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Hanshin Department Store (阪神百貨店 あまがさき阪神)

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Saw Amarokku, an all Amagasaki location movie during GW! It's been about 3 weeks since the movie was released, but it was packed 😳I guess there will be repeaters 🤔. I get excited when I see places I've been to or places I know. After watching the movie, I found this place at Hanshin Department Store in the same commercial facility. I had a hard time deciding between the Ryuriki Shinryu Nishiki Nama Sake and this one, but I bought this one! The rice is Dewanosato. It is refreshing but sweet. It has a strong sense of sake yeast, though it is a little stronger than other Hatsusonjyu I've tasted. I also feel a little lactic acidity. I think I prefer it to the Honkin that I just had 🤔. I can't go wrong with Hatsusun.
Good morning, bouken 😃. I'm curious about Hatsuson, I haven't had it yet! Amarokku, I was wondering about the local response, but I see it's quite loved by the locals. Nun love 🫶.
Good morning bouken 😁. I'm curious about the first grandson, but I've never had it 😰. I've never had any 😋. I'm testing my iPhone 😰.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I have the impression that this brewery seems to be a wholesaler-distributor main brewery, so it doesn't line up in famous local sake stores very often 🤔. I'm glad to know that the photos were taken in Amagasaki and not in some other place. I'm glad to know that the photos were taken in Amagasaki and not in some other place 🤔.
Hi Ao 😃 I think Hatsuson was sometimes stocked at Nomura Ryu Sake Shop 🤔 I've never been there 🤣. They all taste similar but sweet and delicious 😋.
Yukitsuru微発泡 霞酒純米吟醸生酒無濾過おりがらみ発泡
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Fizzy, pale smoked gray. Intense, fruity aroma reminiscent of passion fruit and guava. The aroma is strong. Refreshing mouthfeel with a burst of carbonation. Sharp bitterness from the carbonation. Hints of powdery residue. Slightly strong astringency. Short aftertaste. Sake that is both refreshing and fragrant.
I was completely caught off guard. Even though the bottle was labeled to be opened with caution, I made the mistake of spilling about 1 cup 😭.
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Almost colorless and transparent. Fruity aroma reminiscent of pineapple. There is also a hint of rice straw. The aroma is strong. Smooth mouthfeel. The mouthfeel is sweet, sour, and juicy. The fruity overtone is accented by moderate acidity and a slight bitterness. A lingering umami flavor. The aftertaste is sharp and short. It is a fragrant and mellow sake.
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Slightly oily, hazy and clear. Fruity aroma reminiscent of lychee. A slightly smoky aroma reminiscent of smoked fish also peeks out. The aroma is medium-strong. The mouthfeel is fresh and smooth. The mouthfeel is sweet and sour with moderate acidity and astringency. It has a long smoky aftertaste. It is a fragrant and mellow sake.
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Nearly colorless and transparent. Complex, rich aroma with hints of pear, yellow peach, rice, faint nuts, and hand cream. The aroma is strong. However, the mouthfeel is unexpectedly fresh. The mouthfeel is sweet and sour. Light impression. The nose also has hints of caramel. It is relatively sharp and has a medium aftertaste. It is a fragrant and mellow sake.
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I tasted it at the Kobe Hankyu event with Nemuchi-san and pyonpyon-san, and was most impressed with Sakura Masamune. At room temperature. The aroma is classic. The aroma is classic and the mouthfeel is soft and gentle. I guess it is very refreshing when chilled. It is a sake to drink while eating. Not in a negative way, but the top aroma and taste is like that of an alcoholic honjozo or regular sake. I thought it was a bit sweeter when I tasted it 🤔. I thought I could buy it anywhere, but surprisingly, I couldn't find any bottles of it at ●Maya, and only department stores carry 4-gou 💦. When I drank it again, it had a soft sweetness.
HozanTAKARAYAMA 米袋ラベル コシヒカリ原酒生酒
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Hanshin Department Store (阪神百貨店 あまがさき阪神)
I found it when I dropped by Amagasaki Hanshin on my way home from watching John Wick at MOVIX in Kuse Mall. The movie is now complete, but it was the worst in the series 🙄. I searched for it and found Sakeran-san and Hirupeko-san drinking! I thought it was Shinnosuke's 😅. Tart and dark sweet taste. It has an atmosphere like a noble sake or dessert wine. I think it is one of the most delicious sake made from Koshihikari. It is a little sweet and sour. It is a low alcohol type sake, but I thought it was quite drinkable.
Hello bouken ☀. The label on the rice bag 😆 I would buy the jackets 🎶. If Koshihikari can taste that good, then it's cosy and good 😊👍.
Hello, bouken-san. I was wondering why I suddenly got a favorable impression of Takarazan, which I drank a long time ago. I was wondering why. I had forgotten that I used to drink it, so I am glad I remembered it this time 😊.
Hi Pon 😃 Is it difficult to make good sake that not many breweries use it? Takarazan is delicious, but there were some breweries that tasted like that 😅. I've seen some breweries that tasted like that 😅.
