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熊谷 朋之熊谷 朋之
Ryusen'yaezakura純米酒 匠~Takumi~ 雄町純米
Ryusen'yaezakura Check-in 1
Ryusen'yaezakura Check-in 2Ryusen'yaezakura Check-in 3
熊谷 朋之
Next was the Ryusen Yaezakura Junmai Sake Takumi no Omachi. Compared to the Yamada-Nishiki we drank earlier, the taste is a little more robust. The aroma is almost imperceptible, but the sweetness and umami of the flavor is stronger than that of Yamadanishiki. I was full of anticipation, wondering what this sake, which won first place in the Governor's Award, would taste like! I went to the brewery and asked them about it, and they told me that they will start selling it next week. I am looking forward to it! It was delicious! (^o^) P.S. This year, my hibiscus has many flower buds. Last year, they hardly bloomed at all... (^_^; )