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熊谷 朋之etorannzyu


Yoemon山廃純米酒 無濾過原酒 2017仕込み29号純米山廃原酒無濾過
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^O^) Banquet series? The last of the series is Yoemon. Actually, there is no kanji character yoyo in yuhen. So, although it is a synthesized coined word, I think it is a very good name. When I first drank it at a restaurant called "Badalone" in Hanamaki, I was surprised that Iwate has sour sake. It is said that it was not recognized in Iwate, but was recognized outside the prefecture and evaluated as "reimported". According to Mr. Murai, the owner of Kibune, it was originally a family-run business, but there were people who got sick or injured, and it became a serious problem! He had been bottling by hand, but bought a small bottling machine. Then, the number of bottles drastically increased from 300 to 1,500 per day. Not only that, but it seems that the fermentation process had been advanced during the hand-pumping process, causing that sourness to appear, and when the bottling process was changed to machine bottling, the taste became clear and clean. The machine-packing process changed the taste to clear and clean, and suddenly there were more repeat customers, mainly young people, and for the first time the stock in the refrigerator ran out. This time, I chose a brand that had been aged in the brewery, hoping for a taste of the old days. It has a light yellowish hue. It has a slightly thicker texture, as is typical of old sake, but it is easy to drink and has no peculiarities at all. The acidity, typical of Toruyoemon, is not so noticeable. It was delicious!
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai. Yoemon is my image of raw, ripe, ramen incense. I have been to Padalone quite a while ago, but I am surprised that it seems to be a very popular restaurant now 😲.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Kab! (^O^) I was invited by my eldest son and his wife to go there before Corona, and it was the most enjoyable restaurant with really heartwarming hospitality and delicious food & drinks. I want to go there again! (lol).
Mr. Kumagai, konbanhasan. This is the one made famous by dancyu 😊 I've been meaning to buy some but haven't had a chance to drink it yet💦.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Eirin-san! (≧▽≦) It is an old sake that tastes good when it is cold, but it may change dramatically when the temperature is raised. I will try it after today. Please try it! (Translated by.
Ryusen'yaezakura純米酒 匠~Takumi~ 雄町純米
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熊谷 朋之
Next was the Ryusen Yaezakura Junmai Sake Takumi no Omachi. Compared to the Yamada-Nishiki we drank earlier, the taste is a little more robust. The aroma is almost imperceptible, but the sweetness and umami of the flavor is stronger than that of Yamadanishiki. I was full of anticipation, wondering what this sake, which won first place in the Governor's Award, would taste like! I went to the brewery and asked them about it, and they told me that they will start selling it next week. I am looking forward to it! It was delicious! (^o^) P.S. This year, my hibiscus has many flower buds. Last year, they hardly bloomed at all... (^_^; )
Ryusen'yaezakura純米酒 匠~Takumi~ 山田錦純米
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熊谷 朋之
Hello! (^o^) How are you doing at the end of the fiscal year, when many things are simmering down? I'm Kumagai, who is now sighing after being handed a list of the expected payment for next month along with the bank balance at the end of the month... (^_^;) To escape from reality, I posted this on Sake-no-Wawa (lol) Ignore the voice that says, "Work! Ignore the voices of "Work! It's a lie. I posted this during my afternoon break. The other day, there was a gathering of about 15 people at Hotel Raga-so, and the organizer asked me to come again, so I offered four different Iwate brands. The first was Ryusen Yaezakura Junmai-shu Takumi. Izumikin Sake Brewery recently won first place in the Iwate Prefecture New Sake Competition for the Governor's Award. Since the new Touji Mr. Ito took over, he has been working on a lineup other than dry sake. We purchased two Junmai sake, Yamadanishiki and Omachi, at Gin-no-Shu Kibune. I started with the Yamadanishiki. It has a soft mouthfeel, little aroma, and mild sweetness and flavor. It has a very good feel to go with any ingredients. It was delicious! (^o^)
Hi Mr. Kumagai, ☀️ Thanks for all your hard work at the end of the fiscal year💦. I can't believe you can post two in your break time! That's awesome👍✨and you're having a lot of fun😁The next hibiscus is also very beautiful 🌺
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Pon-chan! (^o^) I can't do without escaping reality! (Bombs) The organizers were very pleased with the event. We are planning to make the next one even more powerful! We are planning to make it even more powerful (laughs)!
Good evening Tomoyuki Kumagai😊. This is the first time I saw your brand name! The name and label are really cool👍 I'd like to try the food wine part too 😆.
Good evening Tomoyuki Kumagai🌛. I'm very interested in the sake that won the Iwate Governor's Award 😁I'm also having a hard time paying my bills in early spring 😅I'd like to escape reality at least while drinking 🍶.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Tsutsumitate-san! (≧▽≦) It may not be ready to go to the national level yet, but I think the level will go up and up with the replacement of the master brewer. It seems that they are opening a new store in the local area to sell their products.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Jaive! (-‿-) I try not to think about payment while I'm drunk. We welcomed a toji from Mutsu Hachisen, and it has been getting better and better. As the variety of sake becomes wider, the evaluation also changes. w
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai🌆. It's tough at the end of the fiscal year ❗️ I understand that you want to escape from reality 😁. I wish Ryusen Yaezakura had a personal connection with you so I hope it will become a major attraction!
