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Matsuraichi純米吟醸 松浦一 雄町
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2) Matsuura Ichi Sake Brewery ✨9th Omachi Summit Ginjo-Shu Category Honorable Mention ✨. Made with up to 50% polished Omachi from Akaban! Now, a sip...hmmm...this one is delicious too! Mild aroma 😳👍 Refreshing in the mouth with a touch of acidity. The umami is also great!
Matsuraichi特別純米 生 31.3製造特別純米生酒
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Matsuura Ichi is a stable, special junmai of your choice. It is also an aged one, manufactured in March 31. Sake like this is common in this store. It is a sake with a strong acidity that is delicious. And yet it is easy to drink. It ran out quickly when I was sipping it. It seems strong, but it disappears quickly without making you feel so. It is good.
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In my opinion, it's a refreshingly sweet and tasty sake. My friend said "Yum! My friend was pleased with this one, too 😊.
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Local sake sent from my parents' house. My husband prepared it for me. I enjoy it with sashimi which my husband prepared. It has a sweet smell of koji. It is clear and colorless. It has a mild taste with a tangy stimulation on the tongue. The sweetness of the rice spreads. There is a slight pear-like sweetness mixed in. It is refreshing and leaves a gentle sweetness in the mouth. Umaai: ‼️ This is the first time I've had sake from Imari. I don't think you can get this in Tokyo.
Matsuraichi特別純米 生特別純米生酒
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Sweet and sour type. Good sake feeling. Nice sourness. Nice taste. Not too long aftertaste. It is easy to drink because of its sweet taste with a good sake feeling. I would like to drink it while licking it. I like the cool label.
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Opened 10/15. It is a mixture of caramel and chocolate. Personally, my impression is that it is not like a Daiginjo. But I like this kind of thing. 10/23 It was melon🍈. The finish has a sense of unhulled rice. As the temperature rises, it becomes more rice than chaff. It becomes a calm and elegant sake. The aroma of rice is pleasant. It went well with cured ham.
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旬菜と酒 余花
Matsuura Ichi with an old-fashioned label The proprietress says this one is also highly recommended. Usually Matsuuraichi is dry, but this one is fruity and more and more women are liking it. Then let's have it! I have had a dry junmai sake in the past, but I don't remember it well! Junmai Ginjo is just as you said, easy to drink and fruity! I guess it's close to Motomine Tsuru In any case, it was a delicious sake! The dashimaki tamago is also ingenious Don't tell anyone Please come here and ask for it when you drink sake! It's delicious 😋. extensive knowledge 100% Yamada Nishiki from Arita, Saga Prefecture is used. Brewed through long-term low-temperature fermentation, it has a delicate, juicy flavor typical of Yamada-Nishiki and a crisp, elegant sweetness that spreads elegantly. The fresh melon-like ginjo aroma produced by the yeast will not disturb your meal, but will give it a gentle fragrance. It was also offered as a hometown tax payment item.
Good evening, Shin Shin SY. I can't imagine fruity from this label. Looks delicious 🍶🎶.
Good evening, Oyaji. I think so, don't you? The proprietress, who is from Saga Prefecture and loves sake, told us that Matsuura Ichi sake is now fruity, and the three of us checked it out. It was not the image on the label.
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Sourced locally in Saga. Friendly liquor store and courteous customer service. The rice sweetness is firm, but not dry. The aroma spreads on the palate (flowery!). But there is little aftertaste. It is said to be once-hot. I wonder if Omachi is characterized by its brown rice-like flavor. Aromatic? After drinking several bottles, I began to notice.

Brands from 松浦一酒造


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