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ZakuIMPRESSION(インプレッション)-N 純米大吟醸原酒純米大吟醸
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Fukurokuju-san, who came to meet Sakusaku with a deal for Sakusaku. The manager told us that Impression had also arrived on the same day. I have been enjoying the Impression series since I received Impression M as a Christmas present from a friend of mine in Morioka a long time ago. Compared to the sweetness of Migumo, the fruity, citrusy flavor and mouth-feel is still amazing! The sake comes with a lot of air bubbles on the cup! The highest spec Junmai Daiginjo in the Impression series! It is the highest spec Junmai Daiginjo in the Impression series, "N/Nakadori (Masanochi)", isn't it? Now that I've had N.M., I'd like to meet G.H. someday! the secrets of the brewery's art and culture Rice:Yamadanishiki produced in Mie Prefecture Polishing ratio:50 Alcohol content: 16%. Sake meter degree:Not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed
Koeigiku美雲(みくも) 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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これも取っておきましたよと店長さん 嬉しいね😃 2シーズン目の美雲(みくも) 無濾過生原酒 先程の試験酒の強さに比べるととても軽やか ラムネ様の甘さが大好き❤ 辛い麻婆豆腐麺をアテにもうひとつ気になるお酒と飲み比べ🍶 珍しく裏書き撮影忘れ🤫 蘊蓄 アルコール度数 13度 原材料名 米(国産)、米麹(国産米) 使用米 長野県産 美山錦100% 精米歩合 -
Gohho『試-KOKOROMI』 試験品種“北冴きたさえ” 蝦夷純米 壱火原酒 令和6BY純米
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The blue color on the right is unfiltered raw sake🟦. The red color on the left is fire-aged Nama sake has bubbles at the bottom of the cup. The aroma is light and the throat is quite strong. Nama-shu is especially strong. Maybe because it has 18% alcohol by volume. Knowledge Rice used: Hokusae (test variety) Polishing ratio / 60% (in-house rice polishing) Sake degree / +4 Acidity / 1.7 Alcohol / 18
Yuhoゆうほのしろ 純米酒 生原酒おりがらみ純米原酒生酒おりがらみ
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The end is an orihimegami Yuho A firm Ori-Garami We enjoyed it very much! Akabu will be put aside until next time! Thank you again for your support this year 🤲. extensive knowledge Rice used: Koji: Gohyakumangoku (Toyama) Kake: Uruchi rice produced by a contract farmer in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture Polishing ratio:60 Alcohol percentage: 17 Sake meter: +4.0 Acidity: 2.3
Shisora吟ぎんが ハートラベル 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Last Drink Comparison Iwate and Ishikawa face off! Ginga Heart Label Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Sake, which we had last year at this time of the year. This purple air is fruity and delicious 😋. The other one seems to be dry, so it's a good combination 🆗. knowledge of this wine Alcohol content: 15 Sake degree: - 2 Acidity: 1.9 Rice: Ginga Rice polishing ratio: 55
Yanma裏・山間 純米酒 中採り直詰め 無濾過原酒純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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I've been wondering about it on social networking sites for a while now. I had missed it even though it was available at the "No Ie" store! The manager of Fukurokuju told me that it was still there. The specs seem to be the same as Oniyama (red). In my opinion, the sweet and sour taste is good 🆗. They use No. 6 yeast, so it tastes like this. I found a good sake! (Japanese only) some knowledge Koji rice: 70% Gohyaku-mangoku Koshi Ibuki 70% Koshi rice Alcohol 17%.
