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漁師酒場 とら丸
It's been a while since I had a lunchtime drink. It's interesting to see the variety of one-cup drinks that are available these days. It's kind of cute. In some restaurants that don't seem to serve much sake, the fruity aroma is long gone and it's just sugar water. The fruity aroma is a mixture of loquat, pear, light banana, and melon. It is sweet, but since it is chilled to the perfect temperature, the alcohol taste will help you to enjoy it. The lingering aftertaste is a light savory flavor that is not too harsh.
Atagonomatsu別仕込本醸 仕込六三号 極 一回火入
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株式会社 林屋
Banana-like aroma, subtle sweetness and acidity, and a slight alcohol aftertaste that wears off. A very high-cost, clean sake in the 2300 yen range. Although there are economical reasons, I think it is better to drink the lowest spec sake for the first time to see the bottom strength of the brewery....... I think it's a good way to understand the brewery's care and attention to detail. This is a brewery that I would like to try other specs of sake as well!
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日本酒処 参壱丸撰
This sake has no peculiarities, and the umami of the water is alive as it is. Four brands of sake, each served in a sake cup? The sake is served in a sake cup that suits each brand. The sake is served in a cup suited for each sake. The restaurant is more like a snack bar or a bar for those who want a quiet drink. A video introducing railroads all over Japan is played on repeat, but the content is 20 years old. The videos of the Kurihara Rural Railway and Miyoshi Line, which no longer exist, bring tears to the viewer's eyes. On the contrary, the videos are sure to be a source of conversation.

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