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Sasshumasamune Flavor Chart

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Purchased in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo â Alcohol content@15%. Sake degree @ Undisclosed Acidity @ undisclosed Rice used@undisclosed Polishing ratio@60 Personal Recommendation@3.7/5.0 I think this is a straight 3 week reach 🥰. Kagoshima always bought Tenpyo, but I want to try Satsushu Masamune for the first time: ‼️ But I don't know where to find a special distributor🤦. What a surprise, I wonder who posted this. I was wondering who posted this... 😃They have it at the Kagoshima antenna store in Yurakucho. Worst case scenario, even if you can't buy it, you can definitely just make up for it by going to Imadeya in Ginza, where they have a Tenpyo 😑. So I went to the big city to buy it on Saturday when my work was done until noon 😜. The antenna store didn't have any Tenpyo, only Satsushu Masamune for some reason😅. They had two types of sake, Junmai-shu and Junmai-ginjo, but I chose Junmai-ginjo because I thought it might be the first and last time to drink this sake 😅❣️ I chose the Junmai Ginjo because I thought it might be the first and last time I would drink this sake. Chichi-san advised me to buy Tenpyo if I was going to buy the same Kagoshima sake, so I was a little prepared for it, but it was easier to drink than I had imagined 🍶. It's a bit alcoholic, but it's a taste I can get addicted to 👅.
Good evening, 3KAN4ON! I just got shown the map and I was surprised to see that you drank 3 beautifully except for Okinawa😳and you are early from the 2nd lap👍I look forward to achieving the 3rd lap😊.
Good morning, 3KAN4ON 😃. 3 laps straight is already divine 😳I'm looking forward to the last Okinawan sake 🍶 up 👋
Good morning, 3KAN4ON 😃. Thank you for mentioning my name 😁. I heard it was hard to get, but you sold it in an antenna store ❗️ I'm glad you liked it 🤗.
3KAN4ON, I thought Kagoshima was the only place in the world where there is only a natural gift🤣But it's really great that you searched for it so well ‼️3 I'm looking forward to the last of the national conquests in a week 🎵.
Hi Pon 😃 Isn't the hole map beautiful 😍😍😍. I'll do my best for one more Okinawa: ❣️✌️
Hi Jay & Nobby😃. Thank you so much for your divine skills 😊. As I mentioned before, I live in Tokyo, so at the end of the day, I don't do much except have an antenna store 😅. Now the last hurdle 😢.
Hi Chichi 😃 I thought you were going to drink something amazing because Chichi-san threatened you, but I was surprised that you could drink it: ‼️ It's a sake that only a shochu maker can make😍.
Hi Manachy 😃 I've been going around and around looking at your posts and looking for dealers: ✌️ I like to look at the shelves of the refrigerator at the liquor store as much as Manachie likes to look at high school girls 😍.
Hi 3KAN4ON. I couldn't find any sake from Kagoshima either, and at the end I had to beg my nephew's wife for a souvenir since she was from Kyushu 😅What about sake at [Okinawa Treasure Island] in Lalaport Yokohama? They have an antenna store in Yurakucho 🤗.
Good evening, Mashira-no-Yama-san 🌆. I've never heard of [Okinawa Treasure Island] before ✌️ I'm just wondering if I should go there after inquiring about Yokohama, which is the opposite of my direction 😅. The antenna store in Yurakucho has stopped selling sake since they moved 😢.
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I had this drink at a Japanese-style bar specializing in sake, about a 5-minute walk from Kagoshima Chuo Station, and drank it after returning to my lodgings. I don't remember much ^_^;. I took the Ibutama No.1 to Ibusuki, and then rented a car to go around Nishioiyama and Kaimondake, and bought some sake at Nagasakihana. I wonder if Tenpyo (sake) is not so famous in Kagoshima. #967
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Continued from previous post Satsushu Masamune Junmai Ginjo Satsushu Masamune Junmai Comparison of Satsuma sake with different specs Let's find out how much difference 10% polished rice can make 😤. Aroma Junmai Ginjo is weak and hard to tell. Junmai is young pinappo🍍🍍🍍. Taste Junmai Ginjo is sharp and bitter. Junmai is characterized by bitterness coupled with acidity. The pinappo is not as noticeable as the aroma. Well, it is undeniably inferior to Omine and Amami, which we compared today at the brewery. But I wanted to express my gratitude through this sake to my kind eldest son born in Kagoshima who delivered a wonderful gift🎁, so that's all right. ‼️
Chichi, my best friend forever, here's another one: 🙇‍♂️ Happy Father's Day 🎉! Well done son✨. You had too many wrong people to compare this time 🥲. But a hearty drink would have tasted different👍.
