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龍が沢 Flavor Chart

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龍が沢豊醸感謝祭 うすにごり生純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒
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It has a strong sweet umami taste, but the aftertaste is light. The umami is not too strong. But it is easy to drink and delicious. Yume-no-Kou 100% (dreamy aroma)
龍が沢紫 円熟原酒純米大吟醸
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Homemade Chicken Nuggets Aurora with sauce. To top it off, I used the leftover meat from the sukiyaki we had the other day. I made a meat bowl with the leftover meat from the sukiyaki we had the other day, I made a meat bowl with the leftover meat from the sukiyaki we had the other day. 😂. The purple label is only sold once a year in the fall. It is only sold once a year during the fall season. It is not clearly labeled as hiyaoroshi. It is not clearly labeled as hiyaoroshi, but after a summer of aging, it has a rounded It has a good balance of bitterness and spiciness, It has a soft sweetness, like a fluffy G-fruit. The sweetness is soft and fluffy, like G-fruit. 😍😍. No matter which one you buy from the Ryugasawa series, you can't go wrong with any of them! I can't go wrong with any of the Ryugasawa series! I recommend it to everyone. I would like to recommend it to everyone 😫. 😂
Good evening, Hanapin 🦉. I haven't seen this sake you've been recommending for a while 😢 I'll check it out when I go away! Aurora sauce, what can I say, is the best 😆.
Good morning, Pon. 😊 Sorry for the delay. 😫 Purple labels that I have put out many times. It's always the same I know, right? (lol) 😓If you find it, please do! 😁😁 Aurora sauce, I put Worcestershire sauce as a secret ingredient. 😋.
龍が沢會津龍が沢円熟原酒 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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日本酒バル 花門
I've had it in the past, but I still want to drink Aizu Ryugasawa Mature Genshu again! This one is easy to drink. All three types of sake are slightly different from each other. Of the three, Gouchi was probably my favorite! knowledge of the brewery Rice: 50% polished Yumen no Kou rice from Fukushima Prefecture Brewing water: Deep water from the foot of Mount Bandai, one of the 100 best waters in Japan Alcohol content: 16 Sake meter: -1 Acidity: 1.5
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It has the richness that only a pure sake can have! But none of it feels sticky and tangled in the throat! Excellent 😋🍶!

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