KurodoraAizuhomare純米大吟醸純米大吟醸原酒生酒Homare ShuzoFukushima3/14/2021, 2:05:23 PM15KurodoraIt's a dangerous and delicious sake from Aizu that you can sip on like water. It is my favorite.Japanese>English
KurodoraGinreigassan槽前酒原酒生酒Gassan ShuzoYamagata3/14/2021, 1:58:45 PM14KurodoraIt was a powerful and delicious drink with a slight color.Japanese>English
KurodoraNinkiichi立春搾り純米吟醸Ninki ShuzoFukushima3/14/2021, 1:47:10 PM22KurodoraA little choppy and light in the mouth. It was a wonderful sake to enjoy with a wine glass.Japanese>English
KurodoraAzakura純米大吟醸Azakura ShuzoAkita3/14/2021, 1:44:24 PM22KurodoraI've been drinking it while making delicious koji pickles. You can feel the sweetness of the rice, but it is delicious and refreshing to drink.Japanese>English
KurodoraHokusetsuYK35大吟醸Hokusetsu ShuzoNiigata2/7/2021, 8:30:30 AM2KurodoraI enjoyed it at my parents' house with my parents and sister. Everyone loved it and I'm glad I bought it!Japanese>English
Kurodora古酒屋のひとりよがり栄光冨士Yamagata2/7/2021, 8:28:05 AM11KurodoraWe enjoyed chibi chibi while eating horse sashimi.Japanese>English
KurodoraYuki no Bosha純米吟醸Saiya ShuzotenAkita2/7/2021, 8:22:54 AM16KurodoraWe enjoyed it while picking up sushi. It was very easy to drink and we drank a lot.Japanese>English
KurodoraWhisky Taru de Chozoshita NihonshuFukugao ShuzoNiigata12/30/2020, 6:02:02 AM20KurodoraIt had a robust whiskey flavor, but was also mildly sweet, and I enjoyed it with the cheese.Japanese>English
KurodoraDassai等外Asahi ShuzoYamaguchi12/30/2020, 5:59:15 AM16KurodoraI was able to enjoy Ottersai at a reasonable price. It was easy to drink and a good evening drink.Japanese>English
KurodoraZaku雅の智Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie12/5/2020, 11:25:00 AM22KurodoraIt was a refreshing drink to enjoy. It goes well with sashimi.Japanese>English
KurodoraAizuhomare純米大吟醸純米大吟醸Homare ShuzoFukushima11/7/2020, 2:02:46 PM22KurodoraThe sake that comes out when you go to your grandma's house is Homare. It's a delicious yet abusive brew that you can drink like water!Japanese>English
KurodoraMasumiのかぜ純米吟醸Miyasaka JozoNagano10/4/2020, 9:51:30 AM20KurodoraI got it at Seijo Ishii. We had it with sashimi and a glass of wine. It smelled good, was easy to drink, and was a luxurious evening drink.Japanese>English
KurodoraKoshinokanbai吟醸酒吟醸Ishimoto ShuzoNiigata10/4/2020, 9:46:08 AM15KurodoraReading.Japanese>English
KurodoraMinenohakubai純米大吟醸純米大吟醸峰乃白梅酒造Niigata8/23/2020, 9:53:41 AM17KurodoraIt was refreshing, and I enjoyed it deliciously, while trying hard to keep myself from gulping it down like water.Japanese>English
KurodoraKubota雪峰Asahi ShuzoNiigata8/8/2020, 9:59:40 AM16KurodoraWe selected this collaboration between Kubota and Snow Peak for a home party for an outdoor-loving friend. It had a great mouthfeel and aroma, and everyone enjoyed it!Japanese>English
KurodoraKoshinobairiグリーングラデーション純米吟醸Oguro ShuzoNiigata6/19/2020, 11:29:26 PM17Kurodoraまずは瓶の見た目に惹かれ、飲んでみると良い香りと飲みやすさに喜びを感じるお酒でした
KurodoraKazan純米大吟醸Sudo HonkeIbaraki5/4/2020, 6:00:23 AM11Kurodora地元の古くから歴史ある酒造のお酒。香りも舌触りも良く、ゆっくり楽しめました。
Kurodora飛騨のどぶにごり酒Watanabe ShuzotenGifu4/11/2020, 4:47:34 AM9Kurodoraもろみがたっぷりでかなり濃厚。でも、口当たりは良くて飲みやすい危ないお酒。 牛すじカレーのお供にしてみたけれど、思っていた以上の相性でスプーンもグラスも進みました。