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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Yoemon超辛口 直汲み 純米 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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This sake is brewed by a brewery in Iwate Prefecture. It was about 10 days ago when I opened this sake. It was my first time drinking this brand, so I was excited to open it. The aroma wasn't very distinctive, but it was just spicy ❗ It had a very refreshing taste. However, I preferred it to have a little more flavor, so I left it in the refrigerator for a week. When I drank it after a long time, the spicy taste disappeared and the sour taste like white wine became prominent. It went well with vinegared food, especially horse mackerel pickled in sesame. But this time, the sourness was strong, and it aged for 3 days again. The spike of sourness settled down, and it became a favorite taste. Before we knew it, we were hooked and lost it⛪It was an interesting sake, like a chameleon🎉. Drunkenemon Junmai Unfiltered Nama Genshu Super dry straight from the bottle 100% Awa Yamada Nishiki Polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 16-17 Sake degree +14
Jozen Mizu no Gotoshi純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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This sake is brewed by Shirataki Shuzo in Minami Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture. The standard Junmai Ginjo has a clean, unobtrusive taste, but I was curious to see what the raw sake would be like, so I bought it. I opened the package immediately. And it was a blink of an eye😭. It has a nice banana-like aroma! It has a beautiful taste in the mouth. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. But because it was only 300ml, it was gone before I could try various marriages with food. It did go well with white fish ☺️. Kamizen Nyosui Junmai Ginjo Raw Sake Alcohol content 15~16 Rice polishing ratio 60%.
ouroku0403-san, nice to meet you 🙋 ⤴️I love the beauty of Jozen Nyosui, but I'd like to try this raw 💕. I'll look for it with my antennae ❗
Rika, nice to meet you 🙋 Thank you for your comment❗ Kamizen is a very easy to drink sake. It's a very easy to drink sake, so I'm curious to know what it tastes like, whether it's raw or unpasteurized 🎵 Please find it and try it!
Hidakami純米 短稈渡船純米
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This is the second time for Hidakami to check in. This time, it is the sake rice of Tan culm watosen. It has a clean rice aroma, a slight sweetness, and a bitterness that brings out the flavor of the seafood. It is still delicious. Even if you drink it by itself, it is not habitual and the sake cup goes on. But it is not lacking. It's a good sake 🎵I'll buy it again 😋. I'd like to compare the sake and rice next time. Hidakami Junmai Tan culm Watarifune Alcohol content 16-17 degrees Rice polishing ratio 60%.
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This sake is from Ishii Shuzo, a brewery in Satte, Saitama. This is the first time I've had this brand, so I was excited to open the bottle. The aroma was a harmonious combination of fruity and alcoholic sensations. The taste seems to be characterized by acidity and sweetness. Immediately after opening the bottle, the balance was a bit coarse, but after a few days, the balance of aroma, acidity, sweetness, and sharpness harmonized perfectly, making it a very delicious sake 😋. However, at the time when I reached the balance I liked best, there was not a single pint left, which made me sad😢. But I'm glad I was adventurous🎶. Toyoake Ichiki Ichikai Alcohol content 16 degrees Junmai specs
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This is the standard sake of Tatenogawa, Tatenyan. I've had it a few times, but it's been a while, so I was excited to open the bottle. It has an intriguing ginjo aroma and a clean taste that goes well together. But it's also very drinkable. The alcohol content was just right, and before I knew it, I was down to my last bottle. Mmmm, what a thing 😰 It's very cosy. I want to make it a regular sake. Seiryu TATENOKAWA Junmai Daiginjo Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 14%. Dewa Sanzu 100%.
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Dewazakura is a famous brand, but I tried it again. If you want to drink a lot of different kinds of sake at home, a mini bottle is just right. It's risky to open many bottles of it. The aroma is subdued and gentle, just like Junmai. The taste is strong, but not too heavy and easy to drink. It's a good sake for a meal. Dewazakura Special Junmai Handmade Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 degrees
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This is the first brand to appear in our house drinking. For some reason, I was attracted by the yellow label. I may have drunk it at a restaurant before, but I'm not sure if it was in a state where I could taste it carefully, so I'll just say it was my first time meeting it. It has an elegant ginjo aroma that is typical of junmai ginjo, and the sweetness and acidity are well balanced. It is not thin and has a medium density of flavor, but it is also very crisp. It is hard to make it too thick, but I have an impression that it goes well with a wide range of snacks. I liked it. It was a bottle that I want to keep in the refrigerator❗. Kame no Umi Junmai Ginjo Bottled fire Rice polishing ratio 59 Alcohol content 15 Sake meter +1 Acidity 1.7
Hidakami純米 山田穂純米
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This is a sake that goes well with seafood, as is typical for Miyagi Prefecture. It has a clear aroma and a subdued yet delicious flavor, and it's a delicious sake even when not paired with food. However, its true value is as a food sake. I paired it with some Kakinoha Sushi that I happened to order and it was really good🎵. Hidakami Junmai 60 Yamadaho 16-17% alcohol by volume
町田酒造特別純米 五百万石特別純米にごり酒
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This is a special junmai sake from my favorite brewery, Machida Shuzo. Because it was origarari, it had a lot of flavor, and the foaming sensation and good acidity were pleasant. No matter what I drink, it's always good. Machida Shuzo Special Junmai 55 Gohyakumangoku Limited Edition Nigori Sake degree -1 unfiltered raw
Denshu純米吟醸 辨慶純米吟醸
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This sake is made from Benkei, one of the most popular rice varieties in the Denshu range. It has an aromatic ginjo aroma and a clean taste with a solid core that goes well with a relatively wide range of dishes. Of course, it goes well on its own as well. It is a delicious sake with good sharpness. Denshu Junmai Ginjo Benkei Rice polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16 degrees
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This is my favorite brand. I was worried that it was a little too aged, but it was delicious ❗ The sweet fruity aroma and the fruity acidity and sweetness were in perfect harmony and very much to my liking! The taste is enough to stand alone as a drink. It's ready for any night 🎵. Junmai Ginjo Polishing ratio 55%. Nagano D Yeast Raw Direct Pumping
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It is the Junmai-shu made by Kagoshima Nishi-shuzo. We were excited to open the bottle because it was our first time to drink it. 🎉It has a modest fruit aroma which is not too flashy as a junmai-shu. It's very hearty and goes well with quite rich snacks such as cheese nuggets. I wanted to try it with spicy lotus root... 😌 Junmai Sake Rice polishing ratio 60%. Alcohol content 15 degrees
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It is a standard of rice wine. It is relatively easy to find, but it has a good balance that makes you want to drink it regularly. It has the calmness of Junmai-shu, but also has a fruity taste that is easy to drink. It goes well with seafood. It has a well-balanced taste even a week after opening. It's a famous sake, so there's no need to explain anything else😅. Special Junmai Polishing ratio 55%. 16% alcohol
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With its subtle ginjo aroma and calm taste, it is suitable for sipping. It goes well with seafood. As time goes by, the taste and aroma become more harmonious, and it becomes more like a food wine. Yamanashi Sasakazu Sake Brewery Summer Junmai Ginjo Yumeyamizu Polishing ratio 60%.