えすじょーMichisakari純米大吟醸酒 生酒 香るはつしぼりMichisakariGifu1/18/2025, 11:42:36 AM17えすじょーA gift. The flavor of something was guttural. I'm sorry I can't describe it well. I drank it with ice.Japanese>English
えすじょー松美酉本醸造 しぼりたて生原酒Nakazawa ShuzoKanagawa1/18/2025, 11:35:19 AM14えすじょーA gift. I opened it on New Year's Day. Congratulations on your 200th anniversary 🎉.Japanese>English
えすじょー千代緑美山錦 純米大吟醸奥田酒造店Akita11/30/2024, 11:29:54 AM15えすじょーNice to meet you, Chiyoroku, with chicken ball hot pot. It gets sweeter and tastier as you drink it 😁.Japanese>English
えすじょーMatsumidoriNakazawa ShuzoKanagawa11/23/2024, 5:33:45 AM14えすじょーIt is a gift. Lost photo of the back side💦.Japanese>English
えすじょー箱根山純米酒Inoe ShuzoKanagawa11/23/2024, 5:32:04 AM10/2/202413えすじょーI received this. This size is just right for me.Japanese>English
えすじょーHohai純米吟醸 豊盃米Mira ShuzoAomori5/13/2024, 11:19:23 AM5/13/202415えすじょーTaken after the bottle was empty💦. I know it's a bad idea, but I drank it with ice. It's so easy to drink...Japanese>English
えすじょーSuisen活性原酒 雪っ子Suisen ShuzoIwate3/17/2024, 9:51:32 AM13えすじょーI wonder if this is what white sake is like for Hinamatsuri. I like this sake very much.Japanese>English
えすじょー出羽の富士秋田巡吟醸2022佐藤酒造Akita2/21/2024, 1:02:53 PM11えすじょーAfter a year, I finally opened it.Japanese>English
えすじょーSawanoi蒼天Ozawa ShuzoTokyo10/25/2023, 11:11:44 AMえすじょーIt is surprisingly easy to drink...! It's not a bad drink... (laughs)!Japanese>English
えすじょーZuiyo上撰Zuiyo ShuzoKumamoto11/30/2022, 1:03:00 PM19えすじょーI was attracted by the Kumamon one-cup cup and bought it.Japanese>English