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ChoryuTSUDOI 〜AFLULU〜特別純米原酒
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Choryu Brewpark Limited Sake Opening 🍶. The name "Choryu Brewpark" is said to express the idea of "gathering" in a brew park and "overflowing" with joy and smiles. The name "Choryu Brewpark" is said to be named with this thought in mind. The cool, fruity aroma spreads in the mouth. It has a refreshingly crisp taste with a hint of rice flavor. I thought it was cheap for a limited edition sake, but it was only 500ml 😅 I guess they wanted us to finish it at the park. It was so much that it would be consumed in a short time while we were having a party. So, I bought another bottle to take home as a souvenir? It's good for business 🤭 It's okay though, because it tastes good.
Good evening, Mr. Tsukemogami. I like Changlong Brew Park 😆 I want to go there! It's one of the places I've been thinking about but haven't made it yet! It's a good souvenir to bring back home 😊.
Good morning, Hirupeko 🍶 I thought it was a spacious facility in Umami Hillside Park, but it was adjacent to the main store. But drinking sake in the open air is exceptional 😋. I'm also looking forward to visiting Aburacho Brewery's Katsuragi Sanroku Brewery😊.