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Chichi! (≧▽≦) Today, I'm at the acupuncture clinic for the first time in a while (lol). The young brewers in Iwate are doing well these days! Tokibune-san said. Tokibune-san said, "Izumikin-san is also making a lot of new attempts!
Hello, Tomoyuki Kumagai! Thank you for your hard work at the end of the fiscal year! Just hearing about the sake from Iwate, it looks delicious (lol)!
Hello 😃 The end of the fiscal year is busy everywhere 😅 I heard that the toji who moved here from Hachinohe Sake Brewery is a very talented person, so I'm looking forward to seeing his future 👍. I stayed at Raga-so before and the seafood is really great 😋.
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Harinezumi-san! (≧▽≦) It was hard to reach the end of the fiscal year (smiles). To take away the fatigue, I am at the acupuncture clinic today (lol). It seems that young Toji-san is trying to improve his level of skill with a bang.
熊谷 朋之
Hello etorannzyu-san! I understand that Mr. Toji Ito won the first place in the Governor's Award at the New Sake Competition recently. Tokibune-san told me that the president does not want to change the label, but he is making a new one by his ability.
Senkinモダン仙禽 亀ノ尾 2022
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熊谷 朋之
The fourth and final bottle. Modern Sentori Kame-no-o 2022. Wow, this is another sake from Tochigi, I thought excitedly. I took a sip. Delicious! I can no longer distinguish the slight sourness or other details of the taste... (^_^; ) But it was very delicious! (^O^)
Aizuchujo純米吟醸 夢の香純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
The third bottle brought to Raga-so. Aizu Nakasyo Junmai Ginjo Yume no Kaori. Very well-balanced taste. Oh, this is also delicious! It was well received by everyone. It was very delicious! (^O^)
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熊谷 朋之
Continued from yesterday. The second bottle is a sake called Kenshin from Niigata. This bottle was given to me by a friend of my son. The timing was not good, so I was finally able to open it. I took a sip, thinking it would be a little yellowish and dry. I took a sip. Surprisingly, it had a mild barrel sake flavor. It can be used not only with sashimi, but also with a slightly stronger flavor. Delicious! (^O^)
Hououbiden髭判 純米大吟醸 瓶燗火入
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熊谷 朋之
Last Saturday, we had a gathering for a drink. And since it was a drinking party of about 10 people, I thought maybe 4 bottles would be enough. So I brought in the ones you see in the picture. I'll list them in order! The first bottle I opened was Houou Mita Bearded Ban Junmai Daiginjo. As befits a bearded man, the font on the label is a bit unusual for Hououmida. We had never had this type of sake before, and everyone's impression was "Delicious! Sweet! Delicious! Delicious!" were their words of praise. It was very delicious! (^O^)
Isojiman純米大吟醸 ブルーボトル西戸純米大吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Hotel Ragaso's 4th glass. Junmai Daiginjo Blue Bottle Nishido by Isobojiman. It was purchased at Hasegawa Sake Shop online and had been sitting in the fridge for a while. The taste is clean and clear. I was quite drunk, so I couldn't taste the fine flavors...(*_*) And time ran out without reaching Tenbi. The drinking party with our business partner ended here. (^_^;) It was very delicious! (^O^)
Niwa no Uguisu純米大吟醸 nine35純米大吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Drinking party at Hotel Raga-so, the third drink. Junmai Daiginjo by Uguisu in the Garden. Polishing ratio 35%. I thought it would be sweet, but it was firm, clear, and dry. It is a refreshing sake that goes well with food. The client was surprised at the completely different taste from the previous sake. It was very delicious! (^O^)
Sharaku純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Second bottle of sake brought in at Hotel Ragaso. It was purchased at Yajima Sake Shop with a "combination technique". The first bottle's production was so strong that Sharaku's fine taste was a bit... (^_^;) Nevertheless, as I drank it, the soft flavor came through. Our business partner was also impressed by the taste. Very delicious! (^O^)
Ubusuna2018 エフェルヴェセント
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熊谷 朋之
Dinner with business partners at a local hotel, Hotel Raga-so. Normally, we would have been refused to bring our own wine, but they agreed to pay us a fee for bringing our own wine, so we brought five bottles. The first was a sparkling San-do from the Hananoka Sake Brewery. It tastes like a tropical drink with soda. Grapes, peaches, and pineapple et cetera. Our business partner was very excited from the first glass. It was very delicious! (^O^)
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The second bottle is a sake from Iwaizumi. It is brewed with groundwater from Ryusendo, a famous limestone cave. I heard that one toji of Hachinohe Shuzo, famous for Mutsu Hassen I heard that one of the toji of Hachinohe Shuzo, famous for Mutsu Hassen, joined this year😁. The aroma of slightly sweet rice is impressive. You can feel the sweetness like "Wasanbon". The taste of the rice is also very strong😃. It is also very refreshing and easy to drink. It goes well with abalones and beef sukiyaki. and beef sukiyaki 😋.
