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Fusano KankikuDiscovery Series New Sensation 2024 -コシヒカリ90- うすにごり無濾過生純米生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Last 4 kinds. Yesterday they brought two kinds at once and we alternated, but today we drank up one kind at a time before going on to the next one️. Blue Sapphire was delicious! The last one is Discovery Series New Sensation 2024 -Koshihikari 90- light nigori unfiltered draft. The color is not so different from the previous one. Light nigori Junmai sake, 90% polished, no cloying taste! Sweet and delicious, also recommended! I left it for a while, and as the temperature rose, I felt a strong throat irritation, not to say a cloying taste. Here comes the grilled Toxilaz! It has a lot of fat on it! The fish was served with a glass of chilled sake! Let's lighten up today and get ready for tomorrow! More and more people are coming into the restaurant! It's getting crowded, so it's time to call it a night! Drinking 4 kinds of Kangiku 🍶🍶🍶🍶 knowledge Alcohol content: 14 Sake degree: undisclosed Acidity: undisclosed Rice:Koshihikari Rice polishing ratio: 90
Fusano KankikuDiscovery Series Blue Sapphire 2024 -山田錦50×五百万石50- うすにごり無濾過生純米大吟醸生酒無濾過にごり酒
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I'm going to revisit Mr. Seri, after all is said and done. I wonder if they still have the other two kinds left? The usual waitress greeted me with a smile. Do you have any more? Of course we do! Let's start with Discovery Series Blue Sapphire 2024 - Yamadanishiki 50 x Ihyakumangoku 50 - light nigori unfiltered draft! We will start today with a discount ▶️ The highest priced of the four! I'm sure it will be delicious and my expectations are high! It seems that they stirred the sake before pouring it today, so the inside of the glass is lightly cloudy. The aroma is light. The taste is sweet with a refreshing finish. It is still delicious because it is well chilled. When the temperature rises a little, the sweetness (rice flavor) rises even more. During the day, the temperature rose to nearly 30 degrees Celsius, but in the morning and evening, it is chilly in Sapporo! Let's try something other than oden today! From Tataki (bonito) and fried oysters with a lot of condiments! Skills and Knowledge Rice : Yamadanishiki, Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio : 50 Alcohol content : 14
Takachiyoストロベリームーン 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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We'll have the other two types of kangiku tomorrow. I love this sake, so I want to drink it when I can. But even if I drink four kinds on the same day, it's hard to feel the fine differences. Then what should I drink today? I went to the cold storage room and found a beautiful bright red label! It's strawberry! Strawberry Moon Unfiltered Nama Sake It's my first time! Kangiku was delicious, but this is even sweeter and full of strawberry flavor! This is delicious! We finished off with sudachi cold noodles and left the restaurant! It was a nice night 🌉! I hope the remaining two types of chrysanthemum will still be available tomorrow! extensive knowledge Alcohol 16 Rice used Undisclosed What is Strawberry Moon? Strawberry Moon is a common name for the full moon in June, derived from a Native American custom, It is said to refer to the moon rising during the strawberry harvest season.
Fusano KankikuDiscoveryシリーズ Adapt うすにごり ふさこがね50 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Let's try another one, Kangiku Light green letters, Adapt, light nigori, cloudy, unfiltered, raw sake It is hard to feel the subtle difference in taste. It's a delicious sake that I like. I think the citrus taste is a little stronger in this one. Either way, it's delicious, delicious 😋! Another entrée I ordered: spicy seafood yukke! This also goes well with sake! Knowledge Alcohol content: 14 Rice used: Fusakogane Rice polishing ratio: 50 Fusakogane is a rice variety, a unique rice variety of Chiba Prefecture, which made its debut in 2006.
Fusano KankikuDiscoveryシリーズ Identity 総の舞50 純米大吟醸 うすにごり生純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
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Recently, I've been visiting once every two months. Sapporo's temperatures have settled down and I'm craving something warm to eat at night. The stove is now placed on the table and they have devised a way to eat oden warm without it getting cold! You can use the coupon and get 10% off! What sake do we have? There are four kinds of Kangiku that I've been wondering about, aren't there? My friend Beksan drank two of them the other day, so I'll try two of them too! First, the yellow lettering, Identity So no Mai 50 Junmai Daiginjyo Usu Nigori Nama! I honestly don't feel any light nigori. It is a clear sake. The aroma is fruity! The taste is crisp and citrusy 🍊 I paired it with hot oden 🍢. Skills and Knowledge Rice : So no Mai Rice polishing ratio : 50 Alcohol content : 14 So-no-Mai" is Chiba Prefecture's original rice for sake brewing, produced by crossbreeding "HIROMI-NISHIKI" rice for sake brewing and "Chubu 72" rice for rice brewing.
