Isrmuu黒澤純米酒生酛黒澤酒造Nagano2/18/2022, 10:08:05 AM2/18/202213IsrmuuIt was supposed to be dry, but I found it to be sweet. Lactic acidity.Japanese>English
IsrmuuBakuren吟醸 超辛口Kamenoi ShuzoYamagata1/30/2022, 4:32:58 AM13IsrmuuNeat and tasty! Dry means not sweet, not spicy, apparently.Japanese>English
IsrmuuIchinokura特別純米生原酒しぼりたてIchinokuraMiyagi1/19/2022, 11:07:40 AM18IsrmuuSolid, heavy, and delicious!Japanese>English
IsrmuuRyusei生酛八反陸捨 火 純米吟醸Fujii ShuzoHiroshima1/10/2022, 11:10:30 AM1/10/202212IsrmuuSour, dark taste. I prefer it lukewarm.Japanese>English
IsrmuuKagamiyamaさけ武蔵 大吟醸Koedokagamiyama ShuzoSaitama1/3/2022, 4:53:38 AM1/3/202212IsrmuuTank pressed and bottled. No sweetness, refreshing. You can drink it easily.Japanese>English
IsrmuuAsahiyama純米酒Asahi ShuzoNiigata1/2/2022, 4:55:55 AM1/2/202213IsrmuuNeat and easy to drink!Japanese>English
IsrmuuDaishichi純米生酛Daishichi ShuzoFukushima1/1/2022, 9:44:11 AM1/1/20223IsrmuuPurchased at Natural Lawson. It's got a great flavor, and it's even richer when it's warm!Japanese>English
Isrmuu札幌村 特別純米酒Kobayashi ShuzoHokkaido1/1/2022, 9:43:06 AM1/1/202210IsrmuuSake rice "Comet". It is neat.Japanese>English
Isrmuu川鶴OliveKawatsuru ShuzoKagawa12/31/2021, 10:50:50 AM12/31/20211IsrmuuThe acidity is scratchy. Not my cup of tea.Japanese>English
Isrmuu日本盛純米大吟醸生酒 生の贅沢NihonsakariHyogo12/31/2021, 9:51:27 AM12/31/202112IsrmuuIt's one of those casual drinks you can buy at the grocery store, but it's mellow, sweet, easy to drink, and damn good!Japanese>English
IsrmuuSenchu Hassakuしぼりたて生酒Tsukasabotan ShuzoKochi12/31/2021, 9:25:16 AM12/31/202112IsrmuuI bought it because I was attracted by the name and the congratulatory pink label. It says "Junmai Super Dry", but it is mild and easy to drink. I don't know the definition of "dry".Japanese>English