Kawanakajima Genbu美山錦 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Let's move on. There were many items in the cold storage that day that I was interested in. The manager said, "We have Genmai, too! I had to try it! My debut of Kawanakajima Genmai was Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Shiboritate! I've been able to find it every year... The Kitanokatsu I mentioned earlier was dry, so this Genmai is a typical sweet and fruity new sake! I'm glad I had a chance to try it! Knowing the secrets Alcohol content: 16%. Rice polishing ratio: 49 Acidity: 1.6 Sake meter degree: +3 Rice: Miyamanishiki
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Finished the Yamasan drinking contest! What should we do next? I asked the manager. He happily told us that he had only one bottle of this in stock! It seems that this bottle is only available at this time of the year and only for a limited time! Indeed, it is not easy to find it even if you look it up on Sake-no-wa! This is my first Daiginjo too! It's al-douching, but the aroma is very nice! The taste is a little spicy with no bitterness due to the beautifully polished finish! Thank you for saving this good sake for me 😊. I found a good sake at the beginning of the new year 🍶. knowledge of the sake Alcohol content: 16° to 17° C Sake degree 3.5 Acidity 1.0 Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 40
Yamasan金紋錦 純米吟醸 無濾生過原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Comparison of Hitogokochi Ogirami and Kinmon-Nishiki Unfiltered Nama Sake This one is clean and clear sake. Nice sound, this one is fresh too! Good aroma! Fruity and delicious! Fukurokuju-san was pleased with the food we served. knowledge of the art of sake Sake rice Kinmon-Nishiki from Yaebaru Polishing ratio 55 Unfiltered unpasteurized sake Water from the Dokko mountain range Alcohol content 15
Yamasan純米吟醸 ひとごこち 無濾過生原酒 うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Cosmos, we had it poured side by side and drank it all in no time! Please enjoy the rest of it at the restaurant. New Year's greetings! With the Dojima rolls! The manager offered us two bottles of Yamasan for us to compare! I was thrilled to see a brand I hadn't seen since July last year. It was the first time for my junior to try it! We started with the light nigori first! The first sip! A lot of bubbles in the sake cup! It's fresh! It tastes relatively mild compared to the cherry flavor of Niimasa Cosmos. We both agreed it was delicious after all! The secrets of the brew Type: Nama-zake Alcohol 15%. 100% Hitogochi rice produced in Yaebaru, Tomi-city, Nagano, Japan Rice polishing ratio 55
AramasaCosmos コスモス -秋櫻- 2023純米生酛生酒
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First visit this year to my home ground To fulfill the promise I made when I visited at the end of the year I brought back the Shinmasa Cosmos and Akabu that I got in Morioka in December. Just in time, my junior who is 6 years younger than me was transferred to Sapporo, so we will drink together from now on! I didn't keep it very cold, so it tastes great! Cherry 🍒 Cherry🍒 That's how it was today🙈. Let's drink slowly today while passing on the Sapporo information I have 🍶. knowledge of the city Rice type:Kenjo-Shinko Rice Polishing Ratio : Koji Rice 55%, Kake Rice 60 Alcohol content : 13% (undiluted) Brewing vessel : Wooden Oke (No.38) Yeast used: Kyokai No.6 Bottle used: Morning Bell
Ryoko純米大吟醸 山酒4号 おりがらみ生純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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We finished with three kinds of sake on this day, too. The manager brought a bottle of Hishiko Orikarami! I used to drink this at Fukurokuju-san during this season! The rice polishing ratio was 45% in 2021, but last year and this year, it was changed to 50% without our knowledge, even though it calls itself "jun-dai"! Here is another one! It has a big "shuwa shuwa" feeling! Just the right amount of "orikara" (dryness). It also has the freshness of new sake! We had a second helping of this one. Surprisingly, we drank less sake than the other day! There were some more sakes I wanted to try, but let's call it a night! It was snowing so hard that I was worried about walking on the snow-covered roads. Let's keep the taci spring rolls as a souvenir and eat them at the hotel tomorrow morning! Thanks for the service 🤭. I promised to serve the sake I got in Morioka as a New Year's gift to the guests after the New Year. (We visited Fukurokuju again for lunch to check out the sake selection and to secure a table.) my extensive knowledge of sake Alcohol 16 degrees Sake degree -1 Acidity 1.5 Ingredient rice: Yamashu No. 4 (Yamagata Prefecture) Polishing ratio 50%.
Hanzo純米吟醸 神の穂 しぼりたて生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Hanzo came out next. Here's another mouthful! I had a bottle of Junmai Ginjo Shiboritate Nama-nama-shu here in December 2020, when it debuted at Fukurokuju, and in December of the following year! No specific mention of the sake rice back then. This year, the rice is Kami no Ho. No specific aroma. The taste was surprisingly light and fruity, as the 11th state had quite an impact! Seafood and Bean-curd soup with Bean-curd soup and Tachi spring rolls that the restaurant was kind enough to provide! Like last time, we talked too much, drank too much, and ate too much at too slow a pace! I would have liked to drink more, but there was nothing I could do about it! The person you are dining with is the person you are drinking with. I listen carefully to what the other person has to say and convey my point of view in my own way. knowledge of what I know Degree of alcohol content: 17 degrees Celsius Rice: "Kami no Ho" produced in Mie Prefecture Polishing ratio: 60
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A few days ago, dinner with a guest. I didn't have enough to drink, so I revisited We were told that some new sake had arrived that day The manager left it to us from the start A black-labeled sake appeared! What is it? Jun Dai from Juichishu. He told us that it is a very hard to find sake from Sapporo! It is said to be from the brewery that produces Chitose Tsuru! There is no particular aroma, but when you drink it, it has a fruity taste like pineapple and melon! A little strong on the attack! I like this sake. ❤️ On this day, I had a first drink with my junior at a short notice! We ordered a single dish. knowledge of this drink! Sake degree: not disclosed Acidity: Undisclosed Rice used: Kitashizuku Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 16-17%.
