ぷらぷらSake served with service! I love this restaurant that serves me a glass of this delicious stuff as a service. ...... ぷらぷらIt came out in an oceanic cocktail glass! I didn't like the nigori sake I had before, so I avoided it, but this was easy to drink and delicious ♡. nabeHello.
Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town! ぷらぷらIt may be the only place in Tokyo where you can drink it! I was taken in by the claim that this is the only place in Tokyo where you can drink it, and it was delicious! I like this drink a lot 😘. ぷらぷらIt's a little dry and refreshing! 乾杯日本酒メンKiso-machi, Kiso-gun, Nagano Prefecture.
Nakazen Sake Brewery. 乾杯日本酒メンMinamiaizu-cho, Minamiaizu-gun, Fukushima Prefecture.
Hanaizumi Sake Brewery. 乾杯日本酒メンNagano City, Nagano Prefecture.
Higashiida Sake Brewery.
*The name "Tsurugi" is written in Japanese. 乾杯日本酒メンIwade City, Wakayama Prefecture.
Hideo Yoshimura Shoten. 乾杯日本酒メンOno City, Fukui Prefecture.
Nanbu Sake Brewery. 乾杯日本酒メンMinamiuonuma City, Niigata Prefecture.
Takachiyo Sake Brewery. 乾杯日本酒メンHakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Kikuhime. 乾杯日本酒メンHagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Sumikawa Sake Brewery. Gikyo生酒五百万石 純米生原酒 滓がらみ純米原酒生酒おりがらみ 乾杯日本酒メンAisai City, Aichi Prefecture.
Yamachu Honke Brewery. 乾杯日本酒メンMiyaki Town, Miyaki County, Saga Prefecture.
Amabuki Sake Brewery. ぷらぷらThe second cup for my junior. He shared it with me, but it was so good! I think it might be my favorite out of the 5 kinds I had today. ぷらぷらSecond glass. It was said to be apple flavored and had a lovely mouthfeel with a bit of sourness 🍎The fact that it is a low-alcohol original (12.6%) is just right for a sickly handsome man. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title