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Akanesasuヌヴォー 純米吟醸 無ろ過生純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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Recommended by a colleague, this was my first time drinking it. The aroma is like a melon, and the taste is sweet in the mouth at first, but the sharpness is just right, and the umami of the rice is well pronounced, but it has a refreshing taste, so you will not get tired of drinking it. I have been drinking many Shinshu Nagano sake from the Matsumoto and Suwa breweries, but now that I like Akanesusu, I would like to try a variety of Saku sake from now on.
アルプス正宗純米大吟醸 山恵錦 三割五分磨純米大吟醸
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今年7月に松本の酒蔵で購入した数本のうち、とっておきの1本をやっと開封。 軟水を飲んでるかのような、まろやかさ。 山恵錦の仄かなお米の甘味。 ノドを通るキリッと感も上品。 初日は刺身と合わせたが、魚と醤油の味に意識が行ってる間にスーッと体に入ってしまったので、2日目は肴無しでじっくりと味わう。 さすが、精米歩合35%… このお酒は、肴無しで一口ひとくち、じっくりと味を噛み締めて飲むのがオススメ。
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Purchased at a local liquor store. We compared the sake at room temperature, lukewarm, and hot, but personally, we prefer lukewarm, room temperature, and hot, in that order. The lukewarm sake is more rounded than the room temperature sake and has a mellower, sweeter taste. There is none of the sudden rush that is common with heated sake, and it is smooth and easy to drink. Perfect as a food sake.
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A gift. This is my first brand. It said it was recommended to be refrigerated, so I started with a cold sake. I thought it would be a strong junmai sake, but was surprised to find a very mild taste filled with the flavor of rice. The next day, I dared to drink it lukewarm, and the sweetness increased and the taste became even mellower. It is a versatile all-around dining sake that goes well with both strong and light-flavored snacks.
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I tasted it at a sake brewery in Matsumoto in July and liked it so much that I bought it. I opened this one with great care, but as is typical of summer sake, it has a subtle pear-like aroma and sweetness, and it goes down the throat easily and can be drunk without hesitation. Although it is 14 degrees Celsius, it goes into your body like water, so it is a waste if you don't drink it with proper awareness.
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A gift. This is the first time for me to drink Hokusetsu. The aroma is not so much fruity as it is sweet with a hint of rice. The taste is slightly sweet, but the flavor of rice spreads in the mouth. Overall, it is mellow. It can be drunk all the time, regardless of whether the accompaniments are light or dark.
Daishinshu限定 紫陽花生詰酒
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Purchased at a sake brewery in Matsumoto in July. It had been sitting in the fridge for a while, but I finally opened it. Before drinking, it had a nice fruity aroma like white grapes. In the mouth, it tastes a bit sweet, like melon, but as it goes down the throat, it is crisp and robust. It is a perfect sake for a meal, but it also makes you want to enjoy the taste of the sake without any snacks.
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This is a brand from the same brewery as "Alps Masamune". Although there is no mention of it on the label, the specs are that it is a honjozo. I drank it at room temperature on the first day, slightly chilled on the second day, and lukewarm on the third day, and found that I liked it best at room temperature. It has a slightly sweet but refreshing taste, and I could drink it all the time.
アルプス正宗純米吟醸 中取り 原酒純米吟醸原酒中取り
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Purchased at a sake brewery in Matsumoto. It is made from 100% Miyamanishiki, a specially cultivated rice produced in Azumino, Shinshu. As one would expect from a medium-bodied sake, it has a rich taste with the full flavor of the rice. The aroma and sharpness are moderate, and the sense of drinking is strong. It is a wonderful mid-meal sake that asserts itself in a good sense with any accompaniment, but does not fight with the accompaniment.
Masumi辛口生一本 生 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酒生一本
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Nama-shu version of Dry Nama Ippon. Purchased at a sake brewery in Suwa. It has a very fresh taste with a freshness unique to nama-shu added to the spiciness of the familiar spiciness of nama-ichibon. Even if the accompaniments are light or strong, it has a strong presence and is never boring to drink. This is the stable Masumi quality.
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Purchased at a sake brewery in Matsumoto. If you apply it to the flavor chart of Sake-no-Wawa, you get the impression of a beautiful regular hexagonal shape. None of the flavors are too much or too little, and they are well balanced. A closer look at the label shows that the production date is December 2020 and the release date is June 2023. It is surprising that it took two and a half years.
YokoyamaSILVER7 純米吟醸 生詰純米吟醸生詰酒無濾過
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Purchased at a souvenir shop at Nagasaki Airport. I had never had this brand before and had wanted to drink it for a long time. The fruity sweet aroma and mouthfeel like white grapes are more to my liking than I expected. It is better to drink it without the sauce to get the full flavor. However, it was an excellent match with boiled okra with dashi broth, so it may be possible to drink it with light-flavored snacks.
Mizubasho秋酒 純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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We obtained an autumn sake that was released from the warehouse last weekend. The ginjo aroma is faint, almost melon-like, and the taste is slightly sweet and very mild. I have the impression that the perfect balance of mellowness and sharpness stands out better if the sake is cooled down a little before drinking than if it is cooled down to a very cold temperature. This is my first hiyaoroshi from Mizubasho, and as expected, it tastes just as I like it.
Gohho純米吟醸 きたしずく純米吟醸
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I liked it after drinking it at an izakaya in Sapporo, so I bought it at New Chitose Airport on my way home. The aroma is subdued, the taste is smooth, and it can be drunk before or during a meal without getting tired of it. By the second day, the corners had been removed and it was as if I was drinking mild water.
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Purchased at a sake brewery in Matsumoto. This is the first time I have tasted sake made from Yamae-Nishiki sake rice, and it is also my favorite. It has a strong fruity aroma and a pleasantly lingering aftertaste of umami and acidity. Personally, I would rather savor this sake without snacks than with them.
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A gift from a friend. This is the first time I have tasted Miyoshiei. There was not much aroma, and the impression was that the flavor of the rice came to the fore. The label says it is an aperitif or toast sake, but I personally prefer it as an in-between-dinner drink, as it is smooth and tastes like you are drinking it with strong-flavored snacks.
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Purchased at a sake brewery in Matsumoto. Yamazakura is a spring limited edition. Although we were not able to taste it at the brewery, it has a perfect balance of melon-like fruity sensation and fresh flavor and acidity. The taste of "Daishinshu" as expected!
Miwatari純米吟醸 PETILLANT純米吟醸
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Purchased at an antenna store in Tokyo. This was the first time for me to drink Junmai Ginjo, as I was originally hooked on Kamidari with its Kami-Darikuchi (Honjozo). The fresh fruitiness and elegant flavor was like drinking a white wine. I was very satisfied with the quality of Kamito that exceeded my expectations.
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This is Masumi's summer-only sake. The white grape-like aroma is subdued, the taste is smooth, and the acidity is refreshing, so as the label says, it is perfect as a food sake. However, it goes well with all kinds of snacks, and it goes down so smoothly that if you don't drink it while being conscious of the fact that it is Masumi's sake, it will disappear in no time at all.
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Purchased at an antenna store in Hiroshima Prefecture. It does not have a slight sparkling taste, and one would think it would be smooth, but the melon-like aroma and matured flavor are both moderately firm without being assertive. Personally, I prefer it as a food sake.