Hi Chichi 😃 I would like to drink this but the only information I have in Tokyo is that it might be available at an antenna store in Shimbashi. In Kyushu, you can usually buy it. ☺️
My forever best friend Manta, still here again... Thank you so much 😊 I opened the cider later and was filled with nostalgia: ❗️
Hi 3KAN4ON 😃 Sorry for the super late response 🙏. It is rather easy to get around Kagoshima Chuo Station: ❗️ But the taste is... If it's Satsuma sake, I think it's safe to choose Tenpyo 😅.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! Hello 😄! What a good son you have! I'm sure your son is a bit teary. 😭There are so many Masamune series 😋😋.
MAJ, good evening 🌇. Thank you very much 😊 Thanks to you, he grew up to be a good boy like his father👍 No way... ‼️ I tend to buy Satsushu Masamune when I go on business trips to Kagoshima because it's a rarity... 💦.
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Bing bong: ❗️ I just got home in the evening. Our chime rings. It's the home delivery service. What is it? When I received it and looked at the address, it was from my eldest son in Tokyo. When I opened the package... Oh, how I miss ❗️ Two bottles of cider from a winery that was a favorite of mine when I lived in Morioka! He said it was Haha's birthday and he wanted to celebrate Chichi's day... How well done! I was so impressed ❗️ So I decided to open a mini bottle I had bought on my business trip to Kagoshima last month! I thought of my eldest son who was born in Kagoshima, and cheers 🥂! I'll let you know the result next time 🤣.
⭐︎ Good morning, Chichi! Well, yesterday was Chichi's day, wasn't it? Your son is a college student and he is very witty. We can have a drink together next year. I'll visit Choshu Sake Brewery next time I'm back home. Is this the old Toyoura County?
Hi Haruei Chichi 😃What a well educated first son ✨I'm happy you think of me even though I'm far away 🩷. I'm looking forward to having a drink with your eldest son when you come back in the summer 😊.
Hello Duke Shibusawa 😃. Sorry for the late response 🙏. As you said, it is located in the former Kikugawa-cho, Toyoura-gun. It is located in a corner of a residential area, but I think it is easy to find.
Hi Wakata 😃. Sorry for the super late response 🙏. Yes, I'm impressed how well you remembered my eldest son: ❗️ I'm looking forward to having a drink with you! What should we drink 😁.
Chichi, here too🤗! I'm so happy to see the gift from your eldest son and his thoughtfulness that it brings tears to my eyes 😭💕Thanks for toasting with Kagoshima sake while thinking of your eldest son who grew up so well and your wonderful family love that makes us all warm and happy💓
Yu🎶, here we go again😊. It's true ❗️ I can't believe it's my own son! I can't honestly say that the quality of Satsushu Masamune is very high, but I was thankful to have it while remembering my first son!
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From a business associate Souvenir from a business trip to Kagoshima Thank you! Natural water from Mt. Easy to drink and refreshing The sweetness is outstanding! Delicious!
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I often go to the antenna stores around where I work, but my destinations are limited to Ginza or Yurakucho. On this particular day, I went a little further to Hibiya and looked at the Kagoshima antenna shop. It may be obvious, but the only sake on the shelves was shochu😅. It is not that I cannot drink shochu, but I was looking for sake. When I was about to leave, I saw a sign in the upper right corner of the fridge that said "Satsushu Masamune" was available! I went closer to see if they had it, and there it was: ‼️ I immediately bought it. I opened the bottle. It has a very light and refreshing aroma. The taste is ............ Huh? Water? and at first it is water. And the taste that follows is like a light, understated shochu 😋 It is neither sweet potato nor barley, so is it a rice shochu I have never had? Anyway, it is not disgusting at all, so I keep drinking it as if I am rehydrating 🤤. It seems to go well with anything 😅. Good night as I have tomorrow 😊.
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The last of the map cheat operation by visiting antenna stores. Of course, it was my first time to drink Kagoshima sake. Although the region is known for its shochu, this is delicious! It may be junmai (pure rice), but it has a strong and unique flavor. It has an interesting fruity atmosphere! I guess pairing it with sukiyaki was the right choice! It was delicious!

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