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Muscat-like flavor. Elegant sweetness. Good sharpness. Could have been a little more crisp if I wanted, but I think this fragile feeling is good. The label is also understated. The label is also understated. After a few days, the sourness and the umami of the rice are felt and it looks like a sake. This is delicious in its own way. #Yamaguchi Sake Brewery #Uguisu in the garden
Fudo雄町 純米吟釀生原酒
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🍇 Happy Halloween Part 2⭐️🎃💦 I went out for something that wasn't like that, since I've had a lot of sweet ones in a row. I couldn't pass up my first Murasaki Fudo and bought it. ...it was similar to the purple one from Takachiyo 😂. I was under the impression that Omachi has a refined sweetness and a fashionable bitterness at the end, but this one is quite dark and sweet. Did it seem extra sweet because it was different from my current mood? 🤔 This is just a matter of my mood, and this drink itself is definitely delicious. So I'll put it aside and open another bottle 😭. I drank it another day and thought this is very tasty. LOL! If I had to use an analogy, I'd say a gorgeous woman in a long purple dress. Gorgeous and mellow? I will buy this again next year!
Oze no Yukidoke2024Ozeyuki × Halloween 純米大吟醸ハロウィン専用酒
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Gorgeous and gently sweet. Gorgeous and refreshing. The sweetness like a Western-style pastry spreads slowly. The sweetness is quite strong, but the aftertaste is rather refreshing. This is also delicious! Halloween is fun! I'm looking forward to seeing you all again!
Takachiyo無盡たかちよカスタムメイド平精米無ろ過生原酒Halloweenラベルfeat. sakazukin
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Shuwa. Huh? Is it the same inside! No, it's something different! It's similar, but it doesn't look like it's going to be a melon type. The orange label is forever healthy for opening the bottle. But it tastes gentle. This one is crisp and cool. I definitely prefer the orange label. It's interesting that they are so similar, yet so different that I can tell.
Takachiyo芳醇無盡たかちよカスタムメイド平精米純米大吟醸無ろ過生原酒おりがらみ Halloweenラベルfeat. サラパンダ
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Aroma of rice. Sudden and smooth. Mellow. Autumn label with a hint of orikagami? I thought so, but I bought it because I was tired of the mild hiya-odori type. ...This one is mild too! LOL! It tastes mild and gentle. But it's not a languid taste. It tastes like it has a melon-type flavor or not. This is delicious 🎃.
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸 ひやおろし
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Acidity, bitterness. Taste. Overall impression is round but quite bitter? Bitterness? Sourness? The balance between the two? I'm not sure, but it seems different from my taste. Is it wrong that I chose hiyaoroshi or is it the brand? Ah, but I heard that the Yamahai I drank before was delicious (from the record). I will try drinking it in other seasons.
Fudo吊るししぼり無濾過 純米大吟醸 生原酒
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rice🌾 When I say rice, I don't mean the mildness of cooked rice. But plump? Moist? You could say it's juicy, but not in that literal sense. It's a refreshing taste, but with a pleasant aftertaste of rice. When the temperature rises, it has a bitter taste like ice wine. It is delicious.
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Juicy, full-bodied honey apple? Pineapple? Anyway, it has a rich sweetness. But not too much. Speaking of Gassan, it is summer skiing, isn't it? I have never been there. I wonder if there is another Gassan that is not in the back of the mountain. I finished my drink without really knowing. I'm nervous because it's been a while since I've posted (nervous). When I get around to it, I'll release photos of the bottles I have accumulated 🫡✨. I'll release photos of my bottles when I feel like it 﫡........ This isn't a Yamagata sake! Is it different from the summer skiing Gassan? I need to study up.
Fudo白麴&林檎 純米生原酒
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Juicy🍹fruity🍎 acidity Sourness and at the same time rich fruitiness. I don't like acidity that much, but this is a rich, close double-barreled ✨✨. And it's crisp with a strong carbonation 😎😎. I wonder if that's what makes it immovable? By the way, this Fudo has a nice label. It's white with a big stamped pattern on it. Like snow. The cork is very fluffy, and it opens with a pop, so I was excited even before drinking it. ☺️✨
Kurumazaka[プロトタイプ]KODO.ec162 純米酒
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Bitter and sour. Image Grapefruit Sour (though the taste is different) This...feels lukewarm at refrigerator temperature. It tastes better when chilled with ice. But if you serve it on the rocks, it tastes familiar. That's it, that's it. Tamagawa. The impression I had before I made it rock is totally different. It's strange.
Hououbiden米光 渡船2号100%使用
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First impression, grass🌱 Alcoholic feeling is quite strong, but there is a hint of rice in the back. Sourness + bitterness + fermented rice Rather rich in flavor? Ginjo aroma lingers on the nose in the aftertaste. I don't know about Watanosen 2, but I found out that Houou Mita has a grassy aroma 🌱 in my opinion.
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Pear-like aroma. Tingling and schwarziness. Rather bitter taste. Is it going to be gorgeous? I thought so, but then I got the impression of bitterness. Is it being tightened there? It says to store it at 2 degrees Celsius or below. It must be too warm in the vegetable room. I'll have to move it. I'll have to move them. ...I moved it, but it was put back in the vegetable room on the second day 🥲. I don't feel the tingling, but it still goes on mildly and finishes with bitterness. I'd like to drink it a little more chilled...