Shinshin SY, I didn't realize that there are 4 kinds of Discovery Series of Kanjiku. It's still delicious, isn't it? I also drank a lot in August.
Bek, I read your post. So if you find it, you have to drink it.
Ippakusuisei純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸
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Sake and entrée to end the meal The entrée was ume shiso cold noodles, which I love! The sake was the purple one from Isshaku Suisei, which I had decided on when I first saw the cold storage 🟣! It was Omachi! This was a first for me! It also had a nice aroma and tasted beautiful as it was polished to a pure Dai label! It ended up being my favorite! Let's have some sweet and sour cold noodles and call it a day! Since we came in early, we got a 10% coupon 📴! Thank you very much! Many items are very cheap due to Ito-Yokado's withdrawal from Hokkaido! I bought a large suitcase for my overseas trip, so let's roll my own carry-on case with both hands and go back to the hotel near Nakajima Park 🏨. Hotels in Sapporo city are overpriced due to inbound demand. I don't think I can stay in a hotel in the city for a while under company policy 😂. extensive knowledge Rice used: Omachi Polishing ratio: 50 Yeast used: Akita yeast Sake meter degree: +2 Acidity: 1.4 Alcohol content: 16
Nabeshima愛山 純米大吟醸  LOVELY LABEL純米大吟醸
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The next entrée, fish cutlets from Oden Restaurant 🐟. I enjoyed it so much last time that I ordered it again this time! The filling was a little different from the last time and contained ingredients I don't like! Well, never mind, let's eat it while it's still hot 🌽. The lineup always includes sans nabeshima, too! This time it was an unfamiliar shocking pink Aizan! Can I open my mouth for this one too? Sure thing 🆗🙆‍♂️ Aroma is good, taste is good again👍 A sweet sake! As expected! Let's go all out today 🈵. extensive knowledge Ingredient rice: Aizan Alcohol 16%. Rice polishing ratio 40 Aizan Junmai Daiginjos on the internet are all 45% polished rice but this one is 40%. Has it been changed?
Yokoyama Goju純米大吟醸 WHITE純米大吟醸
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Tokyo very hot🥵 Sapporo cool Sapporo is cool🥸. Let's eat a little oden🍢🍢. Long time no see! Let's see what kind of sake they have! The waitress said there are a lot of good ones in the store today! We started with this one, Yokoyama Goju! I've had the light nigori white label twice at Eiraku in the past, but I wonder if they changed the label for this white one. It was chilled to the perfect temperature, so it was full of muscat flavor! The oden is always an assortment of 5 kinds! Today's dish was quite a big one, so I'm sure it will go well with sake! extensive knowledge about oden Alcohol content - 16 degrees Sake degree Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 50%.
Hiroki純米大吟醸 生詰酒純米大吟醸生詰酒
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I ordered quite a few entrées, so I drank all the Senkou in no time! Let's order one more sake! I remember there was an Inazou from Yamagata. I asked for it, but they ran out just before I asked for it! I looked in the cold storage again and found this one in a 4-ounce bottle! Junmai Daiginjo, Tobiroki! Then this is the only one! When I asked them to pour it into a wine glass, it was a little less than the prescribed amount, and the four-pack was gone! The waitress was happy to offer me a 200 yen discount because I was a little short! In addition to the reasonable price of this sake, which is quite expensive when you buy it, we received a further discount! I will drink it with care! It has a little more rice flavor and sweetness than Sengoku! Both of them have a gentle taste with no bitterness! It goes well with fish cutlets! After drinking all the HIROKI, I feel that the cold noodles with ume and shiso paste is delicious again! Let's call it a day and call it a day! The next morning, we will move early in the morning. Now, the long-awaited weekend is here in Tosa! I'm looking forward to drinking after mowing the lawn! Let's enjoy Kochi sake with Bessan and Mexican Tequila 🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶. extensive knowledge Ingredients: Yamadanishiki Rice Polishing Ratio : Koji rice 40% polished, Kake rice 50% polished Sake Degree: +3.5 Acidity: 1.4 Alcohol percentage: 16
Senkinクラシック仙禽 雄町生酛原酒無濾過
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The temperature in Sapporo has risen somewhat from the previous day, but it still gets cold at night! Let's eat oden to warm up our freezing bodies. Which sake do we have? I looked in the cold storage and found SENKYO with kanji characters! It's my first time to taste Omachi with blue characters! It tastes elegant! Five kinds of oden and oden shop's fish cutlet! This is a first for me, but the texture of the shrimp and fish paste is irresistible! Eat it hot and enjoy a glass of sake! Skills and Knowledge Rice : Koji : Domaine Sakura Yamadanishiki Kake : Domaine Sakura Omachi Polishing ratio : Koji : 50% Kake : 60% Alcohol content : 14 Sake meter degree:Not disclosed Acidity: Undisclosed The concept and differences between the Modern Series and the Classic Series are more clearly defined: the Modern Series is made with a fast brewer's mother and the Classic Series is made with a raw moto sake mother. SENKYO uses domestified sake rice, or rice grown in the same water vein as the brewing water used to make the sake.