Good evening. Izumi Kin-san is not only a sake brewer. I didn't know that a Toji from Hassen joined the company. I didn't know that a toji (brewer) from Hassen joined the company. I didn't know that a Toji from Hassen joined the company. The water is good in the area and it might become popular!
Holy shit, etorannzyu! Are you changing your job from Hassen? ฅ(º º ฅ) I'll check it out next time I'm in Ryusendo❣️. I'm not a fan of the 🍄 🍄 🍄.
I've never been on a trip in a long time 💦 and I'm jealous.
etorannzyu, excuse me here too😊. So the Toji of Hassen has joined the team❗️. You're right, sake guru, and I'll be sure to check back in the future👍.
Good evening, drinker 😆. I learned this from a liquor store I know a while back😃. There are quite a few liquor stores here where you can find it🎶. I've heard that they're getting involved with the new sake coming out soon 😋
Eririn-san, good evening 😆. If you want to go to the sake brewery, it's supposed to be closed on Sundays 😁. And don't forget to try the chestnut sweets at Nakamatsuya near the sake brewery. I've never had matsutake sake before😅. The matsutake mushroom is famous though💦.
A205X253, good evening to you too 😆. I've been to this place quite a few times because we all love to travel. If you want to go out, now is the time when Corona is relatively calm.
Haruei Chichi, good evening to you too 😆. Yes, that's right 🎶 There are quite a few toji at Hachinohe brewery so I'm not sure who moved there 😅. I've heard that they start with new sake, but I've never seen it outside of Iwate, so is it possible to buy it? 🤔
Maybe it's difficult😅. I'll look at the antenna shop next time❗️
I hope you get it safely😌.
etorannzyu-san konbanha(´∀∀) Nakamatsuya is 🌰栗 Shibori🌰 Iwaizumi because I have relatives there(*˘`*)♡ There was no distribution of matsutake mushrooms this year, but (>︿<.)
Eririn-san, good evening 😆. Of course I ate the chestnut shibori 🎶. I forgot to take a picture 😅. I didn't know they were distributing matsutake mushrooms 😱
Instead of greetings from relatives, matsutake mushrooms are coming❣️. It would have been easier to understand if I had written that(^-^;💦).
Was it from a relative😅? But I'm still very jealous of the matsutake mushrooms you get😍. Please share some with me😎.
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Iwate is currently 0️ for 13 days of corona Hospitalized patients are also 0️. I'm going to take advantage of the prefectural discount before the sixth wave comes. It's my grandmother's birthday present (actually next month). This is an overnight family trip to the Sanriku coast 😁. The route is north to Morioka and lunch at Yabukawa soba Then stop by Unosu cliff and go to the hotel😎. My husband and I went to the farm in the morning. The first bottle is a sake from Tono. The aroma of the rice is very clear and clean. In the mouth, it is light and dry. It's as smooth as water😋. Very crisp and suitable for sipping. It goes well with sashimi, vinegared food, delicacies, sea food such as sea squirt 😃.
Good evening 😊Mecha good filial piety ✨The view is great and the food looks delicious from the sea! The sake is a new label for you😁.
etorannzyu ⭐️. Happy Birthday 🎂 Grandma 🎂! How old is she now? I'm sure she's loving this 🎁🙌 sorry 💦 the food is better than the drink😍 yumm❣️
Good evening, etorannzyu 😆. It's a wonderful trip ❗️ I'm so jealous! I'm so jealous🥰 I'd like to know what you think.
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
Good morning, etorannzyu😃. Wow, I'm going to Ragasou, super super back 👍. I️ also love the Yabugawa soba! It's the best way to take care of your grandmother 🤗
Yuka-chin, good evening 😆. I went to the Sanriku area🎶. The building is a bit old but I really recommend the food😋. I searched for this sake and it didn't come up. This is the first sake from Sake-no-wa.
Maripornu, good evening 😆. My birthday is at the beginning of next month and I will be 85 years old〜! It's a good answer because the inn mainly serves seafood. I'm just thankful that they have sake that I know the brand name of 😅.
Manachie, good evening 😆. I️ went there using the Iwate Prefecture residents' discount. Iwate's local sake is good for eating and drinking, so it's very helpful in this case. I'm already home, so it's too late to rush in 😜.
A205X253, good evening 😆. That's why I was away on Saturday and Sunday😎. I had many intentions other than filial piety, but... This is a secret😜.
Harueichichi, good evening 😆. Who️are you? Did you know about Raga-so⁉️? It's also an inn that was damaged by the earthquake. Many of us love buckwheat noodles, so we often eat them when we go out.