BunrakuBunraku Reborn Snow Petal 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 おりがらみ純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Unusually, we ended up with three kinds of food on this day! The place is packed as usual, and all the waiters are moving around in a hurry. As usual on a day like this, we take out our favorite bottles from the cold storage! Let's try the last one! Bunraku Snow Petal! We compared this with Snoqualmie last time, so let's drink it together again this time! A crisp and dry ogara-mi-shu! Tachi Bean Curd with Bean Paste I think this is the best dish in Hokkaido that can be eaten only in the winter season! We told the manager and the assistant manager that we got some good sake to bring in the new year! Cosmos and Red Takeshi Enjoy! I will bring them well chilled! We were able to get it in Morioka with the support of our friends at Sake-no-Wa🤭. extensive knowledge Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 50 Sake meter degree:Not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol content: 16 Yeast used: Not disclosed
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT(スノウ・クレッセント) 山田錦原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The dish of the day was even more elaborate than usual! This abalone dish! Steamed abalone with starchy sauce and hot, tender shinjyo (pickled radish), which you can't see below! The next sake was Sunokure Yamadanishiki! This is also the second time this season! Koei Kiku, which we have had consistently this year! This may possibly be the last one this year! The manager makes a nice sound when he opens the cork The pizzazz and sizzle has calmed down as much as it did when we opened it 10 days ago, but when we pour it into our mouths, it goes wild just right! Good sake and food make our mouths smooth and our chats lively! the secrets of the art of sake and food Alcohol content - 13 degrees Sake degree Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio
Zaku新酒 純米大吟醸 SAKE NOUVEAU (2024BY)純米大吟醸生酒
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Second time this season We met again, a new crop of sake. It seems to be fresher than when I drank it at the end of last month. It also has a pineapple, or even passion fruit, feel to it! Preparing a place to talk with guests at the end of an important day's work! Delicious food and this new sake! They were pleased... the knowledge of this new wine with delicious food Rice polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 The motif of this year's label is a scene of golden ears of rice spreading across the rice fields during the rice harvest season, comfortably waving in the wind.
Sugata初すがた 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Everyone at the restaurant seemed to be busy! Then, as usual, I returned the Bunraku I just drank to the cold storage and looked for the last sake! There's Sage and figure! We decided to go to Utsunomiya on December 7 and meet the people of Sake-no-wa, so let's go with Tochigi sake after all! The first saké, if you look it up, is four years in a row 🔍. I had already had it this season at Fukurokuju, Noe-no-Ie, and Sake-no-Sagara. Fruity but robust! Reviewing the label on the back of the bottle, it is a little different every year! This year, the alcohol content is 17.0 Sake level: ➖1 It was a little sweet, so you could feel the sake content. J&N, Kotori-san I'm looking forward to it. I know we have limited time, but I am very much looking forward to seeing you for the first time. Let's drink Tochigi sake together 🍶🍶🍶. knowledge Alcohol content 17.0%. Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio 55 Yeast used -1 Sake meter degree -1 Acidity 1.7
Good morning, Shinshin SY 😃. Closing with Tochigi sake! Nice 🤗. Yes, I'm looking forward to meeting you too 👋! I'm looking forward to meeting you too 👋
J&N, good morning ☀☀☀, I like Tochigi sake a lot, including Houou Mita 🍶I'm looking forward to it very, very much 😊.
BunrakuBunraku Reborn Snow Petal 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 おりがらみ純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The Last of the Ori-Garami We had this last year at Fukurokuju. This one is relatively dry. Four types of ogara-mi that we compared on this day. Sakes that make me feel relieved when I drink them in this season. I think "Hiran" and "Sunokure" were my favorite! Knowing the secrets of sake Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 50 Sake meter degree:Not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol content: 16 Yeast used: Not disclosed