Yamawa純米吟醸 山田錦 pulito プリート純米吟醸
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I haven't been to Miyagi or Sendai for a while. Selected Miyagi sake, hoping to drink with Colonel Lal and Ami. I didn't drink much Yamawa. I was curious about this label, so I asked them to open the bottle The aroma is sweet like cotton candy The taste is a crisp white wine? The entrée was very hearty, so I had some cold noodles with shiso plum paste to finish the meal, and I was full! I will visit again because Seriri sometimes serves various kinds of rare sake! I'm looking for a place to drink sake in Kumamoto on Thursday and Friday! Will there be any good encounters? extensive knowledge pulito" means "clean, clear, refined" in Italian and was named by Italian sommelier Luca Gardini. (Luca Gardini... World Winner of the Worldwide Sommelier Association 2010) Rice used: Yamadanishiki produced in Okayama Prefecture Polishing ratio: 50%. Sake meter: +1 Acidity: 1.6 Alcohol content・・・16
Shin-san, it's been a long time 😁. I'd love to have a good time with you again while talking about something silly 😄. Yamawa is a very local sake, and relatively new as a brand. Narusegawa has been more well-known locally for a long time 😊.
Colonel Lal, I will let you know when I decide to go to Sendai. Let's have a quick visit with Mr. Kiyo, Mr. A, and Mr. T in Ami🍶.
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 闇鳴秋水 限定品純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It's been a long time since I've visited Seri. It's cold, so let's have some oden (rice cake) 🍢. When I went to look in the cold storage, I had a thought that I'd drink this again! Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu Yame-Naru-Akimizu. I guess when you polish it up nicely, it becomes a fruity sake that I like! 5 kinds of oden and zangi Let's keep it light today knowledge YAMINARI SHUSUI, the origin of the name, means "a limited edition autumn sake whose delicious flavor resonates in your mouth even when your eyes are closed or in the dark. Rice: Dewanosato (Yamagata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 38 Yeast: Yamagata yeast Sake degree -3 Acidity 1.4 Alcohol 16.3
Fusano KankikuOcean99-銀海-Departure しぼりたて 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Let's have just one more cup! To top it off, I'll have a bowl of sudachi cold noodles, which seems to have recently changed on the menu! Lastly, I was curious about this one in the cold storage! Kangiku Ocean99-Ginkai-Departure Shiboritate Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu The pure white label! Clear, fresh and fruity! I drank it all while eating cold noodles with a sour taste! As usual, the selection of sake was excellent! The staff remembered me since I come here from time to time! I'll be back again! Knowledge Alcohol content: 15 Rice】Rice suitable for sake brewing Polishing ratio] 55 Sake meter degree] -5 Acidity】1.5
TakachiyoNEW YEAR'S BOTTLE ねこにまつわる干支セトラ(にゃんで僕は干支になれなかったのか) 扁平精米 無ろ過生生酒無濾過
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In addition to oden, I ordered sesame kanpachi! I remembered that when I used to drink with my sake friends in Hakata, they recommended me to try the sesame kampachi! Takachiyo seemed to have it, so I looked for it in the cold storage! I got together with the waiter to see which one it was. Then I found this cat label covered with plastic, which I hadn't opened yet! The taste is best described as cotton candy. As the temperature rises, its sweetness becomes more pronounced! It was great with sesame kanpachi 😀. extensive knowledge New Year's bottle for the year 2024, the Year of the Dragon. The black cat is wearing a dragon mask. The color carried by the dragon cat is green🟢. Alcoholic content 15°.
