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34 Check-insSee more on Foursquare

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Daisekkei Check-in 1
🍶 I came on the 17th and today I came on the 28th and the lineup was the same except for the daily specials 😆 I guess I come too often. And I'm coming to Nagano at least twice in May 😆. I didn't have any friends going back to Kanto area, so I'm going back by Shinkansen. So, that means..., So we're going to compare drinks at our usual stopover: ❤️ My favorite of the three today was the Daisetsukei. It was sweet and a little sour, so a cup of it was not enough.
Mikotsuru Check-in 1Mikotsuru Check-in 2
✌️ Adeju I successfully finished today's 🥸 spectacle conference in Nagano, Japan. My companion left quickly. Then I have no choice but to enjoy drinking alone. 'Eh, why are you trying to take the 17:00 bullet train?' (The meeting ended at 3:50 p.m.) "Ehehe🙃" (My companion knows I'm a drinker). I'm posting this one, which was my favorite out of today's drink comparisons (1), (2), and (3). Slightly carbonated, sweet but refreshing, Miko-chan is better drunk alone. I guess it is a good deal if you make it a drinking comparison since the price of a single bottle is much higher. It's so good you could probably drink a whole batch at once. Good kids don't imitate me 😆. Today's meeting included the topic of my coming as an expatriate from what date in May, and since I will be in Nagano for more than half of the week, and since I will be the first long-term employee outside the group company in our department, I will be a human resource pillar for many things, and I will have to talk to many places, and the company rules will have to be changed. I'm happy to report that the thought of having to change the rules of the company itself is a good reason for me to drink 😆.
I'm happy to drink it anyway.
There is no way Ane-san would leave right after the meeting 😆.
So you can make everything as you like. You can have a rule that Nagano work until 3 pm. I take it as a review that it's up to me to buy out Mikotsuru.
Good morning, Choroki 😊. Yes, I'm glad we had time to drink. Well, without it, it would have just been an izakaya bullet train 😆.
Good morning, Yuka-chan. I heard that you came all the way to Nagano. It's close, but it's special in its own way 😁 Unlike skiing, we don't have to carry much luggage.
Good morning, Nochi-san. ☺️ I can't even imprint, so I have to manage my own attendance time, so, well, hey, ehehe🙃. I can't be bribed, you know. I'll put some sake in the hotel fridge 🥰.
Mikotsuru Check-in 1
I'll be there 😉. I'm going to stop by again today, Nagano station. Looks like there was the Nagano Marathon and a huge crowd 👀. I find a gap and drink standing. Today I had Miko-chan by itself 😆. It's sweet and delicious. I really want to drink this much. I'm so happy. Now, what shall I drink on the bullet train 😋?
Toyoka Check-in 1
😊 Obuse's Toyoga, which was said to be hard to find, is now available at Nagano station. No white label that I drank though. It was weak and dry and made me feel better. That was my excuse to drink it to make me sleepy (laughs).
Hi there, I'm a fan of Toyoca, I've had it for a few years now! This is green Toyoga 😄I'm a Toyoka fan at once after drinking it😊.
Good morning, Yukachin🌸 Yes, it is. It is not well known, but once you drink it, you will get addicted to its delicious taste 😋.
Mikotsuru Check-in 1
😌 Thanks to all of you who are at work. I quit work in the morning and flew out of Kanto. I've been very sleepy lately, but I couldn't sleep, even on the bullet train that we were traveling on. I had no choice. I had no choice (strongly). I'm going to ask for the help of alcohol. You didn't have the energy to drink on weekdays. Slightly sweet Miko-chan, delicious. It soothes my tired body and mind. A boar's mouth is too little.
熊谷 朋之
Hi, Ane-san! (^o^) Thank you for your hard work. (I am a Polish person. Are you going to Nagano for skiing? Or will you be touring sake breweries? In any case, it seems like not much to rest with the help of alcohol.
Hi Ane, ☀️ I'll have to take the help of alcohol for this one! It sounds like it wasn't enough to heal you 🤣Taste the weekday portion during your vacation 😄👍.
