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黒松白鹿Kuromatsu Hakushika

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Kuromatsu Hakushika Flavor Chart

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2-10 Tateishichō, Nishinomiya, Hyogo
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Kuromatsu Hakushika花ひらく もち四段仕込み純米生酒
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It was sold in advance at the brewery opening but I couldn't go, so I bought it after the official release. The top aroma is a bit like high cooked rice. It has a gentle sweetness and volume. I was surprised that it was more drinkable than I expected. It is relatively low in alcohol, but the taste does not make you feel so.
Kuromatsu Hakushikaきらとろ GOLD純米吟醸
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Today's sake is the one I brought home after tasting it at the Shiraga store last November when we went on a sake brewery tour in Nada-Gogo 😀. Kaorin said there was a small piece of garbage floating in it when she tasted it for a fee first and tried to get me to change it 😅I had to stop her because she was embarrassed 😅. I took it home and looked at it carefully and found it was gold dust 🤣. The taste was as good as you'd expect from the sake brewery store 😀. However, the amount of gold dust in it is very small, so if it was just a small amount in the tasting, I would have thought it was a piece of trash in the sake 🤣.
I'm embarrassed🫣-! This comment💦I didn't think it was gold dust at the time 😿 and the amount was slight, I could tell it was gold when I had it in a glass 🥂 😉.
Hi Yasbay & Kaorin 🐦. I've never seen it before😳I'd buy it just by looking at the bottle😁. I'm sure I would have asked you to change the size of the gold dust 〰! I would have told them to change it 😂I'm proud of you for stopping short!
Hi Ponchan 🌞This bottle is really beautiful and I want to keep it 😍!
Good evening Yasube & Kaorin 😃. When I bought it 5-6 years ago, it was sold here as raw sake 😊The gold leaf was separately served at that time so that you can add it to your taste 😁It is true that a small amount of gold powder looks like garbage 💦.
Good evening, Pon 😀 The sake itself was a good, robust and tasty sake, but the amount of gold dust was a bit half-assed 🤣. It said it was limited in quantity, so I don't think it's available anywhere else very often😇.
Good evening, bouken 😀 I didn't know it had been around for that long, and it was a fresh sake 🤣. I've never seen a sake with gold dust as a separate ingredient before, but if it was attached, I'd put it all in unconditionally😇.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃. Kaorin-san is a surprisingly natural 😁I often have to look for it when I drink alcohol with gold dust in it, so what Kaorin-san drank was a hit 🎯.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 If it had been a winner, there would have been a lot more and he would have known it was gold dust, but since there was only one, he thought it was garbage 🤣. It's not surprising, it's natural 😇
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This is a limited edition of three kinds of kurabiraki. Limited time only (1) Shiboritate Shinshu Junmai Daiginjo Genshu Limited time only (2) Shiboritate Shinshu Junmai Harakuchi Limited time only (3) Shiboritate Shinshu Junmai Mochi 4-step brewing Nama-shu
Kuromatsu Hakushika蔵開限定しぼりたて新酒・純米原酒
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Shiraga Kura-opening: Part 2 🌾! The limited edition sake that we had 3 refills at the paid tasting! The brewery is about to sell out of bottled sake and there is still a line 😅. After leaving the venue 🚶. We went to "Shiroshika Classics", a directly-managed store near the brewery to buy and take home ✨. Take home ✨! Memorandum Alcohol content: between 17 and 18 degrees Celsius Rice polishing ratio: 70 Ingredients: Rice, domestic rice Koji, domestic rice Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It has a light feel, but the richness and The richness and umami come through quickly. ☺️ The aftertaste is dark and crisp! This dry brewer's brew is the best! It's so delicious ⤴️ I'm glad I came across it 😊. Photo 1: The second prize 🏆 in the gacha at the brewery opening event. I won the second prize 🏆, a Japanese Heritage commemorative I was so happy 🎯. I was so happy 🎯.
Kuromatsu Hakushikaしぼりたてプレミアム純米大吟醸原酒
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I couldn't go to the Shiraga brewery opening on Saturday because of work, so I visited the brewery to see if there was any limited edition sake available for sale. I visited to see if there was any limited edition sake available, but unfortunately there was none... So I decided to buy some of the sake sold by weight if it was good, so I paid for a tasting. It didn't say what the rice polishing ratio was, but it was Junmai Daiginjo sake. It was a little sweet and gorgeous, but the second half of the sake had a strong alcoholic taste... I hesitated but did not buy it. I saw a review that said the taste opens up after opening the bottle, so I might have bought it 🤔. I'm not sure if it's a single-batch fermented sake or not, but I'm not sure. It tasted fresh.
Kuromatsu Hakushika蔵開限定・もち四段仕込み生酒
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Shiroshika Storehouse Opening: Part 1 🌾. It was very crowded and included tasting on the way. It was so crowded that the limited sake and snacks were sold out including sake tasting, and snacks were sold out 😲. It was a fun time ✨ Memorandum of Understanding Alcohol content: 14 to 15 degrees Celsius Ingredients: Rice, domestic rice Koji, domestic rice Polishing ratio: Rice - 65%, Kake rice - 70%. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Gorgeous aroma of freshly squeezed sake. Slightly sweet, but with a firm and Deep flavor Very soft on the throat ✨ Delicious 🍶. Photo 4. What character? There were many young women pointing their cameras at me. So I took a shot too!
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This is the last daiginjo of the "Kuromatsu Shiraga" series that I received from my parents' house on New Year's Day. (The others are "Junmai" and "Ginjo".) The aroma is mild and the throat is clean. It has a light flavor and is easy to drink without any peculiarities. We enjoyed it with ehoumaki and soba noodles on the occasion of Setsubun, a national holiday in Japan.

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