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Sakura Masamune焼稀純米生一本
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I tasted it at the Kobe Hankyu event with Nemuchi-san and pyonpyon-san, and was most impressed with Sakura Masamune. At room temperature. The aroma is classic. The aroma is classic and the mouthfeel is soft and gentle. I guess it is very refreshing when chilled. It is a sake to drink while eating. Not in a negative way, but the top aroma and taste is like that of an alcoholic honjozo or regular sake. I thought it was a bit sweeter when I tasted it 🤔. I thought I could buy it anywhere, but surprisingly, I couldn't find any bottles of it at ●Maya, and only department stores carry 4-gou 💦. When I drank it again, it had a soft sweetness.