refreshing, clean, light, light white, slightly sweet, delicious and light
Day 2.
Rounded and sweet, with a nice balance of flavor and sweetness, more drinkable.
Deliciousness, sweetness, refreshing, dense, fruity and unadulterated
Day 2.
Fragrant, clean, sweetness is clear and easy to drink, aftertaste is intense, I prefer to open it and wait for a while.
Gaseous, crisp, crisp, crisp, faintly sweet, clean, refreshing, uncluttered.
Day 3.
The sweetness is outstanding, the gasiness is still there, and it's good to open the day.
Alcoholic (17%), hard, dry, dry, slightly chilly, with a lingering taste (umami?) Scent of Camembert
Day 2.
Sweetness, easy to drink, chirpiness, tastes better after a period of time