wide range of foods it can be paired with is comparable to Seibu's Genda. I am sure there is something that goes with it absolutely, but it is more difficult to find something that doesn't go with it relatively than to find something that does. Compared to the previous two, this one has less umami and punch, but it has a better sense of balance and a gentler feel on the tongue. For drinking a bottle of this wine, the slow deterioration and the feeling of never getting tired of it are unexpectedly important. It's not so subtle, but it's secretly impressive.
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尾崎商店 中央店
This girl. I've had my eye on her for a while. I was in a hurry to get her home. I took her home with me. What's with this fresh feeling? It reminds me of summer even though it's winter. It's like a 🍏, like a rum Slightly carbonated, with a hint of sourness when you bite into it. but the bitterness comes afterwards and it's very sharp. Delicious! Super cost-effective: ⭕️ Oh, I'm going to drink too much after all!
Good evening, Rinako 😃. I was wondering about Ona-san ‼️ isn't it delicious 🤗 Ona nigorigo is also delicious 😋.
Jay & Nobby, Ona, it mellowed over time and was delicious too! Nigori! I'd love to drink it if I can find it 😃.
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尾崎商店 中央店
It was pickier and spicier than I expected. I got sore throat after the first sip 🤓 my bad for not anticipating it😅. I think the sweetness increases and becomes more balanced after about 10 minutes than when it's cold. I had it with meat, but I think it would go well with white meat fish. It has a clean aftertaste and not too strong, so I think I might end up drinking too much of it. I have a feeling I'm going to end up drinking too much of it.
Kazenomori露葉風 507純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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尾崎商店 中央店
The relay with the name of the forest, "Wind Forest" from "Brewing Forest" was unintentional and I suddenly noticed it and smiled. This is my first time to try Rohafu, and while I was torn between 507 and 807, I went with 507 this time because of the encouragement of the word that it is relatively dry. I hope I can buy 807 next time! The standing aroma is a bit acidic and reminds me of the natural flavors of fruits and vegetables. The peachy overtones are delicious. There is a sweetness, but it is very elegant and not at all cloying. The slight tangy mouthfeel, typical of Kaze no Mori, is also refreshing! It is sweet enough to drink by itself without food, yet has enough sharpness and umami to pair with food. On the third day, the piquancy is gone, but a little sake-like flavor emerges and it is no longer just easy to drink; on the fourth day, it is both easy to drink and sake-like, which I like a lot! The label on the back says that the opposite of complexity is subtlety, but it seems somewhat strange...but I guess it fits if you think of subtlety as finding the slightest difference in clarity! LOL!
abe野田 2022-2023純米吟醸
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尾崎商店 中央店
The only abe I've been drinking lately has been the "abe" series, but it's been a while since I've had a field-specific series. I checked and the last time I drank this series was 2018! According to the manager, the field specific series itself has a classic sake quality compared to the Abe series, and among them, Noda is made quite dry. It is made with no added yeast, but this season it has a caproic acid-like aroma of muscat and flowers, and it is possible that the yeast from another sake may have gotten mixed in. The aroma is definitely not Abé-like, but it is a very elegant aroma, and I think it can be enjoyed by all types of people. It has a moderate strength of capsule aroma, and it even makes me nostalgic for the kind of sake I used to like when I first started drinking sake. It is very beautiful with a sweet flavor that is free of impurities. When the acidity is cut off by the sweetness, the bitterness comes out and disappears. Personally, I like it when it is well chilled because it tastes better when the capsule character is weak. When I drink it, I pour a little and put the bottle in the refrigerator.