TakachiyoSKY 氷点貯蔵 おりがらみふ
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This is what summer wine is all about 🍉. The official name is, Mellow, uncapped, flat flat, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted, unadjusted ...If you find the official name written on the side of the bottle, how can we not include it? I can't stop myself from posting it once I found the official name on the side of the bottle. (But it's too long 🤣). It's refreshing. Impression like a Ramune. It has a coherent feeling of rice flavor -> bitterness in the aftertaste. By the way, it is similar to the Azuma Rikishi that I posted the other day that if you drink it, you will be crushed... I still have a bottle of Rikishi in my fridge, so if I went through the trouble, I should have chosen the other bottle that I hesitated and passed up on...? 🤔 I'm having a hard time not drinking all the sake I'm interested in, since there's a limit to how much I can drink. ... Here is a note posted at the end of May. Eh, wait a minute. I was not aware that I drank this alcohol. When I read the memo, I thought of that.... and the memory comes back to me faintly. Huh? But you drank a square of it, right? Huh? 🙄 ...
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Strong sense of schwarziness. Good flavor, clear acidity and bitterness. The label's design and color suggest a melon, right? I may have a preconceived notion, but it is indeed a melon. Also, it is not refreshing, but rather it seems to be filled with umami all over the place. The aroma is quite rice-like. Well, the color is also quite cloudy. You can't even see the other side. I actually went to buy the yellow-labeled Tonatsumusume, but it was a little too late and I was briskly told, "See you next year! I was told "See you next year! 😅 I'm sure I'll be chasing them down 😆. I'm going to have to catch up with them 😆.
Good morning, nono😃. I also feel melon🍈 before I drink this look😄Taste is also melon🍈😋. Takachiyo has an interesting preconception and taste feeling 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 I see! I thought I felt like I was being led around by the labels, but I'm enjoying that as well 😁I wonder what's next for you? I'm excited to see what's next 😆✨.
Denshu純米大吟醸 四割五分 山田錦
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Tropical Fruity 🏝️ Thick and honey-like sweetness. Sourness and a discreet schwack. Finally, light bitterness. The aftertaste is a gradual rice flavor. The taste of rice is slowly building up in the aftertaste. It has a sense of transparency and richness. In terms of color, it has a yellowish image. I bought this one last fall and was saving it, but I opened it on a random day😅. It was delicious! Forty-five percent is pretty polished. I wonder if that's why it's so clear, and the price. It's not easy to buy but I would like to drink it again if I have a chance.
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🧊+🍶 It says to drink it with ice, so I did just that 🍹. Hmmm...cold, slightly diluted Tamagawa flavor? It's delicious, but I'm not sure if it's called sake by another name? 🤔 ...but it says Tamagawa Unfiltered Nama Sake. So does that mean it has a regular label Tamagawa in it? Well, the other day at a sake tasting, I got a hot Tamagawa. Even hot, the flavor didn't jump out at me, and the richness stood out and was delicious. And it tastes great on the rocks, too. It's all-mighty, isn't it?
Oze no Yukidoke純米大吟醸 夏吟
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Gorgeous sweetness like ripe apples and pears. It's clean, but not as clean as one might imagine. I see, it's like this because it's Oze snow. The label on the back is full of hashtags. Some of them make sense, some don't 🙂. Some of them make sense, some of them don't.
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Cotton candy type of sweetness with a little schwack. I opened the bottle with some trepidation because there was a warning tag to open the bottle, but there was not even a little bit of a swoosh. (Laughs). (I felt a slight sizzle when I drank it.) It's summer! It's summer! But it was not as refreshing as I had expected, and it was very thick. But it was delicious. My husband did not drink it because he said it had a peculiar smell. I wonder if there are different tastes. 🤔. The label that looks like it was printed by a printer is my personal favorite. . I drank a gulp of it and realized the difference between light nigori and nigori sake. This is dangerous😅. I wonder if nigori sake has a higher alcohol content as it is thicker. It is right to drink this sake little by little. I learned a lot.
Good evening, nono 😃 I haven't had any of the East Rikishi 😅I see this one is a sweet nigori 😋 but it's about 20 degrees 😳This is a dangerous one if you gobble it down 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. This drink is delicious - but I get crushed when I drink it... so I decided to drink the right amount, at the end of my drinking time. LOL By the way, I still have some left. Good for the cosmopolitan 🤣.
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Classical...it was not. From the austere name, I drank it thinking it would taste old-fashioned, but it was surprisingly current. It is easy to drink with a refreshing and gentle sweetness. Has it always tasted like this? I received it as a souvenir from Hokkaido, and the design on the cup is cute, which explains why some people are addicted to cup sake.
Okuharima純米 おりがらみ
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Classic, fresh, juicy. It comes in a wow of various flavors and ends with bitterness. The rice flavor is soft and fluffy, with a hint of ice wine (bitterness and a touch of lily?). I can also feel the bitter taste and the lily-like feeling. It was hot today, so I chose a refreshing ogara-mi, but I was betrayed in a good way. It was refreshing, but not in a gulp-down kind of way. It is the type of sake you want to drink slowly. It's perfect for drinking alone. I met a good sake: ☺️✨