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Takachiyoストロベリームーン 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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We'll have the other two types of kangiku tomorrow. I love this sake, so I want to drink it when I can. But even if I drink four kinds on the same day, it's hard to feel the fine differences. Then what should I drink today? I went to the cold storage room and found a beautiful bright red label! It's strawberry! Strawberry Moon Unfiltered Nama Sake It's my first time! Kangiku was delicious, but this is even sweeter and full of strawberry flavor! This is delicious! We finished off with sudachi cold noodles and left the restaurant! It was a nice night 🌉! I hope the remaining two types of chrysanthemum will still be available tomorrow! extensive knowledge Alcohol 16 Rice used Undisclosed What is Strawberry Moon? Strawberry Moon is a common name for the full moon in June, derived from a Native American custom, It is said to refer to the moon rising during the strawberry harvest season.