Hiran輪廻転生(りんねてんしょう)2024 生酒生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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January comes to an end A month goes by in the blink of an eye Let's have a light meal. Let's keep the drinks light. It's still cold, so let's have some oden. Let's go to the cold storage and ask for something we're interested in What's this label? It's Jiran! Rinne Tensho 2024 Nama Sake It's a raw yeast yeast yeast, so it's tasty with firm acidity Reska? It goes well with oden with soup stock! Knowledge The first installment of the Reincarnation series, 2024 is the year of the dragon. From the year of the dragon, the story of reincarnation, the zodiacal bottle of Jiuran, begins once every twelve years. The sake rice that changes for each zodiac sign will be crossed with the No. 12 yeast (Urakasumi yeast). This year, the first bottle will be made from Yamadanishiki. Association 12 yeast is also known as "Urakasumi yeast" and is the yeast used by Urakasumi, a popular sake brewer in Miyagi Prefecture. Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki Alcohol content: 14% (undiluted) Specification: Nama-hashiwazukuri
Tanakarokujugo糸島産山田錦 純米酒 (生)純米生酒
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Only 2 drinks of 2 different kinds in 3.5 hours We talked a lot. Halfway through, I noticed there was no alcohol in the glass and a junior asked if I wanted another drink Drink or no drink! Another glass of this Tanaka Rokuugo draft. Less sweet than Eiko Fuji But it's fruity. The spirit of pursuing this taste with 65% rice polishing ratio! I want to drink it again! Tomorrow night, I'm going to Sendai to have a drink with my senpai in Mutsu after a long time! I got a nice sake at Takigawa! I will bring it to a certain person as a celebration! extensive knowledge Rice variety: 100% Yamadanishiki from Itoshima Rice polishing ratio: 65 Yeast used: Not disclosed Alcohol content: 15
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 闇鳴秋水 限定品純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Running into an old junior colleague on a business trip Is this evening free? I told him I'll be free. He said he finishes work around 8 p.m. So, as soon as I get back to the hotel after having a quick drink in my free time, he texts me and says he's done. Then, let's have a light drink nearby! Let's drink sake while eating oden🍶. I looked for my phone to take a picture, but it's not there? I must have left it at the hotel. So I took a picture with my company phone for now! Eikofuji's Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu, Yame-Naru-Akimizu, Limited Edition It's still delicious when drunk cold. It seems that they wanted to hear us talk about many things! As soon as we started talking, the pace of drinking slowed down, and tonight we only had two kinds of sake in 3 hours and a half! extensive knowledge Rice: Dewanosato (Yamagata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 38 Yeast: Yamagata yeast Sake Degree -4 Acidity 1.4 Amino acidity 0.7 Alcohol 16.9%.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 純米吟醸 青海 -Summer Sea- 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Unusual role to listen to a story. I only had two drinks in two hours. One of the junior staff members asked me if I wanted anything else to drink. I went to check the cold storage. He told me there were only a few of these left, so he gave me an extra one... Sapporo is already preparing for winter, but the sake is still available in summer 🌺☀️ Sake is refreshing, sweet and fruity! I hope you were able to relax a little after listening to our various stories. Let's eat oden, sashimi, fried zangi and go home early tonight! extensive knowledge Rice: Dewa Tsanzan Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 14
Murayu茜 秋あがり 夏越えの生酒 本生生酒ひやおろし
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Today, I consulted with a junior about a problem. While eating warm oden (oden) 🍢. I understand. I see what you mean 🧐. This time, I'm in a position to listen to him slowly, so I only had a little bit of alcohol. We started off at Murayu! We had met once this year at a restaurant called "Noe"! It's sweet and sour and delicious! We savored it while enjoying a plate of oden... How to move on to the next stage of life Everyone has their own problems I will support you 📣📣📣📣. knowledge Alcohol 14 degrees Sake degree Not disclosed Rice used: undisclosed Polishing ratio not disclosed
SenkinUAコレクション UAもみじ純米
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Jelly @ Sapporo Let's have another drink! Put it in cold storage again. This one is also completely clean. I can't wait to open it! It's the season, isn't it? UA collection UA Maple leaves A delicious sake with a pronounced acidity! Sashimi is here! I'll have a little bit of it! The rain seems to be over, so let's go home! After a weekend of work and no rest, I'm starting work this week! The Orix did not win back-to-back championships! But everyone did a great job! It was a lot of fun! Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you again next year 🤲. extensive knowledge Based on the traditional techniques of Senkou, United Arrows is an innovative collaboration that was born while visiting the brewery and participating in the sake brewing process. The season of autumn leaves when the trees turn beautiful colors. We created this assemblage with the rich fruit of autumn in mind. Please enjoy this now-only taste of sweet and sour spreading like figs as an accompaniment to the red-colored maple leaf picking. Rice: Kame-no-o (50%), Yamadanishiki (25%), Omachi (25%) (Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 90 Alcohol content: 14%.