⭐︎ Good evening, Ane. Are you in the mountains? Nagano is nice. I too have a shallow sleep and wake up every 2 hours and then wake up after 5am. Is it aging 😢.
Ane, good evening... I like your light footwork to take the afternoon off and go to Shinshu 😆 I wish I could take the day off work and go far away too 😂.
Good evening, Ane-san. Gokozuru looks delicious 😁. Can't sleep 😰 in that case 🍶! Have fun in Shinshu 😁. Did you comment on my Nabeshima? If it's buggy and I can't comment 🙏.
Tomoyuki Kumagai, good morning 😃. I am helping to remove the snow fence of the ski inn that has taken care of us during the winter. I sent 2 bottles of sake to the inn in advance so it will be just about the right amount to drink over the weekend 😁.
Good morning, Pon! We shared a quadruple bottle at night and had a long hot bath so I slept well last night 💮I have so much to do at home that this is not possible💦.
Good morning, Duke Shibusawa. ☀️ I'm doing the heavy lifting in Niigata💪. It's hard to sleep well, isn't it? You are usually too tired. Let's not think that it is not due to aging!
Good morning, Mr. Manachie😄. Niigata could have been done on the morning of the day, but I didn't want to be in a hurry, so I came in the day before. Sometimes you want to go far, far away 🚆.
mizuo Check-in 1
😁. It is said to have a harmony of flavor and sharpness, and even so, the alcohol content is so low that you can drink it like juice. Not enough 😅. I was asked twice, "Can I have a glass of cold water?" I was asked twice, but this amount is to be drunk by one person, right?
Ane-san Hello 😃 I'm a woman and I'm standing up drinking in the daytime. I guess it's rare even in Nagano, a prefecture of sake 😅. Of course "I don't need cold sake! Of course, "I don't need cold sake" 🤣.
Ane-san, good evening 🌙 I'm so envious of your drinking! I've only drank this away 😊I remember it was easy to drink 🤔Sake from Shinshu, delicious ❣️
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Ane! It was a mistaken oyster, so I put it back in. m( _ _ _ )m You mean three cups of boar's mouth and one cup of temperate water, right? Even though it wasn't the water that was missing, but the sake? Who do you think you are, W?
Hi Choroki 😀 There were two women behind me and a couple and a woman in front of me, but...go figure 🤫. No no no, I drank. I was so hungry with water (smiles).
Hello Pon, 🌺 The release is very easy to drink. One four-pack bottle seems to be no problem 😋. If you come to Nagano, please try to compare the drinks.
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃. Yes, I am. I don't need water, I need alcohol! I am 😅. I'm just a guy who's passing by and just hooking up a bit while skiing 🤭.
mizuo Check-in 1
😄 The "break" in the middle. This was my favorite. Easy to drink, I think I could drink the whole cup at once. But I'll hold back 😌. The sake tasting set came with a nozawana tsukudani (food boiled in soy), and I also ordered a potato salad with nozawana.
mizuo Check-in 1
I wandered around Nagano station area and had a standing drink at my usual Shinshu Kurado. Today I drank some Mizuo's Moriboshi 😊. Mamoru" on the left. It has the highest alcohol content (but not even 15%) and has a strong rice flavor. And sweet. It's like a more refreshing version of the Atago no Matsuri I drank earlier. Delicious. ☺️
Ane-san, I hope you are enjoying your 4-day weekend ☺️👍 I drank Mizuo for the first time the other day and it's a delicious sake 🍶I love Nagano😆I want to travel there✈️
Ane, good morning 😃. Enjoy skiing⛷and drinking 🍶🍶🍶🍶. Um, I don't think you're drinking this one bottle at a time 😅.
Hi Manachie 😃 I drank it because Mr. Manachy praised it so highly. And I also bought the green bottle 🌟. See, it's charming & light mate 😝.
Hi Harry😄. I would have liked to have had at least a pint, if not a bottle, and, well, I drank enough to make up for it afterwards💦.
