えのそばHououbidenKobayashi ShuzoTochigi9/19/2024, 11:43:04 AM19えのそばIt tastes so good. I want my friend to drink it.Japanese>Englishma-ki-Hi Enosoba, nice to meet you. It's really delicious here ⤴️ or rather it was too delicious✨ I hope many people will drink it 🎵 I just visited your user page, Congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉!Japanese>English
えのそばKoeigikuKoeigiku ShuzoSaga9/13/2024, 11:12:48 AM12えのそばHalcyon. Good. I want to hear Bump of Chicken.Japanese>English
えのそばYamagata MasamuneMitobe ShuzoYamagata6/24/2024, 10:39:13 AM18えのそばFeel the summer in the package.Japanese>English
えのそばKidHeiwa ShuzoWakayama6/19/2024, 10:41:16 AM15えのそばWhy is Kido so cheap and delicious?Japanese>English
えのそばTakachiyoTakachiyo ShuzoNiigata6/9/2024, 10:17:50 AM17えのそばThis is chericiyo. It's so good.Japanese>English
えのそばSuigeiSuigei ShuzoKochi6/8/2024, 11:15:48 PM16えのそばThe first summer sake of the year was drunken whale.Japanese>English
えのそばKaze no MoriYucho ShuzoNara5/25/2024, 9:55:44 AM19えのそばThe No.1 "Kaze no Mori" I have ever had. Enjoy it slowly.Japanese>English
えのそばTakachiyoTakachiyo ShuzoNiigata5/17/2024, 10:40:19 AM18えのそばPersonally, it is the most delicious, Takachiyo. (Though all the Hiragana series are delicious.)Japanese>English
えのそばNaramanYumegokoro ShuzoFukushima4/14/2024, 10:38:37 AM16えのそばIt's still good. I'd like to drink the Blue Devil again, too.Japanese>English
えのそばKidHeiwa ShuzoWakayama4/10/2024, 11:42:15 PM25えのそばOnce a year fun. This is my favorite in Kido.Japanese>English
えのそばYamamotoうきうきYamamotoAkita3/31/2024, 10:07:53 AM18えのそばAt the end of March or at night, in a pink with a glow.Japanese>English
えのそばSenkinせんきんTochigi3/24/2024, 10:22:49 AM22えのそばI opened a bottle of hope I bought at Tokyo Station. It is delicious. A part of the proceeds will go to the reconstruction of the disaster area.Japanese>English
えのそばHououbidenKobayashi ShuzoTochigi3/16/2024, 11:04:27 AM15えのそばIt is still delicious. I can feel the Muscat flavor. I also bought a bottle of Houou Mita WineCELL. (No.1 sake in my opinion).Japanese>English
えのそばTakachiyoTakachiyo ShuzoNiigata3/8/2024, 10:23:53 AM15えのそばI don't know what peaches are, but they are good!Japanese>English