るるSenkinせんきんTochigi3/13/2024, 12:45:47 PM4るるVery tasty drink 🍶I can drink more and more 😆 Preference: ❤️Japanese>English
るるAzumaichiGochoda ShuzoSaga2/22/2024, 10:53:18 AM22るるLightly cloudy sake. It has a hint of sweetness, but I don't think it is sweet. Slightly fizzy with a clean aftertaste. Delicious sake.Japanese>English
るるHiryuNiizawa JozotenMiyagi1/5/2024, 10:58:56 AM14るるClean. Aroma is gorgeous. Delicious. A New Year's feeling.Japanese>English
るるSenkin純米大吟醸 朝日せんきんTochigi11/28/2023, 12:19:15 PM15るるFull, floral. Slightly acidic and gassy.Japanese>English
るるセトイチ かくかくしかじか瀬戸酒造店Kanagawa10/4/2023, 12:22:20 PM1るるGorgeous aroma, light and subtle sweetness. It can be served as it is or with a meal. A beautiful sake that you will never get tired of.Japanese>English
るるMorishima雄町 純米大吟醸Morishima ShuzoIbaraki9/16/2023, 10:51:53 AM22るるIt also has a bit of a schwarziness to it. A deeply flavored sake.Japanese>English
るるKure特別純米酒 花火を見ながら晩酌する河童Nishioka ShuzotenKochi8/14/2023, 11:21:36 AM16るるSake from Kure, Kochi. Dry, firm taste. Aroma of koji malt. Full-bodied. It goes well with red-meat fish and meat dishes such as bonito.Japanese>English