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HozanTAKARAYAMA 米袋ラベル コシヒカリ原酒生酒
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Hanshin Department Store (阪神百貨店 あまがさき阪神)
I found it when I dropped by Amagasaki Hanshin on my way home from watching John Wick at MOVIX in Kuse Mall. The movie is now complete, but it was the worst in the series 🙄. I searched for it and found Sakeran-san and Hirupeko-san drinking! I thought it was Shinnosuke's 😅. Tart and dark sweet taste. It has an atmosphere like a noble sake or dessert wine. I think it is one of the most delicious sake made from Koshihikari. It is a little sweet and sour. It is a low alcohol type sake, but I thought it was quite drinkable.
Hello bouken ☀. The label on the rice bag 😆 I would buy the jackets 🎶. If Koshihikari can taste that good, then it's cosy and good 😊👍.
Hello, bouken-san. I was wondering why I suddenly got a favorable impression of Takarazan, which I drank a long time ago. I was wondering why. I had forgotten that I used to drink it, so I am glad I remembered it this time 😊.
Hi Pon 😃 Is it difficult to make good sake that not many breweries use it? Takarazan is delicious, but there were some breweries that tasted like that 😅. I've seen some breweries that tasted like that 😅.
I wonder if there are a certain number of people who think that sake made from Koshihikari rice is a bad idea.... I wonder if there are a certain number of people who think that sake made from Koshihikari rice is just a waste of time and money. I'm just guessing. Both of these are just my guesses.
Hi Hirupeko 😃 I search for sakekwa when I have never seen it before or when I don't have much information about sakekwa 😁I sometimes like old posts and remember them 😊.
I see, it's not as established yet, and not recognized by many 🙄 I remember thinking it was a good deal for the same price as Jungin Yamadanishiki, even though it's an Asakaya Mizukagami Daigin 😁.
I hope I can make a lot of good ones and be recognized! Thank you for your valuable input 😊🙏.