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立ち呑み 福本屋

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Hiyokutsuru純米無濾過生原酒 R1BY純米原酒生酒無濾過
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Melon-leaning. Slightly sweet and sour. Good sharpness. Although the alcohol content is 18%, it is not that strong. It is not too strong and does not have a strong aftertaste. There is a slightly tangy stimulation of gas.
Hojun芳醇辛口 特別純米特別純米
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Sake with a fresh sweet and sour taste. The balance of good sweetness and acidity makes it easy to drink. It has a slight aftertaste and a pleasant sake feeling. It is nice to drink it chilled in summer. It is my favorite sake, full of good taste.
Taxi Driverジョバンニの調べ H28上槽純米原酒生酒
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series A peculiar atmosphere like citrus acidity or bitterness. It is different from the easy-to-drink Swiss type. It's not the easy-to-drink Swiss style, but in these days when there are so many easy-to-drink drinks, it's nice to have something different. The alcohol content is 15, so it doesn't have a strong liquor taste, and it is not difficult to drink. It seems to be a rare one that has been stored for a long time, so I carefully enjoy a glass of it. Encounters like this are the joy of drinking outside.
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Tastes more like acidity It is sharp and easy to drink. Sake-like taste, but you can feel it afterwards. I wonder if it is strong at the moment. I don't think it is something that bothers me that much. I think it is drinkable.
Ryusei涼風生生 特別純米酒 無濾過生酒 2019BY特別純米生酒無濾過
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series More lactic acidity than the previous Asahi Hou. It has a sweetness that is closer to the acidity. It is sharp and easy to drink. It has an instant sake feel but no aftertaste. It has a rounded feel, perhaps because it is a matured 2019BY.
Kyokuho純米無濾過生原酒 八反錦60%純米原酒生酒無濾過
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series The unusually cute illustrated label for Kyokuho intrigued me. It is refreshing with a sour taste. It has a nice sake taste and gives the impression of having been drunk, but the aftertaste is gentle. It is the kind of sake that will calm you down after you have had a glass of it. It may go well with some side dishes. It can be enjoyed as a stand-alone drink. It may be a little too much for the light drinker, but there must be people who want something like this.
誉池月2020BY 超辛口 純米純米生酒中取り
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Somewhere lactic acidity is felt. It is sharp, gentle, and easy to drink. However, I would like to have a more distinctive taste. It will not be hard to drink even if you drink a lot. but it might not be enough for a final drink.
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Talk about drinking like water. The taste is not so strong. It doesn't taste like alcohol either. It is easy to drink. It doesn't interfere with side dishes. But it's not too soft. I think so. It might be different if it was the first sip of today's sake. Here are my impressions of today's fifth saké.
Sugata純米吟醸 無濾過 生原酒 初すがた純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series Soft lactic acidity type. Sweet and easy to drink. The sake taste is moderate. A little lingering aftertaste. It has some peculiar taste, but it is not hard to drink.
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series The sweetness comes in a flash when you drink it, and you get ready for it to come, but it disappears quickly. It is a type of sake that you think is strong at the moment, but disappears in a second. But in fact, it is a dangerous type of sake that has a sake-like taste. It is easy and enjoyable for light drinking.
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series This is another 2019 manufactured product. It just disappears so fast. It disappears from your mouth in a blur. The sake and sourness that you feel at the first moment is good. It disappears quickly, so be careful not to drink too much.
Taitenshiragiku純米酒 白菊米 2019年 生酒純米生酒
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series This is also an aged type, but I think my favorite is this one. It is easy to drink with a slightly sweet taste and a gentle aftertaste. It is easy to drink and does not interfere with fried skewers. I think it can also be used as a food sake.
Naruka特別純米 直詰め生 青特別純米生酒
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立ち呑み 福本屋
Drinking out series The bar I often go to for this series is directly managed by a liquor store, so they often have aged sake that they have aged themselves, and this one was made in 2018. This one was also made in 2018. It tasted unusually difficult to describe. I guess I just don't have enough experience. It is not sweet. It tastes slightly sour. I think there is, but it's an unusual taste. Is it because it is aged? It's addictive, but maybe it's not for everyone. Personally, I think it is drinkable. There is not that much of a lingering taste and it disappears early. I think it is a sake that is easy to get into when you drink it. I don't think it is hard to drink. I haven't tried it because of time constraints, but it might be different if you serve it with side dishes. I guess it would be different if I tried it with side dishes.