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Choryu Flavor Chart

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Tomekawa Sake Shop Tasting (1) I went to a paid tasting by Tomegawa Sake Brewery, aka Kishiwada's crazy salad house. Last time I arrived a little early and was the first one to arrive, but this time I was late and it was almost an hour later and I was still the first one to arrive 🤣. This time, too, it was not a liquor store's choice, but a wholesaler's salesman's selection. Last time it was summer sake and this time it was hiyaoroshi. I felt like I came here to meet him rather than to see the sake lineup! I left the order of drinking to him. There were 6 different kinds of sake, and I tried all of them both cold and hot! The first was Choryu hiyaoroshi. It was beautiful chilled and didn't have much of a hiyaoroshi feel. When heated up, the sweetness and cleanness were pulled back, which was surprising.
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The third drink of the second party. I thought it was almost over, so I had a beer to finish it off, but there were still people ordering drinks, so I went along with them. It was fruity and sweeter than the Junmai Daiginjo I had one time before. I don't know if that's right because I don't remember anymore. I think I asked everyone if the sake I brought to the offline meeting was good or not because I felt the response was not good. I'm sorry I seemed to have forced good taste on you 🙄. I went to the nearest station to the hotel where Mr. Jaive is staying after we separated from everyone, and Yoohee and I were looking for a place to go for the after-party, but there was no place we could go, so we gave up and went home 🚃. I thought that Yoohee-san was the strongest drinker this time. I was always late to the party so it was hard to judge, but this time I was convinced because he was there from the very first time 😁. It was a great success with a record 20 participants this time. Thank you to everyone who attended and to the organizer, Umaumai-san 🙇.
Thank you bouken for your hard work until the second offline meeting 💦💦. I see you finished with Sake 🤣I'm impressed👍Yuhee, it's amazing how your complexion doesn't change! I can't tell if you are drunk or not😳?
Good evening, bouken 🌛. Thank you so much for your help 😅 I remember I was like "me too" at the end of the party and ordered this drink 😊. Yoohee you were strong, I remember you were ready to go to the 3rd party 😁.
Hi Ponchan 😃 Everyone was asking so I just went with the flow 😅 Yoohee, I don't recognize you at all because the way you speak is the same all the time 😳.
Hi Jive 😃. No, no 😄. It was like when someone asked for a drink, you got on the bandwagon 😁. Yoohee, I think it's great that you still write about the drinks you drank even after all this time and you remember the episodes back then 😳
Good evening, bouken. ⭐︎ I'm so sorry about the 3rd party - I wish I could have been there. I'm taking notes in secret so I can write about it in a later post 💦. No, no, no, no, I'm not even close.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃 I used to take notes in the beginning, but I started to neglect it because it was more fun to have a conversation 💦. You're right... there was Nemuchi, the strongest tank topper 🤣.
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Second round of drinks. It has a mild aroma and is a food wine type, I guess. It has a beautiful flavor that makes it hard to believe that it has been aged for about 8 years. It is easy to drink, but the daiginjo-like taste is weak. I ordered a craft beer from Choryu afterwards, thinking it would be the last one, but the beer was the best 🤣.
Choryu四季咲 半夏生純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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While we were having a hard time finding a place for the after-party due to the restaurant being full or mysteriously closed, Nemuchi-san helped us find a place to eat and drink at the directly managed restaurant of Choryu Sake Brewery, Aji-Dokonaru Abeno. For some reason, Nara's sake breweries tend to open restaurants in Osaka 🤔. To the second party There were 7 of us: Rafa, kan, Nemuchi, Jive, Yoohee, Ofuji, and myself. But here's an incident 🚨. Rafa was missing, and although he replied to my LINE, he didn't seem to be able to get there, so Yoohee-san decided to pick him up 🙄. After a few minutes, Rafa was found and we all got together and started the after-party 🍻. Naturally, the sake menu was Choryu only. Shikisaki is a series of sake released seasonally. They used to only serve Ippon, but since the Corona disaster, they have started serving 4-Gou bottles as well. It was fruity, but I thought it was refreshing for an unfiltered unpasteurized sake. It was refreshing but juicy. Sweet like a peach. Is it designed for summer? Does Shikisaki have a peachy taste overall? The one I had in the past tasted like a peach, although it was different from this one.
Hello bouken ☀☀☀☀. Rafa, you were really lost 😳‼️ I'm glad you found us well 💦😊.
Hi Pon 😃 Mr. Yoohee went looking for me, and I'm sure it was an emotional reunion when we met 🤣.
Choryu純米吟醸 快
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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line meeting 2nd meeting (3) The third cup was also "Junmai Ginjo Kai" of Choryu Shuzo. I can't remember the taste, so I treat it as a memorandum 😵. Sorry to Rafa, kan, Nemuchi, bouken, Yoohee, and Ofuji who joined us. m(_ _)m Thanks to bouken for leaving the photos of the bottles ✨. Thank you all for giving us a lift to the nearest station where we stayed. Sorry for the trouble ⤵m(_ _ _)m
Gyve, good evening 😃. Thanks for posting offline 😊. I don't remember the taste when it comes to this area 🤔. kan and Ofuji were also at the second meeting 😁.
