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Matsuraichi純米原酒 50純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Memorandum of December 29. I really wanted to drink Matsuura Ichi. This sake had a pretty good reputation among everyone 🍶. Matsuuraichi Junmai Genshu 50" from Matsuuraichi Sake Brewery in Imari City, Saga Prefecture, famous for its kappa mummies. Matsuuraichi Junmai Ginsyu 50" from Matsuuraichi Shuzo, famous for its kappa mummies in Imari City, Saga Prefecture. The sake is an unfiltered raw junmai ginjo that was pressed in January. It is kept at an icy temperature (-4 degrees Celsius), This year's sake is made from Omachi rice! This year's sake rice is Omachi! You can't not drink Matsuura's Omachi 😁. The aroma is a fresh pear-like ginjo aroma! In the mouth, juicy, full flavor and The sweetness typical of Omachi spreads in the mouth. The image of the flavor is concentrated because it has been aged ✨. It is amazing to feel the delicacy in it! Oh, it's so delicious! It's so delicious 😋! If I remember this rich sweet flavor I can't help but want to drink it and go out and buy some 😂. I'm looking forward to the new sake coming soon✨ Thanks for the treat 😋.