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瀧澤壬寅 槽垂れ(にごり生原酒) 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒槽しぼり
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Tonight, too, it is accompanied by this one, which has been sitting in the refrigerator for more than a year. When the bottle is opened, it has a slightly sweet and gorgeous ginjo aroma. In the mouth, it has a sweet, rich flavor. It is fruity and delicious♪ The light acidity at the finish gives it a pleasant aftertaste. When paired with soaked green pepper and tomatoes, the tomatoes mask the acidity of the sake, but the smoothness of the sake is maintained, which is also nice. After the grilled kama of warasa, the fruity taste is enhanced, which is also delicious. Even if you eat the main dish of grilled gyoza with vinegar and pepper, it is not defeated at all because of the strong base of the sake. It is a delicious dish that you can drink as much as you want, even though it is strong in flavor.
瀧澤純米吟醸 壬寅 ひやおろし
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The one you put to sleep, apparently. The POP said it was an aged type, but the color is almost yellowish. The aroma is mild. It is soft even when you take a sip. The flavor seems to be well blended. The matured flavor spreads, but it is soon tightened by bitterness. The second sip reveals the full flavor of rice. The mild sweetness and acidity slowly fade away. This is delicious.
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I heard the brewery was here on Saturday... I got tangled up with someone I know from another restaurant and ordered it out of inertia...I like the green one better. Syrupy, sweet, thick. Today, it's not Korejanai. I mean, I don't like it.
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Buy a bottle at the nearest liquor store 😊 Middle of the week, Wednesday, home drinking Dinner snacks Home made side dish Kiriboshi Daikon Salad Pickles +Take-out Pakuchi Salad Whole wheat baked dumplings It did not betray our expectation that it would suit any taste, Japanese, Western, or Chinese, and it was the best choice for home drinking! The golden color (the color of umami) will increase and change. ...I think I'll finish it before then!
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4.1★★★★☆ This is a dessert sake with a mild sweetness and a nice aroma, perhaps because it is made with super soft water. It has a mild sweetness and a nice aroma. It is not too sweet, but it does have a slightly spicy aftertaste. Delicious!
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I bought this sake to try a sake from Shinshu, a region I was not familiar with. After purchasing it, I checked the label on the back to see what the specs were. ⁉️...no label. It looks like it was removed 😅. Takizawa is a mysterious sake. It had a clear sweetness with a strong rice flavor and a nice aroma 😆.
I bought the same one before, but it had a label on the back, 55% polished rice ratio, 16% alcohol. It was delicious, with a nice aroma and a clean aftertaste.
Good evening, Ars 🌘. The back label, I knew you had it 😂. Thanks for the info 🙂. Why did I remove it?
瀧澤純米吟醸 生酒
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YOMOYAMA NAGANO Event Very sweet and fruity with a pleasant aftertaste 🍶. I want to buy it by the bottle 🍶.
A refreshing and pleasant sake. I had it with soba noodles. It has a strong aftertaste, but it's not unpleasant. I drink it when I want to get drunk right away!
瀧澤癸卯 槽垂れ純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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First time drinking Takizawa at home. Fruity apple aroma. The supernatant is slightly fresh and has a deep, mild, grape-like juiciness. Although it is called nigari, the ooze is not much and seems to be a light nigari. After the orikake is added, the mouthfeel becomes softer and lighter, with a petit-fresh, clear pineapple and melon-like mouthfeel, but later the heaviness of the 17% sake comes in. The bitterness at the end may increase as the temperature rises.

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