I wonder if there are a certain number of people who think that sake made from Koshihikari rice is a bad idea.... I wonder if there are a certain number of people who think that sake made from Koshihikari rice is just a waste of time and money. I'm just guessing. Both of these are just my guesses.
Hi Hirupeko 😃 I search for sakekwa when I have never seen it before or when I don't have much information about sakekwa 😁I sometimes like old posts and remember them 😊.
I see, it's not as established yet, and not recognized by many 🙄 I remember thinking it was a good deal for the same price as Jungin Yamadanishiki, even though it's an Asakaya Mizukagami Daigin 😁.
I hope I can make a lot of good ones and be recognized! Thank you for your valuable input 😊🙏.
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Almost colorless and transparent. The aroma is that of full-bodied rice. The intensity of the aroma is medium. Smooth and fresh. The slightly strong sweetness is reminiscent of tortoiseshell candy. A hint of lychee. Mild acidity and astringency. Medium lingering finish. Mellow sake.
On the second day after opening the bottle, the strong sweetness was still present, and the aroma was reminiscent of coffee milk.
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Transparent with yellowish tint. Sweet and full aroma reminiscent of golden sugar. Mild mouthfeel. Firm acidity and astringency. The mouthfeel is rich and thick. The rich aroma is reminiscent of grains. The aftertaste is medium. Mellow sake.
No matter how cool the packaging may be to give it a summery feel, this is still Tengu Mai. It is still a robust drink.
Daishichi純米生酛 爽快冷酒純米生酛
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Clear and colorless. The aroma is of full-bodied rice, with a slight odor of alcohol. The aroma is weak. The mouthfeel is smooth. The mild acidity is followed by a strong astringency. The aroma has hints of rice flavor. Medium lingering aftertaste. Refreshing sake.
On the third day after opening the bottle, as it slowly approaches room temperature, the aroma becomes stronger and the mouthfeel becomes richer, making us think it is a mellow sake.
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Pale cloudy white color with a hint of oli and fine effervescence. The aroma is full and slightly mature, reminiscent of chestnuts, nuts, and yogurt, with a hint of green bamboo. The aroma is strong. The mouthfeel has a refreshing fizz and sweet and sour acidity. The palate is soon filled with a firm astringency and umami. The aftertaste is medium. A mellow sake.
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Calpis-like white color. The aroma is full-bodied, reminiscent of rice malt, with a fruity note reminiscent of pineapple. The aroma is medium-strong. It has a slightly powdery, but relatively mild mouthfeel. The astringent taste spreads out soon after. The taste lingers. Medium lingering aftertaste. Aromatic and mellow sake.
Sen no Rikyu愛山 夏酒純米吟醸生詰酒
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In Sake no Wa, it's Sakai Izumi Shuzo, but they changed the company name, so it's now Rikyuzo. Is it the only brewery in Osaka that uses Aizan? It seems to be. According to the official website, the koji rice is Yamadanishiki and the Kake rice is Aizan, but it's not 100% Aizan, but the label says Aizan in big letters, so it's OK, right? Sennori Kyu (a little fast talking) pure silver Aiyama🎵. Sennori Kyu (speak a little fast) Yamato Aiyaama🎵 Clean and fresh feeling. Not fruity sweetness but syrupy sweetness. There is a trace of unique aroma. It doesn't seem to have much of an Aizan feel to it. Is it because Yamada Nishiki is also used? There is a slight fizzy feeling. There was a 100% Aizan unfiltered unpasteurized sake and a nigori sake here, but I missed the timing and couldn't buy them, so I bought this one, but... I may not post for another week or so, but I'll keep pushing the ♥ 😁.
It's like a lacquer smell.
There's a little bit of the flavor that comes from hazing in a light blue bottle. Just a little bit.
If you drink it after Kinjaku, it feels weak...
Hello, bouken... I'm looking for a gold sparrow 😄. Thanks to you, I now have one more thing to look for💦.
Hi tkmt😄. It's just too bad about this one, but Kinjaku is really meh! I especially recommend the Yamahai Junmai Ginjo😊.
Hi bouken-san, 🐣 I don't know why I've never seen any sake from Osaka (I filled in the map with Akishika), so I'm grateful to see you in the review 😊 bouken-san, good luck 🤗
Good evening. ♪ I chanted somewhat quickly. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. But the label is beautiful, so if I find it, I'll buy it😁.
Mariponnu-san, good evening! Akishika is famous but Osaka doesn't have a good image for sake 😅Other breweries like Katano Sakura and Amano Sake are good. I'm sure you'll be able to find something to suit your needs.
I'll post one more on Thursday and then I'll go silent for a while 😐.
Ane-san, good evening 🌃 I'm sure you're familiar with it, since you've used it to make many different kinds of sake... I'm sure you're familiar with it, but I've had some good ones in the past that weren't made with Aizan, so I'm not sure if I got the wrong one.
I revised the text a little because I wrote it in the rag. The impression is better than the first time I saw it, but the lack of love mountain feeling and the unique unpleasant smell are still the same. Is this scent off-flavor?
I also felt a little juicy sweetness like apricot around the second half.
To describe it in a very positive way, it tastes like Omine. Muscat-like.