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Brands from Tatsumahonke Shuzo

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2-10 Tateishichō, Nishinomiya, Hyogo
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Last time I drank something called Harushika, This is Wan Wan Challenge Sake No.10. It is a seasonal sake, The bottle is a beautiful light blue color, Let's drink it without hesitation, It has a very assertive alty taste, but it is not fruity. But it is delicious. I didn't feel the alu flavor from the second day. I didn't feel the alu flavor, But as I drank it, it came. It came later. This is fine. It was a delicious sake that could be drunk with any meal. Today's beer, We will only show a picture.
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Temperature Estimated 5°C Taste 70%. Color Clear and colorless Aroma Refreshing aroma, a little like ginjo-shu. Taste: I drank it as a food sake while eating sashimi, but it went well with it, so I finished it. Overall impression: To be honest, I don't really like it, but it was good in its own way. It was a good cosmetic price, partly because I was able to buy it at a discount due to a product changeover.
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Super cheap sake that you can always find in supermarkets. I had no expectations at all, but the interesting thing about sake is that you can't evaluate it until you drink it 😆👍. The aroma is just like the sake ministry. The taste is not like the sake, it has a strong sweetness and the alcohol comes in afterwards. It doesn't have the sake feeling that's so popular these days, but it's a little easier to drink than traditional sake 🤏. I don't really like it, but I'll try to finish it over the next few days💦. Worst case scenario, I might use it as a cooking sake.
Masa-san konban-ha (Translated by: Masa-san) I made a cooking sake in my house (≧▽≦).
Good evening, Eririn😄. I too gave up and decided to use it as a cooking sake. I tried my best to drink half of it, but I️ told myself not to overdo it and put it away on the shelf 😅💦.
Masa To the May 20 review. Mrs. Masa, you may be stouthearted now, but it will stay in your heart until much later... I know it's hard for you too, Masa-san, but please support her 😢.
Good evening, Eririn-san😄 If I can give birth safely next time, I may be able to return to full recovery 😭I'm going to cry and drink as much as I can today to clear my mind.
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Tried a bottle I bought to use for cooking. It was good, but the aroma was strong and a little peculiar, so it tasted a little tough to me.

Brands from Tatsumahonke Shuzo

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