Good evening, bouken 🌛. I've been feeling uncomfortable for a long time and I completely forgot about the two of you 😅. This is no good, I was completely drunk 🙇.
Good morning, Gyve 😃. Enjoyed the drinks 😄Thanks for the tap until the after party 🤗But the after party after 20 bottles were consumed! You all are very strong 😳
Rafa papa
Mr. Jive, you've earned it 😉. Some people are disappointed that I was there... 🤣
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! We had a magnum bottle at the party, so each of us must have drank more than 4 bottles on average, but it's not often that we have such an opportunity, so we joined the after party and enjoyed it 😁.
Hi Rafa! You were all pleasantly drunk, I haven't had that much to drink in a long time 😁.
Choryu純米大吟醸 無濾過原酒
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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting 2nd Party Part 2 The next one? Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Harajuku" also by Choryu Shuzo I'm not even sure which order I drank them in😅.
Choryu四季咲 半夏生
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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line meeting 2nd meeting (1) After the enthusiastic off-line meeting, Rafa, kan, Nemuchi, bouken, Yoohee, and Ofuji invited me to the second party, and we went to the Abeno area. We ended up at a Japanese-style bar "Ajidokoro Naru", which is owned and operated by Nara's Choryu Sake Brewery. Of course, we were served "Shikisaki Han-Natsuyu" by Choryu Shuzo! I was so drunk when I entered that I couldn't remember the details of the taste, but it brought back sweet and fresh memories 😊. The label on the back of the bottle says to eat something that will give you stamina, but in my hometown of Fukui, there is a custom of buying and eating a whole grilled mackerel on Han-Natsu-Satsu-Saba, and during Han-Natsu-Sabi, there are mackerel grill sites in the eaves of fish shops and supermarkets. I don't know if I told you about it or not, my memory is that vague😅. *This has been corrected due to a mistake.
Hi Gyve, good evening. You also attended the after-party, didn't you 🎵? You are a very strong drinker. 👍️ Han-Natsu-Saba is a good custom ✨The whole grilled mackerel looks delicious 😊. Grilled fish and sake are the best⤴️
Good morning, Gyve-san. ☀️2I would have loved to go to the next party 😢. But I had to go to the party without a nap after a night shift and a hospital visit 😅I was too drunk to go 😂.... 😂. Next time I'll stay with you until the end 🤗.
Hi ma-ki-, I was very drunk, but it's not often you get a chance to do something like this, so I went along for the ride. I was very drunk, but it's not often you get a chance to do something like this, so I went along for the ride and had a great time 😊I don't remember much, but I didn't have a hangover the next day and I was in great spirits 😁. It's good with rice or with alcohol!
Hi Masha! Did you join us after a night shift 😅Your body is more important, so let's leave it for the next fun 😁It's rather amazing that you could drink that much after a night shift 😲.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve 🌙 I see you enjoyed the after-party as well and had a great time in Osaka 😊I would love to visit the izakaya owned by Choryu 😳👍.
Hi again Pon, hello again ☀. I was totally drunk, so next time I want to go for a normal drink 😆.
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I bought a Changlong 🐉🍶 for drinking at home. I drank it cold and it was quite juicy 🍈. It's melon juice 🍹🍈. The bitterness comes out in the middle and the tingling sensation lasts for a long time after that 😄. I think it's hard to choose the right snacks, or you can go without snacks 🍶🍶🍶🍶... It's a very beautiful sake with no bad taste at all 🍶🍶🍶...
Choryuふた穂 雄町 2014特別純米古酒
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At the crazy salad hall tasting. This was the last of the 45ml tasting. They said it was the last one because of its sake quality. It's also aged. It is a bit withered or has a strong sense of maturity. It has a rounded and rounded mouthfeel. As I wrote, this is a heated sake. After that, I had another 90ml of Snow Kayasha and Daishichi. I enjoyed it so much that I might go next time if they hold another one!
Good evening, bouken! I'm sure you're well-known in Kansai sake brewery? Sounds like you had a great time at the crazy salad tasting 😆👍Please join us again next time and report back 😊🙏.
Hi Pon 😃 Maybe I'm just making a fuss about the salad hall 🤣. I wasn't planning on attending much, but the location of the tasting area made it impossible to avoid 🤣.
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Today I had a drink at a corner bar in Tenma. Yoshinosugi cedar barrel sake from Choryu Cold sake with braised liver 500 yen for a 1-goupe bottle! I am so happy! It doesn't interfere with the meal. Perfect balance of oak aroma that is not too aromatic. It is delicious cold, but I would like to try it at room temperature and heated.

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